Club 600

Are you over for the weekend? Would be cool to meet if your able to.

I'll be there for 4 days so i think a visit to the Grey Area will be in order for a cuppa and a chat and maybe even some beer in a bar later don't normally drink (any more) but a couple won't hurt lol
Nice Pineapple Express a few pages back...Who ever that was, sick plants! Anyone grew any of the new strains from G13 Labs? I am looking to get the Sour AK soon, maybe the Sour Candy as well. Speaking of Kandy... My Kandy Kush x Skunk is into the 9th week and is still almost all white hairs, I am think 12 weeks for that girl at least! Longer than I expected but its ok, Big buds all over and smells of fruity dankness. I Lst'd that bitch, no topping like most of my plants, but I had more time to work with her in veg than most. Oh yeah, hello! I have been gone a while havent I? Anyway, a few questions for any of the guys using guano, I believe badmasonman was a guano user, is he still around? Anyway, I am starting to use guano teas to feed my plants with, do you feed on a normal schedule, like feed water feed, or feed, water, water, feed? And flush about the same 10 or more days? I flush for 2 weeks myself usually. Also, are you still using things like Cal Mag, and other bloom boosters with your guanos or just the guanos, with wormcastings and such? I have heard to use some molasses in tea making is that a good idea? Honestly, right now I am relying on the honesty of an ebay seller, and his feedback received from buyers, I bought a mixture of what should be good stuff, if its all in there that is... So here is that mixture,
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2-14-1
Barn Floor Scraped Bat and Owl Guano, Earthworm Castings, Jamaican Bat Guano, Indonesian Bat Guano, Fish Bone Meal, Kelp Meal, Granular Humic Acid, Water Soluble Fulvic Acid, Amino Acid Blend, and Azomite
Over 28 strains of Myko, Rhizo, and auxiliary biotic beneficial bacteria
Over 70 Minerals and Trace Elements
The seller says there is a list of all the micos and minerals and such with the product, and he has some good reviews of the product, so Im giving it a try. Rather than order it all separate. With that mix, can anyone think of anything that NEEDS to be added in there to ensure healthy plants? I think I should continue using the Hygrozyme with this, I will see I guess with time and use how it all goes. If this doesnt work out I will buy separate ingredients to make sure I know what is what...Take care, Club 600.:leaf:

Hey OD:-) long time no see, how ya doin?

Iv been using this mix for over a year now it has served me well. And YES molasses is key in brewing, its feeds the microbes so they can reproduce like crazy, it also has some other goodies in it. I like to use black strap molasses :-)

anywho heres the recipe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Guano Tea and Kelp:

Seedlings less than 1 month old nute tea mix-
Mix 1 cup earthworm castings into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
Add 5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses.
Use it to water your seedlings with every 3rd watering.

Veg mix-
1/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano (PSG)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)
Mix with water @ 1 cup of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
Use it to water with every 3rd watering.

Flowering nute tea mix:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)
Mix with water @ 2 cups of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
Use it to water with EVERY watering.

You can use queen size knee high nylon stockings for tea bags. 3 pair for a dollar at the dollar store. Tell 'em you use them for paint strainers. Put the recommended tea in the stocking, tie a loop knot in it and hang it in your tea bucket. The tea should look like a mud puddle. Agitate the bag in the water vigorously. An aquarium pump and air stone will dissolve oxygen into the solution and keep the good bacteria (microherd) alive and thriving. Let it bubble a day or two before you use it. If you find you are making too much tea and having to throw it out, use 2 1/2 gallons of water and cut the nute amount by half.
Eye of newt and toe of frog, you lot crack me up, brilliant!!!!! I can't imagine either of you have missed anything in yer witches brew...hehe, off to giggle some more, I love the 600!!! Whodat, you need to mix me a cocktail, but one I can drink!!!

Eye of newt and toe of frog, you lot crack me up, brilliant!!!!! I can't imagine either of you have missed anything in yer witches brew...hehe, off to giggle some more, I love the 600!!! Whodat, you need to mix me a cocktail, but one I can drink!!!


