Well-Known Member
Yeah, seems people are profiting from putting others in jail... What has this crazy world come to?
Damn duchie. That's really disheartening. My big plan if shit ever got too bad in the US was to move to Canada. Where the fuck am I gonna move now?
And yeah... I'm very upset about what's going down in my home state. You know what the shittiest part is, the local authorities make up the majority of actual bodies that enforce the stuff the feds put on us. So sherriffs and police who are 'supposed' to be working based on local law are the ones busting into these co-ops with big ass rifles. I don't know if it's the shittiest part, but it's just one more bit that stinks to high heaven. They are even talking about charging city council members who have approved co-ops to open in their jurisdictions. With what the previous regime did to other countries, I will never be surprised at the crap the US does to other places. But I still had a tiny (albeit very miniscule) beleif that there were limits to what they govt would pull on it's own ground, but I won't be surprised with that anymore. I never bought into the whole 'change' thing, but I really feel bad for the peeps that did. My wife being one.
And like you said, wtf is up with those petitions. It's like we the people spoke loud enough for them to hear, so they push harder against what we're saying? How utterly retarded.
All that being said. It's a beautiful day in So Cal. Was an amazing concert last night at the famous Hollywood Bowl. I definitely got contact high from all the weed being smoked from what seemed like by everyone else in the spot. Picked up a pretty good looking $8 t shirt on the way to the car (bootleggers are getting better at production these days). All the cats are happy. My plants are going into their final homed today after I picked up some more screen yesterday. Wife should find out if she's pregnant or not Wed or Thur... so I may be smoking a J by Wed night.
Oh, I didn't mention. I did smoke a teeny tiny bowl recently of the banana OG. You guys would seriously laugh at how small a hit I took. Shit got me so high, real nice smoke that Banana is. It's so amazing what 6 weeks does to the tollerance.
Peace to the 6... and peace to all the peeps round the world (maybe not the politicians and DA's and federal agents... but everyone else... I forgot NYPD, fuck those guys). Haha, hows that for a backhanded well wish.
Go broncos! Hope we beat the fake ass chargers today (although I'm not holding my breath, lol)
Heres a pic I just took before lights onstill a few weeks on these,,, more time to plump up lol
DST I love the Greenhouse!! How do you control humidity in there?
Cindy Beautiful bud shot!!
I have a dehumidifier running in there along with a greenhouse heater for the temps (started to get cold and the freezer lighter came on the dehumidifier so the heater went in.) You just set it to a temp and the thermo switches it on when it drops. Seems to be working.
Heres a pic I just took before lights onstill a few weeks on these,,, more time to plump up lol
I have a dehumidifier running in there along with a greenhouse heater for the temps (started to get cold and the freezer lighter came on the dehumidifier so the heater went in.) You just set it to a temp and the thermo switches it on when it drops. Seems to be working.