Club 600

Double Sour OG, Bubba, and Cougar...ffs, tantalizing my taste buds guys and I haven't even finished my meusli!!!

Happy 40th to BKB, hope you have a great day.

Peace, DST
I did everything for my brother, and he never did shit for me. I know I am the oldest, but I need help sometimes too. Oh well, brothers arent just bound by blood, good friends can be brothers as well.
i'M THE OLDEST TOO, I think my brother is jealous of me cuz I'm much taller than him, LOL. I needed him to be next to me but he's a chicken shit (not for financial support but moral support) fuck our brothers. YOU ARE MY BROTHER NOW:lol::eyesmoke: Hi I'm zibra:lol:
Worm those looks beautiful, now chop!!

Zibra, I have deleted my only brother

Hey bassman don't feel badly, I haven't spoken to my only brother in years, he's such an asshole. One of those people who sees money as the do all end all in life, what a loser and a user. He smokes and doesn't even know I grow. If he wasn't such an asshole he could be enjoying my herb. I hadn't seen or spoken to him in over five years, went to philly several years ago for some business, stayed at his place for a couple of months and once I left I haven't spoken to him again since. I wrote him a letter and told him I'm divorcing him, he's a drag on my life and my emotions and I don't need his kind of shit in my life even though he's a thousand miles away from me. He's one of those people who does no wrong, in his eyes, but tells everyone else how to live their lives. He's a liar, a thief and a backstabber...but he does no wrong. His favorite saying as he screws people, worm you and jig will like's just business, so I told him I don't want his kind of business in my life. I told him I will never speak to him again even if he's on his death bed. You can't pick your family but you don't have to like them or have anything to do with them. He's my only sibling. It made me feel great writing that letter to him, like the chains were finally broken. I love him cause he's my brother but he has brought too much pain into my life to have anything more to do with him so he's out of my life.
There's family (those who are close & affect your life. I consider some of my closest friends family) then there are relatives. I like to see it as "You can't pick your relatives but you can pick your family".
Hey bassman don't feel badly, I haven't spoken to my only brother in years, he's such an asshole. One of those people who sees money as the do all end all in life, what a loser and a user. He smokes and doesn't even know I grow. If he wasn't such an asshole he could be enjoying my herb. I hadn't seen or spoken to him in over five years, went to philly several years ago for some business, stayed at his place for a couple of months and once I left I haven't spoken to him again since. I wrote him a letter and told him I'm divorcing him, he's a drag on my life and my emotions and I don't need his kind of shit in my life even though he's a thousand miles away from me. He's one of those people who does no wrong, in his eyes, but tells everyone else how to live their lives. He's a liar, a thief and a backstabber...but he does no wrong. His favorite saying as he screws people, worm you and jig will like's just business, so I told him I don't want his kind of business in my life. I told him I will never speak to him again even if he's on his death bed. You can't pick your family but you don't have to like them or have anything to do with them. He's my only sibling. It made me feel great writing that letter to him, like the chains were finally broken. I love him cause he's my brother but he has brought too much pain into my life to have anything more to do with him so he's out of my life.

Hey man good for you. Whats wrong with these brothers??? It's good to know it wasn't just me feeling this way. It is sad to see people change when they have little money and can't be humble about it. I can not stand people that think with money they are better everyone else.
There's family (those who are close & affect your life. I consider some of my closest friends family) then there are relatives. I like to see it as "You can't pick your relatives but you can pick your family".
Right on Cali well said
Wake and bake! Soooo... I think that those 8 PK Kush clones are gonna be MINE. My little brother brought them over a week ago... and hasn't been back to check on them. I told him, I will babysit them for free, but if I have to grow them, I am getting one... if he just forgets about them... I am keeping all of them. Can't get him on the phone the last two days... lookin more and more mine everyday.

Not sure whether it was Barney's Pineapple Chunk, or my buddies Blue Dream ( bad labelling) but one of them gave me 2 sprouts from 1 seed. I split them up into seperate cups. Coolest thing man... never happened to me before. Kind of excited to see later which one it was...

Ok... time to work on colors with my son. I'll pop in later... btw BKB, glad to hear you had a great 40th man. I turn 30 this year... kinda looking forward to it.

One last thing... I AM the luckiest guy in the world. My wife told me last night how PROUD she is of my hobby (grow). She is happy that I have this to help me deal with this disability. I am happy that I have not only the grow, but a wife that accepts it, and the 600 to keep me on the right track w/ doin it right.
Put the girls in the dark for the first time!!! Half way there. Waiting sucks!!! lol. No pain no game.

You think waiting sucks now, wait till they have these beautiful flowers on them... and you are waiting for them just to finish... it's hard. it's real hard not to reach out, and say... "I'ma smoke you right now... just because..."
Making some headway today getting the last of the equipment in place. I need to make a door yet to seperate the veg room from the flower room and hang up my lights. Heres where im at currently. Attached Thumbnails:peace: 1BMM
Eye up Badman, good to see you still bus with the cave....

