Club 600

I saw them for the first time last June in Washington.
Amazing concert, and I was about 12 feet from Alex the whole concert...
... except for when they played YYZ... which was when he & Geddy traded places on stage and I got an eye full of his awesomeness during his spotlight part of the song!
Will be seeing them again if they come this way when they've released their up-coming album, too!
Hey duchie, speaking of randy rhodes, he died in a plane crash about five miles from my house.

Who wrote that weed vaporizes at three hundred eighty degrees? I have my vaporizer set on three twenty five and it produces a nice bag of vapor. If I turn my vaporizer up to three eighty, it would taste burnt.

Can you use everclear to make the green dragon?
I woudl guess so, but then I have never made it. I have a recipe in one of my first journals...I think,
heres a simple recipe that was posted in my journal.

This is a simple and efficient 4 Step process.

1/8oz high quality cannabis
2 oz Bacardi Rum – 151 proof

Process Summary:

1. Chop cannabis very fine (coffee grinder works great)

2. Place in a shallow pan (pie pan with aluminum foil works great) and bake at 325°F for 4-5 minutes.

3. Remove from oven and place cannabis and place in 2 oz of rum (use a small wide mouth mason jar)

4. Simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Maintain temperature of the rum/cannabis mixture between 150°F – 165°F.

5. Strain the mixture and store.

One eyedropper is very nice. Two puts you in space. But you should self-titrate. Effects take about 1.5 hours to begin (at least in myself) and lasted for 5 hours (1 dropper) to 7-8 hours (2 droppers).
Hey duchie, speaking of randy rhodes, he died in a plane crash about five miles from my house.

Who wrote that weed vaporizes at three hundred eighty degrees? I have my vaporizer set on three twenty five and it produces a nice bag of vapor. If I turn my vaporizer up to three eighty, it would taste burnt.

Can you use everclear to make the green dragon?

360 degrees is the temp that marijuana starts releasing carcinogens. 325 - 355 is what I use mine at. after 325 the pot releases THC and CBD, then after 360 degrees, the bad stuff starts to be released
If I am already supplementing white/blue spectrum with MH in the flower chamber, which would be the best choice for 600 watt HPS?

So far all of them state "Supplemental blue spectrum for increased yields."

How about a non-blue HPS? Extinct?
So I found my camera charger agian...and here are a few pics

veg room 12-21-11

back right Larrry OG
back left Querkle
middle right reveg White Rhino
middle right reveg Mr Nice
middle solo cups clones of B Dream And Gods Gift


veg room 12-31-11
a blue dream clone from veg area 1-13-12

a gods gift clone from veg area 1-13-12


side view of a purple urkle clone and a grape krush clone

grape ape mom 1-13
grape ape mom

querkle mom
Larry og mom....over 6' tall...notice she looks depressed....she is like this most of the time. I am gonna flush her again to see if this helps.

I didnt have an old pic to show changes, but she grew over a ft taller and 1.5 ft wider since the other pics were taken

Here are my girls today in the flower tent
I have Dream Queen
(2) Grape Krush
(1) Harlequin
(2) Cindy 99
(2) Dream Queen
and (2) Gurple
9 plants altogether

Now that I have mother plants I wont be doing runs of multi strains....last time.........should be easier for a entry level grower like me. I noticed Cindy is picky, and so is gurple.
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Good morning to the West of me and good evening to the East. Everyone else, good afternoon.

Nice shot bill. Is that the one with the purple trichs? bassman your gardens looking really good man. You've dealt with a lot of stuff in the past year and battled you way through it pretty well it looks.

Hey Heads Up. My little YouTube romp led me to the old news clips from the time and they pissed me off again, and as much as the first time and asking what everybody was, "Randy, why the fuck did you get in that plane with that idiot?" All they found in his system was nicotine. Not even alcohol. The guy had his head on real straight. It must have been some crazy around your place when that happened. I was a teenager at the time actively playing in a Metal band playing Quiet Roit, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and such, so that was a big thing for me and my friends.

So, not much to report today. Just waiting for some seeds to pop. I'm using a temporary solution to warm the area until I can get a heat pad this week. Also, I didn't use any of the primo stuff I've been gifted this time. I took 10 seeds. Four are my Jack Hammer, two are C4/Caseys hermied seed and 4 are Deep Blue/JTR hermie seed the last one spit out. As an experiment, I pre split 3 of the DB/JTR in my mouth like you would a sunflower seed, ever so gentle and then rinsed the seed off right away with clean water. I said I was going to try this a little while ago so here we go. Depending on the results, if they do pop up before everyone else I'll try again with a better sample. Sorry if that sounds wacky. Maybe I'm just bored. Other discoveries have happened that way. :lol:

Well, good day all :peace:
I'm still waiting on funding. The later I get paid, the later I can order and Germ seeds. Grrrrrrrr... I was hoping to have 18" seedlings by March. There goes that. Hopefully I have something for the farm in May. They always plant the first full moon in May. Outdoor Sativa is the El Dorado of meds, IMHO.
If I am already supplementing white/blue spectrum with MH in the flower chamber, which would be the best choice for 600 watt HPS?

So far all of them state "Supplemental blue spectrum for increased yields."

How about a non-blue HPS? Extinct?

i use an ulti-lumenx 600 hps... no blue supplemental...