Club 600


Well-Known Member
Glad to here that MCP good luck bud. Im chearing for ya. 1BMM
thanks 1BBM

Whats up guys, i did the UB prunning for 4 main colas on all, but one of my plants he isn't big enough. I've been using FF GB @ reccommended dosage and results look good. Hope your stuff gets better Mcpurp yellow sucks : (
peace everyone, enjoy
plants are lookin good. have u used ubs topping method yet if not i think u will like it. and thnaks for the hope

You are growing in coco?? You are watering with too high a ph. Treat coco as a soiless medium and ph 5.8-6.0 Water it at 6 and should bounce back
its not all coco it is soil to it just has some coco coir fibers to help retain moisture. so i dont think that i would water it with soiless ph measurments.


Well-Known Member
thanks 1BBM

plants are lookin good. have u used ubs topping method yet if not i think u will like it. and thnaks for the hope

its not all coco it is soil to it just has some coco coir fibers to help retain moisture. so i dont think that i would water it with soiless ph measurments.
Right on I know the stuff you talking about....Is it called Just Right xtra? Hmm I dunno sometimes my bottom leaves will yellow and fall off late in veg if they get root bound


Well-Known Member
Right on I know the stuff you talking about....Is it called Just Right xtra? Hmm I dunno sometimes my bottom leaves will yellow and fall off late in veg if they get root bound
no its called black gold coco blend. here is a link for the info on it.

and i was thinkin they might be root bound to. but then i thought wait because they were vegged in a 2.6 liter pot and then put into a 5 gallon bucket for flower, and this problem started about a week an ahalf ago. wich would mean they got root bound in less then three weeks. the owner at the grow shop in my city says thers no way it is bound. but i really dont know if it is or not


Well-Known Member
So im doing my homework on raising a mother from seed to be a source of many many clones and this is some good reading material for the curious minds. got a few questions for anyone in know about cuttings {mainly}. Read up its worthy.:bigjoint:

Its gettin late so i wont ramble. My first ? is. Is trimming the tap roots a good practice. The tutorial says "The tap roots are not wanted at all" or something of that manner. Lots of feeder roots are ideal.

So in a situation like mine where im bubble cloning to grow in a hydro set up, Does the same apply?. Curious? I love the science part of this hobby. very intruiging. Peace 1BMM:idea:


Well-Known Member
great read dude...i usually cut thru roots when i get rootbound either thru neglagence or lack of space but the idea of pruning roots when repotting is very intresting..ive seen workers at the garden center rip flower roots apart when seperating but ive always been kinda weary about choppin off ganja roots but i will give it a try with a couple bagseeds


Well-Known Member
I dont know much about trimming roots on clones but my idea is i want more roots on my clones. You gonna push them so hard as it is. All I know is just what works for me and the more roots the better healthier the clones are


Well-Known Member
Nevermind what i just wrote i just now saw the thread and I dont know much about keeping mother plants. I wish I had an extra room to keep some mothers because im cloning the same plants 10 times then they start fading out and not producing.


Well-Known Member
i have a question! when im tryin 2 clone from a plant that shows preflower & is female, do i want 2 leave it in veg when cloning or bloom?:joint:
Its always best to take them in veg. I took some one time that was 3 weeks into flower and they took a month to get any root action. They was in the humidity dome so long they ate all their leaves off and even topped its own self. Yea take them in veg always

mr west

Well-Known Member
This is for dst's enjoyment, but I'm sure the rest will dig it too. This is my first grow with White Widow under a 400w light.

bastad i just spent 10 mins looking for this so i could rep ya and it said. "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Integra21 again." ffs


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have a question. These four clones are my first ever. If it matters, they were done in soil. I had to tie the tall one down last night, and I noticed, the upper portion of the stems on all four is soft - as in super flexible - I mean like, you can almost pose them, they are so soft!:shock: They don't have the rigidity I've come to expect from a plant grown from seed. Is this normal for a clone, or did I fuck up somehow?


Well-Known Member
Hey DoeEyed, Well they look mighty happy to me. Upward pointing leaves, etc.

According to the clone article posted by 1BMM above, soft tips are better for cloning as they have better growth potential. So you could assume that a soft tip on an already rooted clone has the same thing - plenty growth potential.....



Well-Known Member
I agree With DST Ms Doeyed. Them clones look mighty happy to me. How long have they been in soil, Or a better way of puttin it. How old are the clones. If you just cut them they are going to be flimsy and droopy till they root. It appears to me they have and your well on your way to some happy plants. Good Job :clap: 1BMM


Well-Known Member
So i was just reading about these new pots called air pots. Heres the link.

These look like the ultimate mother pots. May have to give it a try. Also if your worried about getting root bound in a long flower period these could be the answer. check it out folks. Peace 1BMM:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yo 1BMM, Don G and T and Las Fingerez and the UK boys are using these already. I am trying to order them from NL but having a mare, so will probably revert to a UK site.

Did you not like the lassies accent on the video, good ole Scottish girl, and a Scottish made product as well!!!!! Who said the Jocks canny grow?


Well-Known Member
Ohh yeah lol. Is that how the scottish ladies talk. Love the accent. Some day im gonna take me a trip over that way. Probably to Amsterdam first i thinks. lol Yup them pots look the business lol. Peace bud.


Well-Known Member
no its called black gold coco blend. here is a link for the info on it.

and i was thinkin they might be root bound to. but then i thought wait because they were vegged in a 2.6 liter pot and then put into a 5 gallon bucket for flower, and this problem started about a week an ahalf ago. wich would mean they got root bound in less then three weeks. the owner at the grow shop in my city says thers no way it is bound. but i really dont know if it is or not
Hey McPurps I checked out that link you posted for your soil. I dunno man I think you sshould still treat it as a soil less medium. It says it contains peat moss and coconut. Im not sure how good those 2 combine together because peat moss is very very acidic like a 4.0 ph and the coco is a neutral 7.0 I use peat moss for my grow medium and I add dolomite lime into my soil. Imnot sure if you wanna put dolomite into coco?? but from what i was reading if it was my plant I would adjust the ph lower to 6.0