I think Jig has crashed out on a certain Curious Old Cookie, lmao....hope he reads this, lightweight, hahaha.
i'M THE OLDEST TOO, I think my brother is jealous of me cuz I'm much taller than him, LOL. I needed him to be next to me but he's a chicken shit (not for financial support but moral support) fuck our brothers. YOU ARE MY BROTHER NOW:lol::eyesmoke: Hi I'm zibra:lol:
Hi bro, I am Bass.
I am the oldest and by far the tallest too. My bro looks just like He has been a trouble maker since 9 yrs old. About 10 yrs ago He was showing off in from nt of his then gf. He taunted me and was like come on come on. This was like the 10th time, I felt like I shouldn't fight with my younger bro. But I told him this time ok. I told him throw the 1st punch and took off my glasses. He actually did, and then I kicked his ass. I think it hurt him more emotionally, and pride-wise than the bruised ribs.
Hey bassman don't feel badly, I haven't spoken to my only brother in years, he's such an asshole. One of those people who sees money as the do all end all in life, what a loser and a user. He smokes and doesn't even know I grow. If he wasn't such an asshole he could be enjoying my herb. I hadn't seen or spoken to him in over five years, went to philly several years ago for some business, stayed at his place for a couple of months and once I left I haven't spoken to him again since. I wrote him a letter and told him I'm divorcing him, he's a drag on my life and my emotions and I don't need his kind of shit in my life even though he's a thousand miles away from me. He's one of those people who does no wrong, in his eyes, but tells everyone else how to live their lives. He's a liar, a thief and a backstabber...but he does no wrong. His favorite saying as he screws people, worm you and jig will like's just business, so I told him I don't want his kind of business in my life. I told him I will never speak to him again even if he's on his death bed. You can't pick your family but you don't have to like them or have anything to do with them. He's my only sibling. It made me feel great writing that letter to him, like the chains were finally broken. I love him cause he's my brother but he has brought too much pain into my life to have anything more to do with him so he's out of my life.
My brother has a drug problem, METH. I had the same addiction as well. Believe it or not my mom gave me crank at 10 yrs about a dysfunctional family!! Anyway I understand drug addiction. I still would never rob my family or purposefully treat them like he does. This guy was so jealous he would jump on my car and throw rocks at it, who knows what else he did to it?? I jot him outta trouble soooo many times, I got him into job core when they refused him when my mom tried it goes on and on...... We were both sexually physically and emotionally abused by our step dad and it fucked us up really bad. Well he is younger and I always felt like I let him down, and have let him walk all over me for yrs out of guilt I think............
There's family (those who are close & affect your life. I consider some of my closest friends family) then there are relatives. I like to see it as "You can't pick your relatives but you can pick your family".
We moved so much as a kid I never really got any long-term friends, except for one. His reality is kinda different. He was always well off and never had to struggle or overcome any adversity, as such he cant relate to me al all. His worst tragedy was his old bike got stolen in the 7th I got jumped at school once and he didnt help. I know he was small and all, but damn he was already my friend for like 5 yrs.......this guy now is 230 all muscle and still afraid to go to the store at I know he would never steal from me though..........
I think Jig has crashed out on a certain Curious Old Cookie, lmao....hope he reads this, lightweight, hahaha.

Is he out of shape from being on the road? They're better with your morning coffee (or tea). Kinda of a wake and cruise.

Wait till you try the new recipe...coming up soon.

Man meth is a killer I was high on meth for weeks at a time for few years just sellin it smokin it trading it iwas just my thing at the time....... Then the wife got pregnant with our daughter ... Wasn't easy but I got clean and got clean quick....longs story short Ben clean now for 2 years and couldn't be happier,, daughter really changed my life for the better I look back when I was tweaking and Dont know what I was thinking ........just wish some friends would get clean for I can hang out with them I literally have one friend by choice ....just can't be around that stuff cause don't want to either .....
sorry about your brothers. i have only one sibling, a brother 2 years younger then me. he is very sick and has been so for over 20 years. i love him. he is my best friend. at times i wanna slap him silly but he finally comes around. his disease makes him crazy sometimes. he won't be around much longer so i just kinda ignore his idiot moments.
enough of the sad, up with the glad, i chopped one of my little girls last night, i love marijuana :-)
oh yeah and HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY!!!! let the fun begin
Man meth is a killer I was high on meth for weeks at a time for few years just sellin it smokin it trading it iwas just my thing at the time....... Then the wife got pregnant with our daughter ... Wasn't easy but I got clean and got clean quick....longs story short Ben clean now for 2 years and couldn't be happier,, daughter really changed my life for the better I look back when I was tweaking and Dont know what I was thinking ........just wish some friends would get clean for I can hang out with them I literally have one friend by choice ....just can't be around that stuff cause don't want to either .....

I am clean now 10 yrs or maybe 9 idk, yeah I had to quit hanging around with lots of ppl as a result of my life change. I wish I never used it and know it messed me up pretty bad. I think I have heart and mental damage from the long term use of it. I used bodybuilding to get healthy and as a way to stay busy. I am glad you were able to quit as well!! I know so many ppl that just cant stay quit, my brother just got outta court ordered rehab...AGAIN on Xmas day. I REALLLLLLLLLLLLY hope he stays clean this time!!!!!!!!!!!