Club 600

Welcome welcome bro. Can't wait to see the pics of what is to become. There are a lot of good growers in here. Check out peeps sig's, most of us have journals. Find someone who grows close to what you want to do and read everything you can from them... and read what the intelligent people on their journals have to say in their journals. You can always hit us up for questions in the 600.

Welcome to RIU as well. I've learned everything I know from this site (well at least 90%), and I've done well from the first grow.

Glad to have you.
Og Herojuana, This is some heavy heavy smoke. Makes me feel like Im on morphine again :)

Wicked stuff Bill, allway's liked the look of the Hero. from Sannie. And with an O.G through it the T.H.C must be out the roof. Great job as allways man !

Sweet deeams Whodat.
Im done reading oh glorious 600, now its time for bed,,, almost ;-) I need me a jernt.

pandan I have a very simple solution to your ""problem"" (which is not actually a problem imo)... Try rotating your plants around the room every day... and I also think you should be more concerned about other things,,, like your room being 95f....

Some good vids too peeps :-) I loved seeing these shit head news fks getting called out and schooled, and that t-pain 4loco vid was hysterical lol.

We are the 99%. I went to occupy boulder today (not much of a turn out :-( ) and will be attending occupy denver tomorrow afternoon. They decide to tear down the tents last night and arrested a few dozen folks, full riot gear and everything,, now its just getting bigger.. Cant wait to get out there tomorrow but gotta fix a flat on my bike first lol

Well the 600 is rocking on as usual :-) I love this place.
I wanted to head down to Occupy Toronto tomorrow but I have no way of getting there and I'm really bummed about it. I'm a couple hours out with no vehicles available. I've got to find these vids that I seen today. When I seen them later on the local media news they completely edited what they showed and reported it only as some protesters clashing with police. If your just someone who relies on the TV networks for your new source you will always find yourself in the dark and you never will have seen this.

Your not kidding. Check this one out. Dispatcher gets a call about reported gunshots. Cop is dispatched to the call and says he couldn't find the house because of all the trees and fences and doesn't go visit the caller. Four days later, someone looks through the front window of the house and sees two people tied up. It's a husband and wife and they've been shot and tied up. The husband is dead but the wife is alive but dies on the way to hospital. The family just obtained a copy of the 911 call after thread from the body that regulates freedom of information up here. On the tape the cop and dispatcher are sarcastically laughing and making snide remarks about he supposed gun shots.

And he still made it to corporal.... wow....
That is one of the saddest news stories I've come across in a while.
Total waste of a life, on top of destroying a family, and only docked a day's pay...
just... wow...
Buzzy night over thon pond eh. Well it's another beautiful day here and the Beep Beep man is still about...fukking Saturday at 8:30, come on man, yer def having a freaking giraffe with yer cleaning machine.

I am glad that Pandan has seen the LIGHT ;) as appossed to lights. ALthough I am not sure why an Ozzy hydro store guys water cup explanation did the trick, when I was banging on about lumens, and PAR and heat and footprint (all sounds a bit more ligth related than a cup of water, lmfao) But hey, as long as you get there in the end.

Well it's time to chop my Livers (no, I am not operating on myself) its the smelly Livers plant chopping day, among other things. I also got 3 Deep Blues to come down, although they are more Deep Lime than anything else.

Hope everyones weekend is a blast.

Peace, DST
And he still made it to corporal.... wow....
That is one of the saddest news stories I've come across in a while.
Total waste of a life, on top of destroying a family, and only docked a day's pay...
just... wow...

Sick isn't it? They have killed so many people because of their negligence and all they keep saying is that they can't change what happened and all they can do is make sure that is never happens again. Ya, ya, whatever.

Good morning D and good night. I'm done for this day.
Sometimes I feel like this poor guy....
but I must never stop listening....

Buzzy night over thon pond eh. Well it's another beautiful day here and the Beep Beep man is still about...fukking Saturday at 8:30, come on man, yer def having a freaking giraffe with yer cleaning machine.

