Closet SoG?


Active Member
is a closet a good place for sea of green, i have about 7 feet in height and 2 feet in width and 5-6 feet in length.

im looking for a setup that has proven to work and has ended in good results. i want maybe 2-4 mother plants and that rest to be clones.




Well-Known Member
in theroy it should work, but it wont be a sea of green it will be more like a pool of green


Well-Known Member
With 2-4 mother plants you wont really have much room for many clones.

I'd say grow 1 mother plant and the rest can be clones.


Active Member
well my plan was to have 4 mother plants (one for each stage) when they are full grown (2-3 feet) i would trim one and start the flowering cycle for those, then after the two week period of those flowering i would then clip the second mother and start those on its 2 week cycle

now we have the first batch of clones on there second week and the ones we just put in on there first week.

now we clip the third mothere and so on

the reason i made this plan is so that each mother can regnerate of a period of 8 weeks each (plenty of time to recover from being trimmed and maybe even flourish a bit more)

so when we have clipped the last mother, a fresh batch of beautiful ganja will be ready to dry AND you have a mother that is completly recovered and ready for clipping again (how long can you keep mothers, i dont want to have to plant from seed after the first four mothers?)