Oh, man!
Finally made some indirect progress on my next Club 600x sticker bass cover vid project.
Up until now I have been recording my bass playing directly over the song, but I've been wanting to record the bass separately so I can apply effects and other adjustments after the fact, AND also wanted to switch from the "
okay"-sounding RCA-to-3.5mm stereo audio cable to the digital audio out from the GT-10B fx floorboard's SPDIF Out port.
And had to make all work in Ableton Live 8.2.
Finally figured out the wiring for it!
I can now hear the song on a separate audio track, and record my bass playing on a second audio track using the SPDIF for a clean & totally pure digital audio signal into the the SPDIF In port on the M-audio sound card I bought a little while back.
Now I have so much more control on the final product!
Had to beat my head against the wall all day trying different cabling, different software settings, different settings in the GT-10B, uninstalling drivers, updating drivers, updating Ableton Live, etc, and all combos of there of.
But I got it!
Taking a toke break and watching a movie before I go on a murder spree and annihilate the entire planet.
Music vid still to come.
But late-late tonight...
...I need to take care of head first
