closet temps over 90!


Well-Known Member
So I got my new 400w hps. Its not air cooled :sad: And i need some ideas to cool it down. I set it up in my closet and kicked it on to see the temp change. It was warm in there without the hps, at around 80 but with the hps, temps hit 92... I need a way to cool it down in there soon.


Well-Known Member
So I got my new 400w hps. Its not air cooled :sad: And i need some ideas to cool it down. I set it up in my closet and kicked it on to see the temp change. It was warm in there without the hps, at around 80 but with the hps, temps hit 92... I need a way to cool it down in there soon.
you have three options, depending on your particular circumstances:

1. as Tehcliffy said, get a portable a/c

2. go back and exchange your hood for an aircooled hood

3. vent the room better.

it's cheapest to start with number 3 and move up the list, but honestly at 92 degrees i think you're going to do number 2 + 3 or number 1 alone.


Well-Known Member
Keep the closet open and have a fan blowing outside from the room into the closet. Your ballast is outside the closet right?


Well-Known Member
The ballast is mounted inside the hood, and it seems like the light itself is producing the majority of the heat, and the door was wide open. Might have to go with the ac. Thanx


Well-Known Member
the ballast produces a majority of the heat, the light gives of a fair amount as well. Look into possibly making the ballast a remote one (seperate from the light)


Well-Known Member
Yep you can do that, make sure you use proper rated wiring though, do not skimp and do not do a shit job, fire will be the result of a crappy wiring job.


Active Member
Yes, you can separate the ballast from the reflector. However, I believe that your still going to need some other form of cooling such as an air cooled reflector hood as the bulb gives off alot of heat just being on.


Well-Known Member
I have a 400. Same prob as you. I bought the euro hood from htg. I advise u get the cool tube with wings or that one. Id take cool tube now. It loweredmy temps by like 5 on whole. Except in cloet the venting to bad so the temp actually raised again anyway. o i bought a tent. the tent is 4x4x6.5. I also bought a 6 inch duct fan, itwas only 30, i cud not afford the larger inline fan that i still need! It work tho i can keep my temp in the 80s now which is the ame as the outide temp of the tent. In fact with just a duct fan and a vented hood i can keep the temp inside the tent usually only one degree hotter than the outside room. Before i got a tent i tried the setup in my bathroom hanging from the shower rod. Worked about half as good as the tent but u can imagine all the complications! I uggest a cooltube from htg and a good vent system in an area u can self contain. I een closets temp walled off and holes cut in doors or attics that worled like charms.:)


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem...I was taking air from the outside and blowing it in...Not until i put the fan on the other side and started blowing the air out....with my closet crack my temps are mid 80's on level 1...... open it more and on level 2 its around high 70's...


Well-Known Member
My 400W from HTGsupply came with a 8 - 10 foot cord so my ballast is mounted outside of my cab. Even with my light, temps get pretty hot in there. I bought a small A/C and mounted it. Now My girls are baking in the sun and staying somewhat cool. I have the a/c set around 78-80 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the input guys. My lights just barely turned on, and the temps are at 78. Don't they sell those little ac units at like wal mart? Definately gonna need one since cuttin holes and boardin up doors isn't really an option for me. If I could get that ballast outta there too that'd leave me a sweet spot on top of the light to maybe get a small exhaust fan in there too. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
i just thru a 1 gallon frozen container of water in my tent. It is now 4 degrees cooler in ther then it si out here. I worry about humidity but it only 50 for now!


Well-Known Member
how big's ur tent? I might be able to pull somethin like that off in my closet. I tried buyin an ac today, but winter's comin up here so they're hard to find.