Club 600

you could be right, they are water based larvae. I got a load of them wriggling around on the terrace, will see if they are still alive in a wee bit...ust finishing ma joint and cuppa.
i have a feeling they may not even be able to borrow into the soil
i think if you waterd them onto the plants they would just cook under the lights. i tried using regular worms and my soil was just to compacted for it. soil worms arent fond of being potted.

what you gotta do is make alil worm farm and have the kindest vermicompost!
Hi folks, been growing for a couple of years.....

Upgraded to a 600 watt for my 4 X 3 X 7 foot growbox.

Flowering 6 small Bubba Pre-98's and a Blue Dream.

Just along for the ride. :joint::peace:
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Hi folks, been growing for a couple of years.....

Upgraded to a 600 watt for my 4 X 3 X 7 foot growbox.

Flowering 6 small Bubba Pre-98's and a Blue Dream.

Just along for the ride. :joint::peace:

Welcome Golddog and we are glad to have you im sure i can speak for most lots of good folks here good info great porn uh um (Bud Porn) help at all times a day and night so have fun..
Whats up 6 double oh? and a good morning to you all last night gave my girls a good watering and they really needed it to ive been kind of slipping on the watering times with this grow this is the second third time i have let them go pretty bone dry on me not sure if this is good or not for them..Can this cause stress? if anyone knows...
Whats up 6 double oh? and a good morning to you all last night gave my girls a good watering and they really needed it to ive been kind of slipping on the watering times with this grow this is the second third time i have let them go pretty bone dry on me not sure if this is good or not for them..Can this cause stress? if anyone knows...

If you dry them out to much you can damage the root ball
Yeah i kind of thought something could be bad about doing so i will definately be more care ful next round thanks bro!

They had actually stopped smelling on me and when i watered them the funck came back so strong and sweet..
welcome golddog,

i did chuckle at your signature, how very true;)

Hi folks, been growing for a couple of years.....

Upgraded to a 600 watt for my 4 X 3 X 7 foot growbox.

Flowering 6 small Bubba Pre-98's and a Blue Dream.

Just along for the ride. :joint::peace:

stinkbud, one thing to look out for when the root ball gets to dry is watering and not getting enough penetration due to compact dry soil, then you just end up with run off and well, none for the ladies.

Okay, off to meet the wife for dinner. laters folks.

DST when you return, let me know what i could do to prevent this because i get a lot of run off with every watering from the start of the grow,if i use 1 gal of water at least 1/2 of that runs off but i dont stop watering until i feel the weight i want picking up the plant..
DST when you return, let me know what i could do to prevent this because i get a lot of run off with every watering from the start of the grow,if i use 1 gal of water at least 1/2 of that runs off but i dont stop watering until i feel the weight i want picking up the plant..

You need to use a wetting agent to brake the surface tension of the water and get penetration, i know things like soap do it but not sure what else
You need to use a wetting agent to brake the surface tension of the water and get penetration, i know things like soap do it but not sure what else

Each time i water i disturb the top soil about a 1/2 inch deep or aggetate it to loosen it up some is this good enough?
you could be right, they are water based larvae. I got a load of them wriggling around on the terrace, will see if they are still alive in a wee bit...ust finishing ma joint and cuppa.

I wouldn't worry a bit about them, D :-)
They only eat dead plant matter, and might actually do a little bit of good before they die.

I originally thought you were talking about THESE blood worms:


pretty cool little critters...

Just need a few hundred more of these bad boys and you got yo'self a tasty bisque!

When I get a dry pot I'll water it slowly and in rotation. What I mean is I will start by only wetting the surface, allowing time or moving to the next plant before coming back and adding a bit more. I'll usually come back to that pot 4-6 times eventually filling the pot with fluids rather than letting them run through all at once. Kinda like waiting for a dry sponge to absorb. If you just pour water on it it will just run off the sides or right through it. You can only add moisture as quick as the sponge will absorb. I do this with feeding as well, allowing the nutes to slowly settle in evenly. Just how I see it and hope that help SB.
Each time i water i disturb the top soil about a 1/2 inch deep or aggetate it to loosen it up some is this good enough?

i would of thought it would help but the only way to get the soil properly wet is to dunk the pot into a bucket full of feed, when i feed my peppers i'd say at least half ends up on the floor even after disturbing the soil on the top
It may seem funny but you know what guy's i actually use both these methods i do slow pour my water in turns about 4 to 5 times with each turn letting the water set befor ecoming back to it again and i used to sit my buckets into a bin of water and nute solution for about a good 15 to 20 minutes before begining to water them and they would remain in the bucket as i did so this worked very well when watering dont know why i stopped doing it..
Soo I just got back from the hydro store, GOD DAMN this is an expensive hobby! With about a week left till harvest, I'm trying to get ready (best I can) for the next run. My clones look like there right on track, timing looks good, hoping for a nice transition into the new crop. Once I get them in the main room, I'm gonna throw a screen over them, and veg under a 600 watt MH, until screen looks good and full. So I'm trying to finish a crop, build a trellis, watching my outdoor girls, planning out my nutes, soil, pots, humidity, temp, ph....etc, etc. This on top of a full time job...LOL But to be honest, when I'm working in my garden, it doesn't really feel like work, and I prefer to be buisy anyway's. Next pic's will be of the harvest, then I will start posting pics of my grow room progress....Peace, hope everybody is staying
that's exactly them Doob, in the third video (I only watched the first video).

Green Apply, an expensive hobby indeed, but a very rewarding one and worth every penny imo. I am sure you feel the same way, and I agree, it's work, but work you can love and enjoy.

much love to all in the 6double.

Green Apply, an expensive hobby indeed, but a very rewarding one and worth every penny imo. I am sure you feel the same way, and I agree, it's work, but work you can love and enjoy.

Hell yeah DST, worth every penny! Suck's being a newb, the start up costs are crazy....But there are a few "basic" item's we all have to purchase, and get out of the way.....Might as well get it over with now, and do it right....LOL