Club 600

I bet u camp out in your garage 24/7!!! very nice

I should spend more time with these girls my lights come on at 6pm and off at 6am. So with that I actually only spend about 2 hrs messing around and watering so forth, have to have time for family time as well.
Off topic:

Thinking about buying one of these. Need to go to the BLM and figure out if I can get a good claim to prospect. Spent most of my youth following my Great Grandfather up and down the rivers of Nor-Cal so I know the gold is there just have to go get it.

I think it just goes in phases.... here's a pallet cleanser.




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The 600 is un-jackable!!!! Post whatever you want within site rules, it's all about sharing whatever you want.

Peace and Xmas Love,

I posted it in the toke n talk. Lets see how long it takes before somebody feels insulted or cusses somebody else out lol.
Not sure if I've posted this here before but all dog lovers should watch this documentary. This is clip 1 of 3. I'm sure you can find the other two. Enjoy.

Here's my girl.

Tight bro grew up with a black lab lived 18 human years great dogs, I have 3 pits now very loving caring dogs everyone gives them a bad wrap its how you raise them. Have a american pit named Roxy about 8yrs old, a American Pit/ American Bulldog about 2yrs Angel & a Blue Nose named Lola about a 1 1/2 all females. Love animals

Happy Holidaze!
