Well-Known Member
Hi, duchie!
Yeah, dishes wipe me out too.
And don't even get me started on dish-pan hands!
I was checking your little ones on your thread and it looks like you're about a node ahead of me.
The C4/Casey plants are going to be monsters again. Easily 30% more developed than the others.
The JDB Romulans are about as bushy, but not as tall.
The Dog & Herijuana are progressing at a normal rate.
Probably 2 weeks until I turn the older group over to 12/12.
And 3 weeks before I plant 6 of the JTR/DB/and? and take some cuttings from the older plants for clones.
But I need to make a trip to the garden store for a big supply of mychorrhizae before I transplant the first batch into bigger pots.
Not sure if I want to battle to x-mas traffic, so will hold off until after.
My C4's are pretty dominant too. My Romulans look very sativa. Cute little things with their skinny little fingers. Well, gotta go to bed. Night all.