Club 600

Absolutely, I have a very large Tefal head, I always wear a white coat, and have three different coloured pens in my pocket.

Regarding my missing sticker contest music vid:

I played through the song about 12 times in a row, logged off to polish it up, smoked some bowls, and then worked on making a 3rd arm for my Cam-tar™ attachment.
Halfway through that project... I fell asleep in the computer chair shortly after midnight.
Very NOT Metal to do such a thing.
("Oh, nosk. Fallzing asleepsk inz da computsker chairs isk WAY brutalsk! You are never closker to the Death than whensk youz are sleepingsk." *said in the voice of Skwisgaar Skwigelf).
But, am awake and back on track.
Time to Wake & Bake, and then finish up.
Will be done today.
The next one up was a little ironic. Anyone else notice the left handed guitarist playing the right handed Fender upside down?

In a Jimmy Hendrix stylee lol
Good catch, there, duchie!
Keen eye ;-)

I occasionally turn my bass around to play "left-handed", which puts the strings upside down (like in the video).
Very odd way to play.
Actually, I looked again and the body is a left handed body but the neck is righthanded and the headstock is upside down but, the killer is that it is still strung upside down. Is this guy like fingerboard dyslexic?
I am a lefty in more ways than just my politics, whenver I play air I always play left, lol.

I don't think the UK has Labor Day (it would be Labour if anything, lol), however there was a UK Bank Holiday last week.

I can't quite get my head round how there are so many moderators now, hehe.

Bloody hell the wind here today is hectic, only like a fart compared to Irene but bloody hell, I kep looking at my tall girls outside, wishing I had tied them down earlier, and then thinking, maybe I should just supercrop the shit out of it and get it into the greenhouse....bah, then more thoughts and more bah.....

Now smoking joint = shooper relaxed yesh!!!

600 number 2 has been fired up with the new green power bulbs and we have the 1st pistils showing only another 9-10 weeks to chop lol
Oh, man!
Finally made some indirect progress on my next Club 600x sticker bass cover vid project.
Up until now I have been recording my bass playing directly over the song, but I've been wanting to record the bass separately so I can apply effects and other adjustments after the fact, AND also wanted to switch from the "okay"-sounding RCA-to-3.5mm stereo audio cable to the digital audio out from the GT-10B fx floorboard's SPDIF Out port.
And had to make all work in Ableton Live 8.2.
Finally figured out the wiring for it!
I can now hear the song on a separate audio track, and record my bass playing on a second audio track using the SPDIF for a clean & totally pure digital audio signal into the the SPDIF In port on the M-audio sound card I bought a little while back.
Now I have so much more control on the final product!
Had to beat my head against the wall all day trying different cabling, different software settings, different settings in the GT-10B, uninstalling drivers, updating drivers, updating Ableton Live, etc, and all combos of there of.
But I got it!
Taking a toke break and watching a movie before I go on a murder spree and annihilate the entire planet.
Music vid still to come.
But late-late tonight...
...I need to take care of head first :blsmoke:
Dammmmmmmn. Good night indeed> I need a copy of that recipe. :)

Luckily everyone in LA stayed home for the holiday allowing mrs jig and I to trounce from our mountains to the beach with a few stops along the way. I made a few friends and had a really good time. Thanks for the awesome day 600. It was a blast. Pics to be uploaded when we are home.
Whats good my brutha's popping in to say HIGH!!!!! lol got some killer outdoor pics to upload soon. Lots of very purple TW and some not so happy ph locked out 8 footers :( just about to late to help them now :( Still got a bounty of beuaties though hehe... pics to come soon :peace: 1BMM