Club 600

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Sting's a reet knob. he was in a local boozer up the road, (he's from my home city) rocked up to the bar had a pint of guinness and couldn't pay, said he didn't carry cash!? his lacky had to stump up for it.


Well-Known Member
Who goes to a bar without at least a fiver?
Yeah, I realize it's not smart to be known as someone who carries lots of cash, but that's ridiculous.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ever watched the australian version? same story but without elijah wood. it's weird after watching the US one. confused me to hell. stoned and being like, have i seen this before? yes and no.


Well-Known Member
One of them is a few pages back, the Bolo Kush.....

here's a pic of one of the Bolos from about 10 days ago. And yeh, I managed to nute burn all my plants this round, not sure what it was....
bit of nute burn aint guna hurt.....very nice job mate....


Well-Known Member
Cheers Del. And the pot I used was recycled from the last grow without changing the medium, (one of my new things) so the nute burn came when I actually fed it once, other than that it's been on water.

EDIT: Wilfred, thats it guys, thanks! I have a goonie just like his outfit, zonder floppy ears and hood.


Well-Known Member
Finally someone to keep me company, lol.
I tried staying up with you bill but my eyes started doing it's whacky shit on me, telling me a migraine's coming on, so off to bed I went.

Very nice BC99 I have a soft spot for pure sativa also. I bet if you threw that in the yard ran it over with the truck a few times let the sun bleach out the color then stuff it into a trash compactor it would taste just like the shit from the 70's. :lol:
My buddy says it reminds him of the holy smoke they use for incense at a catholic church ;)
Somewhere around the time I started this journey, almost two years ago, I stated that one of the main reasons I started growing is to find that elusive Sativa of old, with it's unique smell and high. I remember going to concerts in the late 70's through the 80's when the stadium would be full of that smell, and strangers/brothers would be passing the doobies around. "Oooh that smell. Can't you smell that smell? Oooh that smell. The smell of (it) surrounds youuuuuuuuu!

I believe that article about vpd came out of a high times, at least I read it out of one. It more or less confirms my idea about humidity and its effects on plants. I have noticed that my arjan's haze did the roll leaf into tube thingy trying to conserve moisture by not exposing the leaf to light. Bill, your acapulco gold looks eerily similar to the colombian gold, did you clone her?

Duchie, you won't be disappointed in the colombian, just make sure to take clones and the clones will finish in eight weeks. If you clone from a clone the plant tends to not be as buddy and the 'buds' get to looking very foxtailish but are still dank as hell. They need good light to develop. And it sounds like you do indeed need more humidity. Are you experiencing leaf roll?
They've been shriveled up little things from the start. They're just starting to stretch out and take some shape but not much. Here's a pic I post earlier of my Jack Hammer. I was giving it all some thought last night and wondered if I should co-ordinate my Sativa and Indica grows with the seasons. Sat's in the spring through summer and Indy's in the end of summer through the winter.


So, will the Colombian Gold be my Holy Grail? We shall see.


Well-Known Member
still makes me think off that eff off huge chinese fella from enter the dragon.

lol I watched bloodsport the other night, that guy is in several movies.

Cheers Del. And the pot I used was recycled from the last grow without changing the medium, (one of my new things) so the nute burn came when I actually fed it once, other than that it's been on water.

EDIT: Wilfred, thats it guys, thanks! I have a goonie just like his outfit, zonder floppy ears and hood.
just water eh! nice... your compost seems to be doing its thing :-) very nice.


Well-Known Member
So I finally read that big humidity post and now I'm all confused. Well not really confused as much as questioning what is going on in my room. As I said before my humidity isn't even on that chart in the article. I'm guessing my minimum VPD is 20. Shouldn't my leaves be crackling apart with this? Am I giving up most of my yield by running such low humidity? I'm lost now. Not sure how I can get more humidity in my closet, but I guess I'll try. Sheesh.

Next you are going to tell me checking my pH would be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
So I finally read that big humidity post and now I'm all confused. Well not really confused as much as questioning what is going on in my room. As I said before my humidity isn't even on that chart in the article. I'm guessing my minimum VPD is 20. Shouldn't my leaves be crackling apart with this? Am I giving up most of my yield by running such low humidity? I'm lost now. Not sure how I can get more humidity in my closet, but I guess I'll try. Sheesh.

Next you are going to tell me checking my pH would be a good idea.
Try growing peppers or something in with your girls i did last time around and my RH was a lot higher, in the last few weeks i had to put a dehumidifier in there and still suffered with botrytis :(


Well-Known Member
Just got a call from my sister. Not sure why I'm posting on RUI, but need to tell something/someone. My sister went in for an MRI because of increased seizures (She's always been epileptic), and a "Growth" was found embedded in her anterior lobe on the right side. The doctor says come back in 6 months for a re-scan. Hopefully it's not growing.

FUCK! I have no Ginger Ale, no medicine, and I'm alone. (NO, I'm not a fucking idiot. I will NOT hang myself)

My perception has shifted due to emotional reactions caused by chemical reactions in my brain. It helps to type that. Such is life, but I hope I don't lose my Sister this early in life.