Club 600 NFL 2013


Well-Known Member
Someone went and said it: If the Chargers get past Denver then it is all the way.

LOL, it would be very weird for me....we could have lost the first one, and would
have felt like, for a first timer new coach, the year was a good one.

If we lose to Denver, then we will still feel this way.

BUT flying-spaghetti-monster-dammit! if we beat Denver then we *must* send
Bilacheat and The Asterisks DOWN. That matters more than anything else. LOL

THEN we get a chance to end the snake-bite and get a damned ring!

This was all just a little day-dream of mine. No offense to Patriot fans. I love to
hate them, just like the Raiders. :0)

It's a crap shoot people. Enjoy the ride.



Well-Known Member
They might Who. Andrew is a good young QB. Really, really good.

I saw his throw while off balance....a frozen rope.

I just expect that Belacheat will pull his tricks. They *must* stop Brady
directly, i.e harass him.

It will be fun to watch.



Well-Known Member
Nobody wanna play in Seattle! This weekend calls for 100% chance of rain and 40-50 mph winds, just like we like it up here for playoff football. The return of Percey Harvin, we may just get the Harvin Quake this time! Or beast quake 2.0, either is fine by me.

Not just for a rooting interest, but because I think it would be awesome for the pot community, I want to see Seattle and Denver in the Super Bowl, so that we can call it the Stoner Bowl. The two states that just legalized both making it to the big game, that would be an epic smoke show in both states!


Well-Known Member
Now now, I am *more* than high enough to include San Diego
in that game....we are pretty high, per capita TBH.




Well-Known Member
20hrs till kickoff, lets do this!

Weather conditions will be effecting both offenses. We dimmed your run game last meeting, just did the same thing to the #1 rushing eagles,,, and at the same time finding a bit of a running game of our own in the past three or so games.
Forget about Mark Ingram for a second, keep an eye on Kyrie Robinson I been saying it since pre-season, Pierre Thomas is questionable this weekend too.

Lets get it Brees, Jimmy, Colston, Lance, Kenny, Sprolls, Meachem, Benjamin, Kyrie, Mark, Jed,,, O-line, and the entire D! Junior Gallet and Cameron Jordan lets get it!


Well-Known Member
Now now, I am *more* than high enough to include San Diego
in that game....we are pretty high, per capita TBH.



You know the WDN loves to burn! I think allot NFL fans like to burn green.
Does anyone else here have a touchdown bowl tradition? :eyesmoke: Gotta smoke a TD bowl!


Well-Known Member
They do want to keep it to two scores for the half.

The problem is that at this level, expecting a massive swing after
halftime is difficult.




Well-Known Member
dam,they hit the shit out of harvin......that not good,i think that is why the vikings got rid of him.
thats nuts.