Club 600

Hi, duchie!
Yeah, dishes wipe me out too.
And don't even get me started on dish-pan hands!
I was checking your little ones on your thread and it looks like you're about a node ahead of me.
The C4/Casey plants are going to be monsters again. Easily 30% more developed than the others.
The JDB Romulans are about as bushy, but not as tall.
The Dog & Herijuana are progressing at a normal rate.
Probably 2 weeks until I turn the older group over to 12/12.
And 3 weeks before I plant 6 of the JTR/DB/and? and take some cuttings from the older plants for clones.
But I need to make a trip to the garden store for a big supply of mychorrhizae before I transplant the first batch into bigger pots.
Not sure if I want to battle to x-mas traffic, so will hold off until after.

My C4's are pretty dominant too. My Romulans look very sativa. Cute little things with their skinny little fingers. Well, gotta go to bed. Night all.
Well I left Glasgow in a van full of my stuff, with no job to go to in the Dam, and here I am 11 years later. I got a penthouse apartment worth around 3/4 mill, my own company and, a bloody lovely wife, best move I ever made getting out of my old environment!! You just got to make the move!! Say fuk it and go for it. (a bit of research helps like, lol)
Sounds like it turbed out amazin for you. A dont think it would be that easy for me with the mrs & son lol. We can but dream though would be horrible without them. Have a good 1 matey best wishes for 2012
You would be surprised. As i said, just requires a bit of prep and investigation. IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING!!!!!!

Sounds like it turbed out amazin for you. A dont think it would be that easy for me with the mrs & son lol. We can but dream though would be horrible without them. Have a good 1 matey best wishes for 2012

aw tha best fur tha rest!
Smoked some DANK in the UK yesterday. Thanks so much for all the hospitality. Long live Breeders Boutique and long live the 600!!!

You guys are all my brothers and sisters (even the new ones, lol).

I think C.L.U.B. stands for "Community of Love Under.the.influence of Bud"

Have a good trip to the homeland D.

Happy Birthday 600. I've made more good friends in the past 2 years than any other time in my life. Got some good mates from high school... but they don't understand my passion.

You guys are great. All of you. Thanks so much for starting this thing D. I feel like I'm gushing now. I'm just really happy with the direction things are going and can't help but see what great part the 600 has played.

Good to see you round whodat. Pet the horses for me. ANd thanks for the heads up on the birthday CoF. It's been a pleasure hanging out with you most of that time.

OK... gushing over... for now, lol.

Nice veg space Bassman. Cool pictures BKB.
WOW, 2 today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO....look out, the terrible 2's ahead, lol.
This is what I mean about shipping. My michigan order, I received an email saying it was shipped on the fifteenth along with a tracking number for the usps. I keep checking it every day and it only says the post office has been notified by the seller to pick up the package, finally this morning it said it was picked up in grand rapids michigan??? What the fuck? A week after they told me it was shipped it was finally picked up from the seller? They have my fucking money, what the hell takes them so long to ship an item? This is the kind of shit that pisses me off. What's more they are supposed to be medically disabled marijuana patients making the bags. Since I live in america I try to support american workers, especially medical marijuana people. Why am I getting the shaft in return? Damn stoners, pick up the pace please.