Well-Known Member
i love blunts its all i smoke really not much gets me as high as a blunta big blunt full of hash and high grade has always been my favorite method of cranial
and i make hasg the same way u guys do but its not wet so no water or drying but it still all gets sifted through a screen wich doesnt let plant materail get through. i think its much easier and faster but im sure i dont get all the trichs like when u guys use water and ice i got 5 grams of hash from 1 oz of hash by placeing my trim in a jar throw some change in theri and put panny hose over the lid and turn upside down and shake till no crystals come out usally 2-3 min then empty and refill u can also get nylon mesh and the art stores sell screens in different microns to i just dont like messin with all the ice drying wate and what not so i do it dry