Club 600


Well-Known Member
locked up this morning riding to allotment with my grinder with bout a joint in for after we done a bit diggin. had to get my scrog out b4 they searched my house and i know they know theres been a grow in beacuse i boxed my out take fan up in ceiling to prevent noise and my hangers and ballast still left in there and all my feed in kitchen cuboard sick cunt took my bike aswell to check to see if its been stolen
from what i gather this sounds pretty shitty. good luck budolski, god speed :hug:


Well-Known Member

I had never actually watched that vid, but had seen a brief promo on Tosh.0 a while back.
Never having heard it, I honestly thought we were in for an Erkel-meets-Sanjay-meets-William Hung experience, but that little guy has a good voice.

Here is a re-mix done on Tosh.0 (featuring Boyz II Men):


Have been busy doing Spring Cleaning here in the Doobster household, and getting my man cave/grow space/music lab/art grotto squared away, but have been lurking in the shadows.
Haven't had any pR0n to add to the festivities, but love the lung candy you guys have been showing!
Making a trip to the garden store this weekend!
A little soil, some amendments, some mycorrhizae & perlite, and going to try some Espoma Tomato Tone for flowering.
Then get final "OK" from the wife, and get a couple of packs of seeds from

My song & video are progressing nicely!
But it keeps getting bigger! (that's what SHE said)
I've re-done the Intro three times, and am finally happy with the results!

The Intro is 1m18s, and the Outro will be a slight variation of the Intro, so that's 2m36s taken care of.
But I'm going to be doing about 5 minutes of actual song, which will put it at 7m36s long. (maybe more, maybe less, depending on how it flows)
I've got it mapped out more concisely now, and am back to work on it today with written goals to achieve.
More to come on that real soon!

Hope you all have a great Thursday!


Well-Known Member
locked up this morning riding to allotment with my grinder with bout a joint in for after we done a bit diggin. had to get my scrog out b4 they searched my house and i know they know theres been a grow in beacuse i boxed my out take fan up in ceiling to prevent noise and my hangers and ballast still left in there and all my feed in kitchen cuboard sick cunt took my bike aswell to check to see if its been stolen
Sorry to hear that!
At least you got the scrog out of their sight before the search.
I hope you get off light!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like fun times doob. Can't wait to hear what you come up with. Nice boyz2men remix, ha. Sucks about the misfortune budolskie. Your friends grow looks good farmer.


Well-Known Member
Ano sick man, I got daft warning for the skunk in grinder but they got my bike, found a bit skunk in kitchen couple bongs. Just my hangers and ballast thermostat all still in my cupboard just be expecting an early wake up call one morning and watch my self going to where I have the autos


Well-Known Member
This is today's goals...
*red denotes items already finished

"Snow Day" video:

Write the Intro
Record the Intro music - 1m18s

Add LFO swoosh from low to high at the end.
Make the original polymorphic rise n fall do a crescendo and then pitch down at the end.
Record chopper on separate audio track so doppler effect can be perfected.

Record narration for Intro.
Mix audio tracks for Into down into one audio track (to keep it easy to work with)
Record drums & melody for symphtechno.
Record prog rock melody (like Rush meets Dream Theater).
Record techno hook (robot voice, too).
Record vicious dubsteb drop.
Record an Outro very similar to the Intro but have it end with a lone drum roll fading out (instead of ending with a drum cadence).
Record ending credits & acknowledgements (Wife, Mom, Dad, Club 600, and list all gear used in the making of the video).

*try for a minimum of 6 minutes of song (***not including the Intro & Outro)

7m36s minimum

Video footage as needed from snow & inside scenes March 21, 2012 in folder "12th Grow", and stills of previous dank to use as filler and for visual emphasis as needed.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I watched that video again, all the way through, and all I kept thinking is "where's that confounded bridge". Never mind that, there's no chorus either! What's it about??? :lol:

I'm like you Doobie. All veggy and no flora. Damn learning curve!

budolski, really sorry to hear man but like Doobie says, glad you got your ladies out first. How are they?


Well-Known Member
And at the polar opposite end of the musical spectrum:



Well-Known Member
Ok, so I watched that video again, all the way through, and all I kept thinking is "where's that confounded bridge". Never mind that, there's no chorus either! What's it about??? :lol:

I'm like you Doobie. All veggy and no flora. Damn learning curve!

budolski, really sorry to hear man but like Doobie says, glad you got your ladies out first. How are they?
I havnt checked haha just just under black bags at friend going first thing Tomorow to sort a new set up and lay low a little till my door goes through


Well-Known Member
Oh man... I so can't wait! You could work in hollywood making trailers like that. Fuck the hunger games... I want to see the new Doobie Movie!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys :-)
Having fun putting it all together!
The wife is driving herself in to work today & tomorrow (2 free parking passes a month that need to be used), so I get 2 full days of DoobieBrother Time!!!
*not including doing dishes some time today, and eating, and maybe making a loaf of bread and then eating again

Time for a bowl break, and then some food.


Well-Known Member
Now that's what I'm talking about! No buzz kill there. Only built anticipation. Remember us when you collect that award.