Club 600

Well I see they did some things to the site, I want to add likes to several posts here and cannot.
Lots of nice pics though.

ok guys im sorry for keep bringing up this crap but you guys seem to haveyour heads screwed on.

The thing is, my boiler hasnt been working well lately. I couldnt see the pilotlight throughthe window, ( over 20 years old and the window was black) so itook the cover off and cleaned the viewing window. then i noticed the pilotlight was out and had trouble starting up, but it works after a few tries. butwhen it comes to switching the heating and water on the flames kick in as itcomes to life, then its as is they are just blown out. they flicker and poofnothing.

does this every time, then I smelt gas after the last try. ive switched off theboiler, the heating and the mains switch. opened a window in there and let itbe.

Thing is its freezing and i cant get the landlord here because he will want tolook around since he is here. (remember i said he almost came recently butchanged his mind).
I dont want to mess with it so I will have to call him to come look at it. buti happen to have wayyyy to many plants to hide them.
however if I can hold out untill new year ill only have 18 mid sized plantswhich I CAN hide around the flat.

ill probably wait until then because i dont think its worth getting bustedright before xmas right. How safe is the boiler when now that i switched it alloff is there still a gas supply that could be on? you should see me I flinchwhen im near it and it makes a noise lol. im also shielding my face when imlighting my J's lol (not that its going to save me if the boile goes up inflames lol)

sorry again about the off topic crap. you will all be well rewarded soon. justthought some of you might know a thing or two about boilers...

So you are talking about wall heater or hot water heater, or boiler like Freddy Kruger?
I know about the 1st 2 enough to make em work, boiler I have never actually seen one.
The sites still doing some weird shit. Looks like they took the likes given and received from the profile too. I don't see the picture I posted in my post but the url's not active in my post but it's an active link in the quote in your reply bassman. Messed up.

Yes they were big, and before silicon.
The new system has problems, ie pictures are not visable.

A new Weed Wars is on at 10 eastern on Discovery.

What's with the feedback and support in the lower right corner?


This is a small yielder I did of a bagseed one of my friends gave me. The weed he got it from was called "Sonic" which is an autoflower. This one did not auto but she grew some small compact buds that turned out to be killer sativa type buzz. I've been running around my house for 2 hours organizing, purging and working chores. ZIIINIG lol.

Kept the cutting going and glad I did, this is the first "bagseed" I've ever really done :leaf:

Lemon Head (3).jpgLemon Head (1).jpgLemon Head.jpgLemon Head (2).jpgLemon Head (5).jpg

ok guys im sorry for keep bringing up this crap but you guys seem to haveyour heads screwed on.

The thing is, my boiler hasnt been working well lately. I couldnt see the pilotlight throughthe window, ( over 20 years old and the window was black) so itook the cover off and cleaned the viewing window. then i noticed the pilotlight was out and had trouble starting up, but it works after a few tries. butwhen it comes to switching the heating and water on the flames kick in as itcomes to life, then its as is they are just blown out. they flicker and poofnothing.

does this every time, then I smelt gas after the last try. ive switched off theboiler, the heating and the mains switch. opened a window in there and let itbe.

Thing is its freezing and i cant get the landlord here because he will want tolook around since he is here. (remember i said he almost came recently butchanged his mind).
I dont want to mess with it so I will have to call him to come look at it. buti happen to have wayyyy to many plants to hide them.
however if I can hold out untill new year ill only have 18 mid sized plantswhich I CAN hide around the flat.

ill probably wait until then because i dont think its worth getting bustedright before xmas right. How safe is the boiler when now that i switched it alloff is there still a gas supply that could be on? you should see me I flinchwhen im near it and it makes a noise lol. im also shielding my face when imlighting my J's lol (not that its going to save me if the boile goes up inflames lol)

sorry again about the off topic crap. you will all be well rewarded soon. justthought some of you might know a thing or two about boilers...

Sounds like one of the sensors is broken. There is one for the pilot in case the pilot goes out, you dont die. There are also Flame sensors that make sure the flame is lit on the you dont die. They can be tested at an appliance parts store.
I know you guys are probably getting tired of seeing my bud pron but i got 6 more that are getting really close to being done. And then i am going to run this strain again for my next grow. So it will be all i have to post pics of for the next few months. But anyways here is some pics from tonight. All of these pics are from the next 3 that will be finishing up real soon. I have another 3 that are about 7-10 days behind these ones and will show pics of them probably closer to the end of next week. This is just some bud shots and a group pic of these 3. I think i am going to call this bud Blue Ray. I am going to put 5 of these seeds away until i am setup to run clones. I hate to lose this strain. But i only grow 12/12 from seed and have only grown a few clones that i got off a friend.


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    Blue Widow crossed with AK-47 Dec. 8th 016.jpg
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    Blue Widow crossed with AK-47 Dec. 8th 011.jpg
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    Blue Widow crossed with AK-47 Dec. 8th 021.jpg
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    Blue Widow crossed with AK-47 Dec. 8th 012.jpg
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Morning guys, site looks like the parents have been away and the kids have been having a right old tear up, more Likes!!!! lol. Guess there will be double the posts then. At least we can give em feedback.

Fence is looking a bit battered this morning, but most things seems not to have blown away....

Peace, DST