cloudy trichomes


Active Member
hey guys so i just bought a hand microscope. I harvested at about 8 weeks and the trichomes were mostly cloud with a few clear and a few amber. all the trichomes i saw had well developed heads. My crop really didnt turn out so nice when do you guys like to harvest and where do you think i went wrong.


Well-Known Member
post a few pics and it would be easier to tell about your situation. what strain were you growing and what were your conditions


Active Member
my crop has been gone a long time sorry no pics was some sweet dreams the crop was mediocre you still get high but not fire ..... i think it is just early bud ohh welll


Well-Known Member
yea man i just had my first grow ane harvested a week early cuz the plant was dying and i couldnt figure out why. my stuff gets me high but like you said just not fire, looks and smells like dank though. late


Well-Known Member
hey guys so i just bought a hand microscope. I harvested at about 8 weeks and the trichomes were mostly cloud with a few clear and a few amber. all the trichomes i saw had well developed heads. My crop really didnt turn out so nice when do you guys like to harvest and where do you think i went wrong.

No telling what went wrong but if your description of trich color is accurate then you hit the sweetspot there. That's exactly when I like to harvest.

What do you mean by not turning out nice? Potency? Yeild?


Well-Known Member
yeah the desription made it sound like it was the right time but i cant understand why it wasnt worth a damn, did you flush them towards the end? did you do something crazy or strange during the drying and curing process? did you even cure at all?


Active Member
yes i cured the plants and the weight was good but not super thinking i like a more stony high i guess?


Well-Known Member
What was the strain? If you want to be sure you get good weed order some seeds where you know the genetics. To be sure you get somethng potent, take advise from those who have grown a number of strains.

My suggestion for a surefire good easy grow would be some Serious AK47, White Widow, or a Sensi strain like Black Domina, Jack Herer, etc. They are not cheap but you get good genetics and will not be dissappointed.
Ststephen, been trying to work out when the best time for flushing, would it be when the trichomes are going from clear to cloudy, cause i was told the best time to crop was when they are going from cloudy to yellowish cloudy, So what stage in the trichomes do i start flushing, any advice is appreciated