Closet space 4 plants?


Active Member
Hi this is my second attempt at growin weed after my first plant , pure power plant , died on the 8th of agu 09 :(

im getting new bedroom furniture and one of the wardrobes would b perfect for 2min-4max plants just wounderin if anyone had any ideas for the best lighting CFC/flouresent .

Closet specs: abour 1m squared kinda walk in wardrobe,L shaped , one the right theres a bar to hang cloths about chest high n the left but much higher

Lighting is my main problem need somethin thats low on juice so a few can be used off 1 socket/keep parents happy

N before u say it i CAN grow just fucked up big time by using farm fertilizer when i thought it was garden

any help would be much appricated :) thanks in advance!!! :peace:


Active Member
im allowed to grow but once the electric bill aint to high my dad is reli paranoide about the power lol keeps everyone happy


Active Member
Hey, I did virtually the same thing in my freshmen year of highschool. Depending on temps you can probebly put up to 4 42 watt CFL lights in that wardrobe. I remember I put fluorescent tubes on the sides of the wardrobe, but it's not needed until the plants get so tall that the light from the CFL's can't penetrate to the lower leaves. You can line the inside of the wardrobe with poly film which is black on one side and white on the other, or go to the hardware store and buy a blackout shade (might cost u a bit) to line the closet with. That keeps light from escaping the wardrobe so it doesn't look like it goes to Narnia. If u can't get either of those then use aluminum foil or black paper and tape it over any light leaks.
You don't have to worry about ur electric bill going up much, I have a 400 watt HPS and it costs about $30 a month.
I'm assuming ur pretty young compared to most ppl growing so this may or may not apply to u. But if u r then u need to consider some security things like if u leave clothes in the dryer one of ur parents might decide to put them i ur room, so u need to do something to keep ur parents from trying to put anything in that wardrobe. I kept my room so messy my parents wouldn't wanna walk in to do stuff like that. Basically minimize how much ur parents have to go in ur room. If u can't keep the light from escaping the wardrobe then u need to have the light off at anytime when ur parents could walk in the room at night. In my grow now I keep a 60 watt lamp on near my closet so the light that escapes isn't noticed. I used a timer when my dad would wake me up from school, this way the timer would turn the light off when he would walk in.
I recommend having the wardrobe either as far from the door as possible, this way ur parents won't be inclined to walk over to put something in it. Or put the wardrobe on the same wall as the door but far to the side, that way it won't be noticed much because the front will not be facing the door.

It's hard to grow when ur living with ur parents, just make sure u consider all the little things that could happen with the growing situation that would lead to them finding out. The power bill is a minor worry. When I was looking for an HPS bulb I saw 84 watt CFL's at lowes. With ur space u could buy a 150 watt HPS outdoor light at lowes or home depot and put it in there. If ur handy with wiring u can put a new socket in that thing and run a 250 watt HPS but you'd get slightly high temps considerig a wardrobe is a mostly sealed space.