Club 600

Want to wish all the Sixers a very nice weekend! Here in the states we got a 3 day weekend and mine starts NOW!!! Also got a my email from S.O.S that my order has been carefully packaged and dispatched. I got some DPQ f2s coming my way soon....


I agree, but it depends on your location and time of year ;)

That's intensity and duration, not light travel angle. :| The sun is a single point of light, being cast on a sphere. There will always be more light on the sides of the plant because the plants are at an angle the majority of daylight hours. If this were not true, shadows wouldn't be present NEXT TO the plant 80% of the day, but only 20% or less. Before any one argues, grab a flashlight and a ball. Shine the light on any spot from any angle. Now move a stick along the ball as if it were a plant. BINGO!

Now the inevitable question...Why do plants grow up, not out?

This happens because plants don't look for light, necessarily, but rather the first SOURCE of light each morning, and the last of it in the evening. As the sun hits the horizon, the light beam of the sun slowly drops from above. Because of geological formations, houses, Etc. there may be a corner, or wall, that receives light first, but the rest of the garden is shadowed by a tree. The plant will head for the wall because it wants the most amount of time in the light as possible. This is why "Street light pruning" is so funny. Random branches growing in circles, loops, spirals, chasing what it thinks is the sunrise, and sunset! So they are growing away from shadows, which is usually up. For this reason, "2 and 10 O'clock" are the best locations for primary light. This is awkward indoors, because we use rectangular construction techniques. Right?
Anyone ever hear of Hell's Angels OG? supposed to be the origins of Larry OG. Or Raskuls Fire OG. Have a chance to pick these up if i drive an hour away. Hmmmmmm what to do......
The angle of the sun in my backyard changes by the season, in the summer it is almost directly over head, in the winter it comes in from the south.

If you live on the equator the sun should be directly above you all the time. Hence why the equator exists.
Anyone ever hear of Hell's Angels OG? supposed to be the origins of Larry OG. Or Raskuls Fire OG. Have a chance to pick these up if i drive an hour away. Hmmmmmm what to do......

Either it's a fast growing strain, that takes no shit. (Organic nutrients not recommended, lol) Or you get jacked by an OG Hells Angel...LOL!
The angle of the sun in my backyard changes by the season, in the summer it is almost directly over head, in the winter it comes in from the south.

If you live on the equator the sun should be directly above you all the time. Hence why the equator exists.

Umm, regardless of where the light is coming from, it must start on a horizon, and end on one, even if it's the same horizon! While the sun is climbing in the sky, it is sidelighting. When your shadow is exactly beneath you, the sun is lighting from the top. Right? You forgot to grab a flashlight and play with your balls. LOL! Please post pictures of ANYTHING at Dawn THROUGH dusk, with it's shadow directly underneath it.

P.S. Not trolling, but the equator would make the sun off to the side of the earth, so you're actually standing sideways.

"Places on the Equator experience the quickest rates of
sunrise and sunset in the world. They are also the only places in the world where the sun can go directly from the zenith to the nadirand from the nadir to the zenith. Such places also have a theoretical constant 12 hours of day and night throughout the year, though in practice there are variations of a few minutes due to the effects of atmospheric refraction and because sunrise and sunset are measured from the time that the edgeof the Sun's disk is on the horizon, rather than the center of the disk." ripped from Wiki

So while you may receive more "Top" lighting than other people due to the fast sun rise, it still climbs the sky.
Right but the angle that it rises and sets at changes as well.

And now i see what you mean about the other angles ;)

I was thinking on another axis.
Prolly worth IMO ;)

I have been flaked on by too many people this week so i guess i will take a trip.

Here is the complete menu.