I am glad that Pandan has seen the LIGHT ;) as appossed to lights. ALthough I am not sure why an Ozzy hydro store guys water cup explanation did the trick, when I was banging on about lumens, and PAR and heat and footprint (all sounds a bit more ligth related than a cup of water, lmfao) But hey, as long as you get there in the end.

Well it's time to chop my Livers (no, I am not operating on myself) its the smelly Livers plant chopping day, among other things. I also got 3 Deep Blues to come down, although they are more Deep Lime than anything else.

Hope everyones weekend is a blast.

Peace, DST

Sorry to "hear" about the beepmeister working your nerves again, D
I hope your headphones are charged up and ready to ease the pain. ;-)
If it's any consolation, the cleaner is probably getting extra pay for working on the weekend ;-)

Well, I'm going to play some bass, smoke some bowls, and then drift off to sleep for a few hours.
Then do it all over again.
Lates, MacGates!
Occupy wall street. For those who live in the states you can catch an update every evening on current tv with keith olberman. He did an occupy wall street special last night, the whole hour was about the movement and the video of the guy being run over and the one of the guy being punched in the face were both included along with a lot of other coverage. I am proud to announce this old ass will be occupying st. augustine next weekend. Now I don't want to preach to the choir since I'm sure most of us are the 99% but if this old fart can take to the streets...
Pandan, just being curious but how long have you been growing? I'm not trying to bust your chops with that question I'm asking cause it sounds like you have not been growing all that long. The reason I say this, you are worrying yourself to death about the socket end of your light when in reality, your heat issue is much more of a problem than the light coverage. Heat is our enemy in this hobby of ours, you will figure out how to get around any light coverage issues the more experience you have growing. Lumens, or the brightness our eyes see is not what the plant sees or uses for food. However, brightness or lumens does impact light intensity and mj is a light demanding plant so although lumens doesn't tell the whole story, the brighter the better. Another thing to consider is light penetration, a six hundred is going to penetrate into your plant better than a four or two fours for that matter. If you can't get your temps down, it will affect your plants in all sorts of negative ways, stunted growth and a small harvest for openers.

On a brighter note, it's an eight o' clock tee time for me today. First time swinging the sticks in several months. To add to the anticipation, my buddy just got a portable battery operated vaporizer that works great and can be taken to the golf course. On tee number one from america we have, morning glory, next up is colombian gold and for the back nine killing fields. Should be a sweet day on the links.
I hope you have a cart to drive around in, you'll need one bru, lol. Sounds like a great day on the links. I just finished trimming a beast of a livers.

I am a real happy bunny as well, I snipped a little bud from one of my outdoors, and it is so stinky, real fuelly diesel whiff, it's for sure a Headband with a OG kush lean to it. Fukkin stoked I am. I could take it all now but it's getting left another week or so on advise from some of the outdoor heads. Can't wait, I fell like a giddy school boy, I sure have missed my Headband.

Much love to all and there will be pics in my journal if you can find it, lol. (I need to post something over there, it feels a little bit stagnant). Will maybe do a whodat mixed with a bit of a Murphy later for the 6double, lmao.

Pandan, just being curious but how long have you been growing? I'm not trying to bust your chops with that question I'm asking cause it sounds like you have not been growing all that long. The reason I say this, you are worrying yourself to death about the socket end of your light when in reality, your heat issue is much more of a problem than the light coverage. Heat is our enemy in this hobby of ours, you will figure out how to get around any light coverage issues the more experience you have growing. Lumens, or the brightness our eyes see is not what the plant sees or uses for food. However, brightness or lumens does impact light intensity and mj is a light demanding plant so although lumens doesn't tell the whole story, the brighter the better. Another thing to consider is light penetration, a six hundred is going to penetrate into your plant better than a four or two fours for that matter. If you can't get your temps down, it will affect your plants in all sorts of negative ways, stunted growth and a small harvest for openers.

On a brighter note, it's an eight o' clock tee time for me today. First time swinging the sticks in several months. To add to the anticipation, my buddy just got a portable battery operated vaporizer that works great and can be taken to the golf course. On tee number one from america we have, morning glory, next up is colombian gold and for the back nine killing fields. Should be a sweet day on the links.