Club 600


Well-Known Member

Sour D day 46

AK day 29

I'll try and take a vid tomorrow and show how far down in the canopy those colas actually go lol cant really see from the pics but they are all about a foot long :-) And the monster one is 23 inches.. Mow lets just hope they plump up real nice for daddy hehe.



Well-Known Member
I'm loving the way my Blacberry Kush buds look so I'll take some snaps tomorrow and post them up. It was the easiest plant to trim I've grown so far. It is a small one but as far as leaf to calyx ratio goes, it is the best I've grown. Some nice hues throughout too with varying shades of blues, magenta and purple in the leaves I trimmed off.


Well-Known Member
Call me crazy but didn't you just pull off a harvest like in the last couple of weeks whodat? Maybe it is just me. Anybody else feel like other guys are pulling them off way faster than you? Harvests I mean!


Well-Known Member
no duchie, you're not imagining's all smoke and mirrors........and multiple rooms

Maybe I just need a life so it's not like watching a pot, on the stove.

So I've got a bit of a patriotic theme going on here but not just for the motherland but more like my stomping grounds. Saw these guys 31 years ago in high school.




Well-Known Member
haha D is the one that seems to harvest everyday lol
I have a 8x8 and a 4x8, the ak is in a 4x8 section of the 8x8 and the sd is in a 4x4 section of the 8x8... the other 4x8 room used to be my veg room... now its a flower room. The other 4x4 section of my 8x8 is currently no being used, I moved the other 1k from that area over to the 4x8 ak screen. So the 4x8 ak screen has 2 1ks and 2 600ds on it for the moment :-) follow?lol


Well-Known Member
haha D is the one that seems to harvest everyday lol
I have a 8x8 and a 4x8, the ak is in a 4x8 section of the 8x8 and the sd is in a 4x4 section of the 8x8... the other 4x8 room used to be my veg room... now its a flower room. The other 4x4 section of my 8x8 is currently no being used, I moved the other 1k from that area over to the 4x8 ak screen. So the 4x8 ak screen has 2 1ks and 2 600ds on it for the moment :-) follow?lol
LOL. I just did a bowl and sat down to read that. 8X8, got it. :roll: So....bigger than a m2. ;)


Well-Known Member
haha D is the one that seems to harvest everyday lol
I have a 8x8 and a 4x8, the ak is in a 4x8 section of the 8x8 and the sd is in a 4x4 section of the 8x8... the other 4x8 room used to be my veg room... now its a flower room. The other 4x4 section of my 8x8 is currently no being used, I moved the other 1k from that area over to the 4x8 ak screen. So the 4x8 ak screen has 2 1ks and 2 600ds on it for the moment :-) follow?lol
Now I'm totally cornfused!!! :-)
... how much wood could that woodchuck chuck?

And, finally...
... Are you trying to tell us that your grow rooms are all in a tardis, and that you routinely hurtle yourself (and unwitting accomplices) through Time and Space to thwart evil and protect the universe from destruction?

Dr. Whodat?



Well-Known Member
Anybody else feel like other guys are pulling them off way faster than you? Harvests I mean!
hahahahahaha, I nearly spat out my cereal reading this, sooo funny. Glad you qualified things there Duchie, lol.

Now I'm totally cornfused!!! :-)
... how much wood could that woodchuck chuck?

And, finally...
... Are you trying to tell us that your grow rooms are all in a tardis, and that you routinely hurtle yourself (and unwitting accomplices) through Time and Space to thwart evil and protect the universe from destruction?

Dr. Whodat?

And just as I pulled my self together I read Dr WHOdat, lol. Thanks for the morgen giggle.

Our visitors are still here and we have had some really great weather for them which is nice. Today I believe we are going to the zoo!!! Sanity will prevail on Monday. Talking of chopping, I'll be taking down the Vert Scrog Flying Spaghetti Monster when my visitors have gone on's looking pretty instense. If I manage I'l get a pic up.

Hey guys, thanks for all the porn as well. COF, that is one beautiful specimin right there. Just amazing colours!! And of course Dr WHO's tardis of stickyness....oooeee.

Have a nice evening and great Sunday.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I'm now thinking that my next bass cover will be something simple, like...
"Vital Signs" from the Moving Pictures album:

(*this one will take a full night to record, so look for it Sunday)

Time to cook up my birthday dinner.
The wife bought me a tenderloin and baker potato (and a piece of chocolate cake), but I need to throw the spud into the oven and then cook the steak & dinner rolls.
That'll give me an hour to practice the song a bunch of times, then eat, toke, and see if I can get her done before needing sleep.
Who needs sleep?
I'll rest when I'm dead ;-)


Well-Known Member
Loosely translated it says:

"I'll have a shoe with cheese on it, force it down my throat, and I wanna massage your grandmother, okay?"
(an ode to Sr. Stephan Martene)
haha ok, we shall abide lol
Wish I could cook up that bday steak for ya :-) I cook a mean steak. Steak and baked potato is one of my favorite comfort foods :-)