CloudNine's Big Bud and Lowryder #2 Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
I put my seeds into soil on the 31st on January and they sprouted today. So far I only have them under two 26w 6500K cfl's for now.

The seeds that I have are as follows:
1x Sensi Seeds Big Bud Femminized
1x Joint Doctor's Lowryder #2 Feminized
which were purchased through Attitude.

In the pictures the second one is the Big Bud and the third is the Lowryder #2.

That's all for now, but if anyone has information on Big Bud strains be sure to leave a post or give me a link to someones grow. Be sure to check out my other grow in my signature.




Well-Known Member
Sorry about the long wait since the last post. Both seedlings are growing at a fast pace and seem very healthy. It looks like the Big Bud seedling has a very dark tint of purple in the upcoming set of leaves, but you can still see it on the single leaves. I can't wait to see how this one turns out. I've never seen any Big Bud purp. The Lowryder #2 is twice as big as the BB and that is expected since it's an autoflowering strain. I was wondering if you guys think I should transplant them now or just wait a week or two. I really don't want to disturb the roots of the seedlings and stunt their growth. I think I should wait untill they get a little older.
Remember feel free to post any questoins or suggestions.




Well-Known Member
I am currently growing sensi seeds big bud (fem'd).
Awsome buds you have there. I was wondering if your plant's leaves curled or if they were straight when they were seedlings. I would also like to know if you ran into any problems with nutes or watering schedule.


Well-Known Member
Both plants have grown about double their size since the last update. I just transplanted them today. I think they will like their new home. I have noticed that the leaves on the Big Bud have really started to curl pretty badly, I am not to worried about it because of its current health.

There isn't much to say, but if you guys have any more information on the Big Bud strain let me know.



Well-Known Member
Another update for all of you guys. I just wanted to let you know that the transplnt was an easy and stress free process for both plants. Three days ago I noticed that the Lowryder #2 started to flower and is really starting to take off. The Big Bud is also growing well and has caught up to the Lowryder #2 in size. The leaves are not looking so droopy any more I am sure that I was overwatering both plants so I let them dry out a little bit and gave them a good watering and they seem to like that better than more frequent waterings.

On the last watering I gave the Lowryder #2 1/4 strength flowering nutes by fox farms. I think on the next watering I will increase it to 1/2 strength then after that flush it.

The first and last pics are of the Lowryder #2 and pic 2 and 3 are the Big Bud. If anyone has any questions, comments, or anything feel free to leave a reply.




Well-Known Member
Sorry to keep you waiting everyone. It has been a good week and few days for both of the plants. The Lowryder #2 is starting to fill out its stems with pistils, but it has small side branching. I put this plant into a different grow box because I needed the room for Big Bud clones. The Bid Bud is doing great, I was able to get five cuttings off of her, they were cut with a sharp razor blade and then dipped into rootech clong hormone and placed in moist fox farms soil. I think they didn't have a humid enough environment so I sprayed them with water and put clear cups on top of the dixie cups to hold in the humidity. I hope in the next week the clones will be rooted and show some new growth so I can give you an update.

Until then,



Well-Known Member
Nice. I currently have several lowryder 2 fems along with some Skunk 2XA3....Lr at about 30 days and the skunks at 45 days. I love to watch the autos as they are so fast...
Good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Nice. I currently have several lowryder 2 fems along with some Skunk 2XA3....Lr at about 30 days and the skunks at 45 days. I love to watch the autos as they are so fast...
Good luck with your grow.
Thanks for the post, it's good to hear from you again. I will be sure to check out your grow.


Active Member
Nice man...

So how far along are these fine looking plants? They are looking good, im taking ur advice and just making adjustments to the rigging every day, ive been at the library all day today so im looking forward to seeing if my babies are aiming up again,

I read somewhere that the change in direction from horizontal to vertical stimulates growth, im not sure how true that is but i can see how it makes sense. Im gonna be waterring tonight with my nutes at 1/4 strength going to up it next waterring as theyve been doing well with it!

You going to be LST these plants?

Peace blood cheers for yur support +rep


Well-Known Member
Nice man...

So how far along are these fine looking plants? They are looking good, im taking ur advice and just making adjustments to the rigging every day, ive been at the library all day today so im looking forward to seeing if my babies are aiming up again,

I read somewhere that the change in direction from horizontal to vertical stimulates growth, im not sure how true that is but i can see how it makes sense. Im gonna be waterring tonight with my nutes at 1/4 strength going to up it next waterring as theyve been doing well with it!

You going to be LST these plants?

Peace blood cheers for yur support +rep
Hey hope you have good results. Both plants are at 32 days from seed. I'm thinking now would be the time to start introducing nutes to your plants. I am going to let the LR2 grow on its own now that I have the space, I want to see what it will do since I am doing an outdoor grow with autoflowering plants and want to learn the growing habits of them. As for the Big Bud I took cuttings and I dont know if I will throw them outside our finish them inside.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys here are the pictures I said I would post. I have taken 9 clones from the Big Bud mother plant I will let the clone grow to about six inches and then move them outside. As for the mother I will put into flower as soon as it overcomes some of the shock it experienced after taking cuttings.
The Lowryder #2 has pistils all the way up the whole stem and will soon start filling out to produce one huge main cola(for an outoflower). This coming up Wednesday the 10th both plants will be 5 weeks from seed. I am very pleased with the growth of these plants for what they are given.
If you have any questions or comments plaese feel free to leave a post.



Active Member
Cheers dude, I'm currently practising LST on mine and worried about touching the pistils so i dont really know where to attach the braces to keep it down, especially since the bud sites are all so close together... i dunno... craziness, I kinda wish i just let it grow now, don't really know whether to take the braces off that i've put on it...

Hmmm much to ponder sorry for jacking your thread with my out loud thinking... good grow though...



Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am going out of town today untill monday, just watered the plants, they should last untill monday when I come back. I will have an update and pics of the plants.


Well-Known Member
Today both girls are 40 days from seed. The Big Bud clones are looking pretty yellow on the outsides of the leaves, but I'm not that worried about them. I will get you picturres after they start showing good health. The Big Bug mother is doing tremendous. It has grown over double its size since the last post. The LR2 is getting fatter around the main cola and the side branches are starting to appear as secondary colas.
Here are the pics.



Active Member
Mate your lowryder is looking awesome! Is it kicking up much of a stink, the pictures ive seen of harvested lowryders are commen that they have a couple large fingers growing round them...

Looking awesome dude! How much you predicting/hoping to get out of her?

Peace man