Club 600


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And that my friends is why cats are better than dogs ;)


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Yo BC, that first video was trippin me out because the two cats on our deck look just like those two. Ours just play with eachother though.

Lol at the dog getting beat up. Too funny. Well, not for the dog I guess.


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hello 6'ers, wishing you all a grewat weekend. Lovely stuff from Gen, Jhod and Ambs. Still can't believe that Deep Blue may not get to finish...:(

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The ExHale co2 bags. Don't really know if my co2 is helping or not. First off I have only one bag in a 9'x10' room that isn't exactly sealed with fans and an air conditioner running, yes I'm running my air at the end of january. It's been almost summer here again with highs around eighty. I just figured for twenty five bucks for supposedly six months worth of co2 why not give it a try?

The guy from rogue hydroponics contacted me again yesterday to let me know he has some budget secret jardin tents coming in and if there is anything anybody wants that they can't find contact them and they will order it for you. They are really good with their shipping and even better with their communication. Funny how the guy put two and two together right quick like, I never mention my hobby when communicating with him. Why does he think I might be interested in a tent?

I think the co2 levels around my place are around 250ppm outdoors. I'm like thirty feet above sea level and there is so much green around I'm sure it sucks up any available co2.

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I've been using Scott's premium potting soil for about two years, no complaints. As for ph'ing. My water tends to be about or above eight, if I didn't ph my water I can't imagine what my grows would look like. Different nutes will affect you ph in different ways, some will raise your ph and some will lower it. With a little experience when I now brew my teas and my base tea is just worm castings and cow manure sometimes I throw in some mycorrhizae. I bubble the water for a day, then I add my poops for two days. I take a ph and a ppm reading and add alaska brand either grow or bloom to adjust the ph down if needed when the plants need feeding. If it's just a tea then I adjust the ph with a chemical ph down. My buddy killed off two grows in a row by adding lime to his soil, his ph was in the four range and his plants were sickly and yellow, even the stalks were yellow. With a little experience he knew it all and decided to make his own soil, what a disaster, two disasters.

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I'm happy to report that both of my Romulan 3's and the one c4/caseyband that germed have entered into life and my other c4/caseyband is starting to pop a tap root and hopefully will be in a peat pellet tomorrow. I started them in peat pellets that are sitting in a starter soil mix in party cups so they can grow right through the pellets into the starter soil and should be ready for transplanting in two weeks or so. Started a water regimen the other day for my og18 and shackzilla. That will give them almost two weeks of just water before chopping.

Lucky me, I get to work today, in the rain, I'll be looking for that silver lining in between the rain drops.


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I know a few peeps will have a giggle at this, i don't mind giving the girls a bit of a taste of what I might have on (i.e the original CK Mark Wahlberg look, likewise I really don't mind seeing the top of a ladies thongs/etc....), but it's just laughable these days what with peoples pants actually being below their bums...did these guys know?


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hey guys and gals, I was reading this article the other day whilst waiting in the ozzy (sorry, can't remember the name of the magazine as it had a plain hospital cover on it, and it was in Dutch) So, it was all about this dude who is doing research into all the elements within plant material that we do not understand. Why they are there in the plant, to what purpose they are for etc. Unfortunately I got called before I could finish the article but the research in particular looks at how plants send out signals to insects, and in particular predatory insects. I am sure we have discussed this before but I thought it worthy mentioning. Plants of course release chemicals to alert predatory insects of attack by the likes of mites, pillers, etc....anyway, carry on.