Club 600

Psycho killer is deep purple psychosis x jtr not deep purple x psychosis x livers/blues x jtr

You should get with a programmer and sell it in the apple store:

Need to know the proper lineage of that cannabis?
there's an app for that:
iBreed !

*there might be one for dog or cat fanciers, so maybe iCann or something else?

I'm such an apple-tard anyways (windows-faithful, apple-agnostic) I'm sure there are probably competeing cannabis genealogy apps, but maybe not?
Psycho killer is deep purple psychosis x jtr not deep purple x psychosis x livers/blues x jtr

Whoa! What?...Never mind, I'll go do some reading first and get back to ya on that. lol I'm sure you've explained it before elsewhere, and I think I know where. See ya there. :peace:

looking good douch mate

Nice looking bunch of ladies, duchie :-)

Thank you, but thank the breeder(s), they really are rockin plants. I've got 3 different sizes but they all are the same in every other way.

All hail The Breeders!!!

Without whom we'd be hacking & coughing out smoke from ditchweed and thinking that we had it pretty good ;-)

The last two of my seeds are still in the process of coming alive.
The two JDB Romulans were slow to germ, but one is starting to rise out of the soil with it's shell on for a cap, and the other I dug for last night to see what was up and the tap root had poked out about 1mm, so it's on it's way, too :-)
100% germination ! ! !
Great job out there guys!!!!
On a side note (musical foreshadowing fully engaged), MC Frontalot is doing a concert up in Portland on the 30th of this month and I have my ticket in front of me, slid between some keys on my copmuter's keyboard, ready for an evening of gettin' my Nerd On!

And I'm working on a gift for Frontalot, should he choose to accept it.

To preface this with a short bit of info:
He put the word out on the interwebz to his fan-base that he was looking for volunteer artists for a project involving making some Dungeons & Dragons style player's modules and screens where the artwork is Rock/MC/Music themed but done in a "dungeons & dragons" style (questing MC/musicians fighting the perils of the music industry and touring & recording, etc)

If you're not into D&D, just google it and look at the "images" available for examples, otherwise I'll start into a 20-page explanation of it, heh, heh. I'm a dweeb. ;-)

The art is going to be used as props for a pair of music videos he's making for his new album, "Solved" ( ...and... ).

Well, the message was a few weeks old on his website, so I figured I would be too late to offer help, but I emailed him with a couple of examples of my paintings (the latest stuff that some of you have seen) and never heard back from him (he's been ultra busy what with his new album being finalized, getting ready to tour, fundraising for music videos, small gigs, Comic-Con, Comic-Con East, etc., etc., etc.), and I'm sure he got some fast replies from quite a few of his fans who are also Sci-Fi/Fantasy artists.
Would have been WAY cool to be involved with it, but no biggie :-)

Anyways, I'm moving ahead with a project that I'll finish before his concert in Portland, and will present it to him either before or after the show (he's going to be out front of the venue an hour before the show starts to meet & chat with any Geo-Tag fans and give them a free ticket to get in, and after the show he hangs around and helps with handing out the concert swag and shaking hands & taking pics with fans until there is no one left).

It will be a little thank you for all the songs I've stolen from him (will be buying some of his CD's after the concert. And a t-shirt.), including relinquishing all copyrights, and only having a small digital copy for self-promotion and a full-sized print in my portfolio (autographed by him, hopefully). And I'll be giving him 3 copies of it on 3 different DVD's (archival safety until it gets on a hard drive).
When he lets me know the files are safe, I'll be deleting my full-sized copy permanently. :-)
It's going to be the exact size of an old record album (13.25" x 13.25"), and is being done at 4,500 x 4,500 pixels.
I'll have a print for him, and one for me. :-)

Anyways, keep in mind that this is the basic background.
For the rest of it, you'll have to use your imagination (think a Frazetta/Boris book cover, but done in my style).
Will have MC Frontalot, bulked up like Conan, scratches & cuts, tattered clothes, and posed in Victory astride the speaker cabinet with a ultra hot Goth chick hugging his manly & overmuscled thigh.
It will be a smoky and hazy scene of carnage with bodies piled high underneath him and his moll, broken stage equipment sticking up out of indistinct cadavers of vanquished foes, microphone raised up high to the gods of Hip hop, stage up on a hill in the background, multi-colored lights shining through the smoke as bizarre, twisted, hunched over creatures fearfully keep their distance from him.
Gritty, nasty, real.

If I disappear for a few days, know that I'm feverishly working on this to get it done in time.

But I'll be lurking in the green shadows, watching your every move, lusting after the beautiful 600 pR0n, waiting for my moment to strike with surgical precision as I add my little smart alleky comments while I take my Union Breaks and imbibify.

(*this is only the barest foundation, and subject to changes as it progresses)

That's a good question. They were transplanted and went in end of May, first week in June, pretty much flowering right away being revegged clones. I assumed they're the ones your referring to. So doing the math they're about 70 days flower. Her mother went about 90 (105 12/12)I was able to keep them short and single cola but the other two are from seed and they are supercropped and twisted to high hell. One of those two had to come out of 12/12 for a few weeks to be nursed back while the other took off in size and kept flowering. Well the second one was placed back in and all of a sudden she's outdoing number 1 in flowering big time. But I can't seem to get the Nitrogen back up on her.

Fred, why make it simple when you can make it difficult, lol.

Psycho Killer = Deep Purple X Psychosis X JTR

I have had a indi pheno finish around 7 weeks with solid nugs. Not massive swollen things with elephantitis, more on the average size but with a magic punch to them.
oops, so it is, I'll leave this quote as proof of my complete stupidity, i meant to type, Psycho Killer, lmfao.......that'll be the Enginer and the DOG earlier, blame it on that!
deep blue is dpp x livers, deep psycho is dpp x jtr.
hey in my rush to correct u i made a mistake too
deep blue is dpp x livers, deep psycho is dpp x jtr. this should be...
deep blues is deep purple x psycho x livers/blues and psycho killer is deep purple x psychosis x jack the ripper
hey in my rush to correct u i made a mistake too
deep blue is dpp x livers, deep psycho is dpp x jtr. this should be...
deep blues is deep purple x psycho x livers/blues and psycho killer is deep purple x psychosis x jack the ripper

Oh brother!

Psychosis is another cut kept by the exodus crew back in the day, its similer to the exodus cheese but fruityer and a bit of a fuller stone.