Club 600

Yea im planning on Re-Vegging Bass it will be my first time but im going to try to put her in a smaller pot if possible that seems to be my delima at the moment i cant fit her 7 gallon pot in my veg room without removing my Romulan mom. And i noticed that to these bitches are hairy as fuck lol when i took them out of my bowl i had like a whole joint of hairs left lol i just put them on a bowl
Doobie. I've seen that interview with Bon before but I don't think that's him on that audio of Back in Black.

Damn, you're right!
I wrongfully thought some of the songs from "Back In Black" had been worked on before his death, I found a bit of info where it says Brian Johnson was asked by the band to write the song as a tribute to Bon.
I guess it's kind of hard to sing a song posthumously.
The singer definitely had Bon's timbre, though.
Fool me one once......

A new piece a friend of mine made for me, with some of my just dried, but not yet cured or trimmed Platinum Kush
I agree that a 3.5x3.5 is just about perfect for a six double O. I know I've said it before but I run the 40x40 tents and like them for multiple reasons but the main reason behind buying this size was that you can fit any 3x3 E&F table in them (most are actually bigger than 3x3 overall).

The mask pic is just too much bru and the 'dank eye boogers' comment had me rolling. Excellent bit of reading in the 6 this evening, thanks to you all for keeping it going!
Evening, 600. So I tend to burn the Home page news articles, and the poor manner in which they're written. I feel it makes us all look like idiots, and today's was no exception. So I let it go, and blabbed. Then other people started chiming in. It was great.

Just now I go and look at my profile page, and I see that "rollitup" has been looking at it in my "Last 10 visitors" box. Think they're gonna punt me? Does RIU give out warnings? Suspensions?! "Bad Bobo, BAD!" ::whaCHing!!::
That's a funny post and I've heard of more than a few people getting banned but returning after a while. I know someone personally that has been banned from here but set up a proxy and registered a new account. He said something about being concerned about IP recognition getting his new account booted too. He's still here and posts regularly in certain threads.
Thanks for the reppage, Whodat. It's not the first time I've burned the mod for bad articles... I'd say probably the 6th or so! lmfao It's just too easy... I can't keep my mouth shut.
Morning guys, evening over there (doubt anyone from this side is up yet).

Nice vape HeadsUp, looks like your buddy is sucking on a smoothie.

Whodat, loving the new avatar. You been getting tips of Dr Amber?

Doobiebrother keeping us smiling as usual, and Bobo and Duchie leading the charge to keep this worlds axes on an even keel! And poor Bassman, suffering for us all with his shitty neighbours, and strange name OneEyed willy with the boomerang wallet (sometimes life does work)'ve been watching, The 600 Club!!!

I found a wallet when I was back visiting my mum. I opened is up and it had 20 GBP. It also had a bank card and a yong girls student matric card. I waved down a police van that was passing and asked where I coudl hand it in. They looked at each other like I had just arrived from Mars (my family come from the place Trainspotting was based in). The guy then starts going on about filling in reports, and the time and hassle and blah blah.....We could hand it in, he venetually said. And I agreed walking off thinking, I wonder if that poor student will ever get her money back...probably two fat policemen having a nice Fish Supper with a boiled and pickled egg on the side!!! The barstewards.

Well I am off to check the grow and may be chop some more plants down. Possible Dep Blues to come down to day.

Peace folks,

Morning to you, D :-)
20GBP is a lot of scratch for a student to lose out on. I hope she actually managed to get it all back. But pessimism rules my thoughts these days.

Someone returned a wallet I had lost.
Only had 26 dollars in it and a credit card & ID.
When he showed up and handed it to me I expected the money to be gone, possibly the credit card, but it was all there.
I took out $20 and gave it to him.
He tried to politely refuse, but I insisted, saying if he hadn't returned it, I would have nothing, and I appreciated him being an honest man and doing the right thing.
I still have hope for a vast majority of people, but that small percentage of ne'er-do-wells are the ones the media focuses on, so we too often forget that there are still decent folks all over, often in places you'd least expect to find them.
Gives me a glimmer of hope for humanity.