Club 600

dst that greenhouse is just plain hilarious!, looks like you have a vine of ivy in there or something, very full indeed. hope your outdoor manages to fill out a bit, mine was hopeless this year

been a while since i last contributed some pics to the glorious 600 club.

super lemon haze pr0n 3-ish weeks in 12/12



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I zoomed in on his name tag in Photoshop and ran it through a few filters to enhance the lettering and this is what it says:


The unhappy man in the back on the right hand side is obviously in angst as to whether he should order the lamp with the imitation Tiffany-style lampshade or if he should go Art Deco instead...[/I][/B][/QUOTE]

hahaha awesome . Knew it would get a good respone from you guys in 'the six hundo!!'

SLH is looking great. The greenhouse looks even crazier in the flesh, lol. However, I am sure glad that I done it as we just had horizontal rain there, incredible wind. Place has started flooding up in some parts. Good for the water barrel I guess. Trees are snug as a bug;)

Outdoor already finished ghb? bit early...
I'm sure your green ladies are breathing a sigh of relief for getting a break from the rain...keep this up and you're going to need a larger greenhouse.


I whittled 250+ pics down to 66, they are being uploaded at this very moment. I think 3 or 4 do not have 600 stickers in them.

The plants will wait another couple days. The medical collective I am working with said, give it another couple days. So we'll cut these bitches down on Friday.

Glad you are ok CoF. Hopefully that katia will die down. We're thinking about you here.

EDIT: Guys... what do you think I should do about posting these pics. I mean a 66 picture post is pretty wild, but not sure how else to handle it. What ye say??? I'd ask D, but I think he's asleep. You up bru?

Earlier DST posted some pics in the 600 and when you clicked on one it would allow you into his gallery to view over 100 photos...but as you noted, he's probably viewing the inside of his eyelids.

We're prolly close to the end of this page, so I'd say.... DO IT :)

edit: COF is smart... I'd do that maybe.

edit edit: wtf, kicked me to a new page?! lmfao
omg, boss

so do this, upload them to an album.

make a hyper link to it, and then you know how oyu can change what the hyperlink says? well make it say
You could post the pics as thumbnails so the servers don't get Wang'ed, or someone on a slow connection doesn't get zonked.
Or multiple posts or one or more pages for full-sized pics?
Don't know!
D might yet be up, perhaps he'll chime in before nappy time.

*If you do an album with a link to it, I'm sure D and others will be posting images from it here in the 600.
We'll keep bumping the post with the link so it doesn't get lost

Earlier DST posted some pics in the 600 and when you clicked on one it would allow you into his gallery to view over 100 photos...but as you noted, he's probably viewing the inside of his eyelids.


We're prolly close to the end of this page, so I'd say.... DO IT :)

edit: COF is smart... I'd do that maybe.

edit edit: wtf, kicked me to a new page?! lmfao

lol bobo. That is some funny shit right there. I think I'll do both (what both you said). I'll make an album like D... and since I have the last post on page 680, I'll just edit that and make it LONG AS FUCK! Sorry if it pisses anyone off.

EDIT: Thanks wally. And you make a good point doob about crashing people computers as it loads, or taking forever to load. Now I don't know what to do.

How's this for a start:

EDIT EDIT: you can leave comments in the album. if you repost them here peeps will get confused.

EDIT^3: I'm going to have to post them somewhere as there is a chronological story that goes along with them... and they are out of order in the album. Plus there is crucial information that makes some of the pics worth it.
Hey 600! long time no see! lol
Iv got fam in town so been busy with that, also getting my my normal plant work done. All is well on my front, just finished jarring up all the space bomb :-) I honestly think its some of the best bud Iv grown to date :-) very pleased. The ladies are looking great and I cant wait to get an update up lol but gotta chill with the fam for a few more days.

Everything is looking fantastically dank in 600 land, as usual! :peace: and love peeps :-) :peace:
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Hey Jig.

Maybe place them in an album, RIU or other online, with a link. Allow your fellow clubbers to voluntarily choose favorites to copy paste here. But only after you've picked a handful of your faves for here first. My two cents bro. :peace:
Whats up fellas, 1st time grower here and I started with the 600w, love this thread. Here are some pics of where I am at right now, please comment and let me know what you guys think. I want to top these girls, but I'm not sure they are big enough to. Any advice?


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I think you could top them if you really wanted... but have patience... you can always do lot's of stuff later. Give them a week or so. I think I remember reading that topping them after there are 6 nodes is good. Maybe it was 8 nodes. Either way, they look real good so far. What kind of soil mix you got in those pots?

And welcome to the club!