Club 600 NFL 2013


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the D line is on top of their shit surprisingly!! But our secondary is shit water..
And the past few games Brees' head has been up his ass.
While I'm bitching I guess it's worth mentioning too, the beginning of the season I was the BIGGEST Graham fan there is.. Even named my wife's red toy poodle Graham.. BUT when we're in a bind everyone and their dead grandma knows we're looking for Graham.. And sure enough he's double covered at minimum and Brees STILL tries to force it in, usually unsuccessfully. He needs to be left on the back burner a little more to remain effective IMO...

But Idk shit, definitely not more than Sean Peyton...
Looks like this'll be another close game..

Halftime and Hines Ward mentions Brees seemingly "forcing the issue".. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Good game Saints fans

Drew better tighten up for next week...those Hawks aren't going to kick it away after pickin off your boy like the Eagles did. Good luck the rest of the way bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
What a great game in GB.. Would have had it if they didn't let Kaepernick prance up the field all game...


Well-Known Member
the only bad thing about playin the 49ers they have a runnin qb,they have to take away from the secondary to contain qb on the line.will be exciting to watch.


Well-Known Member
LOL. We get to go back to Denver.

We love to pound on Peyton. We wrote the book on how
to beat Peyton: harass him. Will we? He is about the best
QB ever in my book.

We will still be as loose as might be expected, but how we deal
with an early shock may tell the tale.

Really the Bengals gave this one away to some degree, but
we made zero turnovers. This will be a good goal for the next game.



Well-Known Member
I hope that Phillips and Jammer have a little more go at Rivers this time. The Broncos laid down on the last game and the defense was non existent, I'm looking for some payback!


Well-Known Member
the only bad thing about playin the 49ers they have a runnin qb,they have to take away from the secondary to contain qb on the line.will be exciting to watch.
That last scramble was all on the D end… Their whole job is containing the pocket.. ESPECIALLY with a running QB.. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the potential of a sack to keep him from open field.
With that said, the potential sack motivated the end to push inside that last scramble SMH I really wanted GB to win.. Thought they had em after Kaepernick threw that pick and got a hard shoulder tryna make the revenge tackle lmao


Well-Known Member
The problem with containment on Kaepernick is that the guys that have to do that job aren't as fast as he is. That dude can boogie!
I was hoping for a Green Bay win also, but to be fair they had no business being in. The fact that San Fran struggled with them sort of says something if you think about it. Also I feel like Kaepernick looks more inexperienced this year, he was lucky flying by the seat of his pants last year. His decision making shows his experience level IMHO. Don't get me wrong he is good, really good. He is also completely surrounded by greatness in team mates.


Well-Known Member
The problem with containment on Kaepernick is that the guys that have to do that job aren't as fast as he is. That dude can boogie!
I was hoping for a Green Bay win also, but to be fair they had no business being in. The fact that San Fran struggled with them sort of says something if you think about it. Also I feel like Kaepernick looks more inexperienced this year, he was lucky flying by the seat of his pants last year. His decision making shows his experience level IMHO. Don't get me wrong he is good, really good. He is also completely surrounded by greatness in team mates.
Gotta agree there brother!
Kaepernick scrambled even when players like Vernon Davis were widdde open.
But I digress.. I just feel some type of way about the dude lmao.. maybe cuz my wife likes his pretty ass… :finger:


Active Member
A couple things: Fuck the 49ers. Fuck the Saints. And Genuity, who the fuck cares about the cowboys or the rams. Losers both.

GO SEAHAWKS!!!! 12th man nation bitches. Good luck coming to our house because you're going home sad :(


Well-Known Member
ill say hell no,being it will be not at they house................hahaha
hope he sticks around.


Active Member
Oh gosh, if you two don't think the Seahawks are good, I guess we don't stand a chance.

Feeling good Whodatnation?

RIU pride wager my friend?

It's all good fun guys. It's the fucking playoffs!!!!!! May the best team win... the Seahawks.

Haha. I'm just talking shit.