You da bassman!Right on!Sleep well

Just getting ready to hit the sack. Nice and quiet year this year. Just the three of us with no big hype or nothing. We're just happy to be where we are and excited to be going where we're going. Besides I've been getting myself little gifts for the past few months now getting me to the Ultimate Christmas gift a smoker could want. My very own harvest! Speaking of, I've potted up all my plants today and identified 3 males. Both of my ? X Romulans, and a C4/CB, all of which I'm happy about actually, so they got the royal treatment just like the girls. Cool little gift to get bassman. Good luck with getting it upgraded. Have a good one guys. I'll probably be hanging around tomorrow so maybe I catch ya's then.
Sounds like the day the wife & I plan on.
Might take in a movie if we can find one worth the tickets.
You got yourself some real nice looking x-mas nugs, buds & kolas!
I'm going to be potting up on the first 6 plants either before I go to bed, or when I get up.
Nice to have a decent stash while awaiting new ones that are well under way!
Weird how things change, eh?
Used to hate getting males, now I keep my fingers crossed so I get the chance to make with some hot plant-on-plant nookie action.

Well, time to snackify my belly (this JTR/DB/and? is a hunger-maker!).
I lost a lot of weight on my emergency trip but am now up to 160, which I haven't been in a long time, and it was from beer back then, not food (had a little popeye-style beer belly & everything).
With my exercises, it's mostly muscle, so need to stay active and work my legs & back more now to keep making some progress.
The extra food has sure strengthened my fore arm muscles, that's for sure!
Making it much easier to play than in a long time.
Oh! I also strapped on the bass and played two songs standing up before my back started hurting. But felt good to play on my feet, as it were.
Anyways, rambling on here.
I'm a ramblin' guyyyy...
and one more:
effin' Buddy Rich vs Animal:
and, holy CRAP!
Two drumming masters. I hate the "vs." aspect of it, but it's a pretty awesome display of drumming prowess by two legendary skinsmen.
Buddy Rich vs Neil Peart: