Club 600


Well-Known Member
Good to see you duchie. Glad things are rolling along for you.

So here's what going on over here. Got some dog looking good... but DAMN are the banana's looking frosty as Fuck!!! if I do say so myself.

Banana OG:
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BlackBerry Kush:
View attachment 2076038

Devastator Kush:
View attachment 2076037
That banana is off the hook jig, looks like you chipped it off of a Glacier. I gotta get me some dog real soon.

edit: why do the pics show on my reply and not your post? now they disappeared? wtf


Well-Known Member
Great Pics Jig, and indeed fat buds Drew! Happy Monday morning to come for all of you flying around behind me in the world. It's nice over here! Wait till you see it.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
I'm looking forward to this monday you speak of D. Only 23 minutes left of my Sunday and I should be asleep by the time it's here.

only one, the other vids are friends of mine.
Oops. I probably commented on one of your friends video thinking it was yours. I'm sure they can figure it out though.


Well-Known Member
Look Mommy, I may have missed your Mothers Day flowers but I collected some pretty ones of my own.....


Well-Known Member
My wife found this while cleaning out an estate of a 90 year old guys house. Seems to be very old, under the scope it is gold. Has a crusty orange peel with it also. Can't get anyone to smoke it Yet. lol

View attachment 2075395

I'd smoke it, but I'd want to put it under a microscope to check for mold spores, just in case. ;-)


And, I kind of hate to post this, seeing as dozens of smart alleck kids got their asses beat back in grade school for teasing me by using the catch phrase "Let's get Mikey! He won't eat it he hates everything!" when this commercial first came out. (My name is Mike)
I was a picky eater growing up, and my parents were the kind that would make the funkiest, nastiest, spiciest dinners from around the world.
A few nights a week I was always the last to finish dinner because the food made me want to vomit (and I did a few times), so they'd get pissed and set the oven timer for 5 minutes and make me finish it up or else.
So little did these poor kids know that my food intake was a touchy subject.
But I always gave them three opportunities to cease and desist their shenanigans before promising to hurt them.
I started school a year early, and was also a small kid until 11th grade, so if you didn't already know me, you'd think it was a joke to be threatened by such a pipsqueak.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I like that!
this i like.
I like that you like it!
and i love this.
I like my own post!!!
this kinda makes me feel funny but I like it.
How did you get my picture lol oh and like lol
Lurkers lurk and sometimes take pictures which I like.
I "Un-Like" not having my "Like" button...
I must smoke vast quantaties of weed to soothe my savage breast...
now if there was an unlike button too that would spin things up a bit not sure I would like that.

I seriously want one of these in my man cave:

I would like to have the room.
I like your post. I like your beans. I like your dirt talk. I like you putting them beans in the dirt. Funky they aint up yet? Do you not like them sprouting before getting them down under? Damn i like questions !
And i like this picture off my girl growing a fat head :D
View attachment 2075312
Dankasaurus Rex!!!

Prehistoric nugz?

or prehistoric NUGZZ!!!

getting lost in multi-quotes:( like it.
I also "Like" your fat-headed lady. :-)
Has been chilly in the room, and I'm in the process of clearing a spot for the cups that gets them far away from the chilly window area (on a small bookshelf under a window sill).
There is a dark blue bath towel covering the window to block light, but cool air infiltrates too much it seems.
The last ones of this strain were sown in the spot I'm about to move this current group of seeds to, and it only took them 3 days before they were pushing out of the soil, so I guess it's time to move them to warmer climes.
As for germinating, I am supremely lazy, and apparently supremely lucky: I have a 100% germination rate (102% if you include the two mutant plants who grew twin trunks from one seed).
Always fail when I do it otherwise, so I just pop a dry seed in moist soil and keep it spritzed with water several times a day, keeping it covered loosely with plastic.
I run a Birthing Pool and run numbers on it. My main customers are Me, Myself & I.
They're a few easily-fooled schmucks I hooked up with a while back.
Had to break I's pinky finger last winter when he tried to weasel out on the $50 he owed me.
I cornered his sorry ass and was all like, "Where's my money, man?!"

Like it too.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Good to see you duchie. Glad things are rolling along for you.

So here's what going on over here. Got some dog looking good... but DAMN are the banana's looking frosty as Fuck!!! if I do say so myself.

EDIT: Couldn't figure out how to get them on the page without being full size... so you get them all HUGE, lol.

Banana OG:


BlackBerry Kush:

Devastator Kush:

Hmmm I like I do I do


Active Member
my auto turbo diesel 7 weeks from seed had them on 250w cfl 24hours light for about the first 4 weeks now been under the 600 hps for 3 weeks and the light is at top of tent 22 in there
Looking good budolski. Whats your take on the turbo diesel? I got some pollin of TD gifted to me by a legit source. I havent used any yet. I was thinking using it to pollinate a S.A.G.E which is like a pure afghani.