My drinks have quite the backbone on em :-)
Hey whodat, Im not doing bad, how about yourself? I will go ahead and pick up some black strap molasses to add to my brews. I will hold off on the Liquid Karma, as there is Kelp Meal in my mix, and Liquid Karma is derived from Kelp also. Though it may be more expensive, a much better liquid kelp additive would be Roots Organics extreme serene. I love the roots organics line of nutrients, thick and nasty like organics should be. Botanicare has lost some of my respect after comparing some labels and ingredients. They just are not concentrated enough and you have to use way too much of them for the money, the more expensive brands pay off in the end in number of gallons made due to concentration of the nutrient mixture. Though they are indeed great nutrients, and their Cal Mag is still one of the better nutes for Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies in the flowering stage. Whodat can you suggest a brand of black strap molasses, or anyone else have a favorite brand that they use? I ordered a pump for a 50 gallon tank today, and an air stone, I will be making my batches up in a 5 gallon bucket. I think thats enough air rolling through to brew it up nicely. Im not worried about extra when I make it, as the extra will be used on tomato plants, squash, etc.... My squash and zucchini plants have leaves like elephant ears, I bet they are every bit of 18 inches wide on the biggest leaves. I love growing different plants! Ok so, stocking from the dollar store for tea bags, thats easy. I dont have to tell them what I need them for, I will buy every damn one, I want them to say something...ha ring the shit up and take the money bitch... Give me my fuckin receipt. Thats how that would go. I would imagine you could get quite a few tea bags out of pack, if you cut them up and tied the ends off tight enough. Should be fun, new stuff to try, Im kind of excited to be making up my own nutrients mixtures!
Im doin good OD thanks
I just used the BSM I found at the grocery, unsulphured.
Mixing your own tea will beat anything you can buy off the shelf,,, its alive, its alive mhuhahah!
Thanks, so unsulphered black strap molasses. That should be an easy pick up then... I started using guano about 3 weeks ago when I got some samples in the mail from a company called Vital Earths Organics. I top dressed my plants the first time, then I just watered for about a week, then I started going every other watering with Mother Earths Super Bloom Tea from AN, along with some other stuff like Bud Candy, Liquid Karma, and Hygrozyme. The second time I used the guanos I just put them in with my water in the jugs and shook the hell out of it, looked like I dipped some water from the septic or something, but my plants went nuts. Also with the guanos were some Glacial Rock minerals and Worm Castings. The guanos were their Rose and Flower mix, something like 5-9-4, their OG bloom (bat and seabird i think) which is 0-9-0, a high phos bat guano 0-13-0. My plants put on resin at the end of week one for the ones that were at that point! The others that were a little older went crazy with trichs as well. Plus the flowers themselves grew quite a bit over a couple of days after the half ass tea I gave them. I say half ass because I shook it up and didnt brew it. After seeing these results, exactly like you said, beat anything that I have ever bought, I decided to switch completely over to teas. I just got in a bloom booster that I havent used yet that is basically liquid bat quano, I bought before my last tea feeding, and just got it in. It is the Roots Organics HPK. I will use it because it is a liquid bat quano, I might put a bit of it in my teas to up the K in my tea, the N is fine at 2 for flowering, and the P is fine at 14, but I think its like 1 for the k, I want that a bit higher... Oh yeah, I am running Emerald Triangle seeds this run for anyone interested, and they are bad ass plants. I highly recommend that company. All grew fantastically through veg, cloned very well, and are flowering great. The Super Sour OG could have kicked into flowering faster but hey, they all do their own thing. The strains from them that I am watching grow are...Grapefruit Krush (vigorous vegger, doesnt stretch much, frosty as hell), Lemon Diesel (short/bushy vegging, shows her thai and chem traits in the stretch,nice flower formations), Super Sour OG, I dont see this plant much (bush as hell in veg, slow to flower, we will see) Emerald Jack (great hybrid plant, vigorous in veg like the others, not a bad stretch) Mastodon Kush (smells amazing, frosty, looks like it will have some huge colas). All of these strains great fantastic. Best ones I have grown yet from seed. No bullshit. If that plays out in the end to be the same, only time will tell. They all had huge fat leaves, bigger than my hands by week 3 of veg. I had an extra Mastodon that I threw into flowering at like week 2 in veg, its 2 weeks from finish, and stinks like hell, frosty little bitch she is, and what a nice cola, it would be tight if it wasnt covered up by the bigger plants. The others are between 25 days and like 33 days of flowering. All doing quite nicely. I highly recommend that seed company. I have some regular Bubba 76 seeds from them I plan on breeding with in the future. All the ones I have now were femmed. Anyway, I have said a lot, take care Club 600.
Hey everyone. How come I'm always too early or too late for the party? I ran across this quick article on Now I know I post quite a bit of this stuff on MJ laws and what's going on, and I don't always want to bring the party down with seriousness so I've laid back a bit but, this one is very interesting considering the times. While soldiers in all our countries are coming home from war, there are some people who are requesting that the federal government allow them to go ahead with testing of MJ on PTSD sufferers. This is the gov as you all know that are denying it's benefits right now. To me this is big because I wonder what they will do? Will they stick to their guns and say no? Or, will they bow down to pressure and let it go ahead, potentially proving it once and for all? I think it's going to be pretty damn hard to say no. At very best, it's another crack in the wall.

Be back later to catch up.

EDIT. ok, ok, I'm sorry but this is too ironic. Forbes magazine is going pro legalization thinking it will help the budget. It's not going to be helping the people that does it. It'll be Wall Street that finally gets it done for their interests. And we all know who shares their interests.
Iv read about that duchie :-)
Its only a matter of time before something happens... It cant be illegal forever ya know :-)
and when it is, I'll be growing the biggest monsters humanly possible! outdoors of course. Maybe in a sealed greenhouse with co2 ha
I hear ya whodat. I just can't stop thinking how many times Wall Street gets their way. This would be one time I wouldn't mind. I don't care who has the key, just open the frickin door already.
Open outdoors for me, prevegged for a few months, man the monsters that would create under my care. I wonder how plants it would take to turn my fence into a wall of green. Ahh the possibilities legality would bring...
Iv read about that duchie :-)
Its only a matter of time before something happens... It cant be illegal forever ya know :-)
and when it is, I'll be growing the biggest monsters humanly possible! outdoors of course. Maybe in a sealed greenhouse with co2 ha

No way, you too? Lemme know if you're into Hawaii, cuz that's were we'll be, doin' the saaaaaame thing lol :lol:
Who all in the 6 lives in socal? I know of a few of us but I often wonder if there's any others that live around me. I've been to Jig's place and Bajafox's place. I've ridden with Strictly Seedless and talked to Billcollector on the phone but that's about it.

I decided to wait on cutting back the hours of light until I get the clones in their 3gal bags (which I'm doing tonight). I'll start reducing the light on Friday or Saturday now and hopefully the other two clones I got from my brother will be in there by then. I picked up a Master Bubba Kush and a White Russian from him that had been in his himudity dome for 9 days and had some roots but not a lot. They're in my humidity dome now but I plan to try removing them tonight or tomorrow to see how they react. They wilted a little on the drive home from his place but have come back nicely in the last 48hours that they've been here.

I'll snap a couple pics of the tent once they're in there with everything else and post them up.
I too would want to just line my fence with MJ trees. That would just be too cool and if everyone could legally grow it, there would be less worry of someone stealing your shtuff IMO.
Yeah and believe it or not there are actually people out there that grow and dont want it legal because it would mean lower prices.... wtf.
Anywho, Im not worried, weed is growing strong :mrgreen: and no one can really stop it :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Iv read about that duchie :-)
Its only a matter of time before something happens... It cant be illegal forever ya know :-)
and when it is, I'll be growing the biggest monsters humanly possible! outdoors of course. Maybe in a sealed greenhouse with co2 ha

And, when you're old and ready to retire, you can put 5 golden tickets in five random oz bags and whomever finds them gets a tour of "Willy Wackytabacky's Cannabis Factory™" and get to spend the day seeing what goes on behind the scenes as the green-skinned oompa-doobies chop, trim, and process the mutant haystack-sized buds into smokables, oils, hash, and medables for the world to enjoy.

Just don't sneak any tokes off of that "Everlasting Bongstuffer" he's still working on.
You don't even want to know what'll happen to you if you do!

