Club 600

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
some ladies who didn't like the weather in sunny ole England and made their way southwest. They show the prowness of their father-Mr. Jake Blues and the sexiness of their here they are at day 52...a couple are at day 48.

engineers dream/jake blues

livers/jake blues

another dream/blue

another livers/blues

and a cheese/jake blues

a-n-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-i-o-n........count on it.
I was hoping for a 4-20 harvest, but it looks like they need more time.



Well-Known Member
Hubba hubba! Looking quite dank cof.

Chicken is on the grill,, commence beer drinking...

How are those other ladies doing cof? ?purp starts packing on trichs at an early age.

Edit: here she is at day 19 in soil~~~~~~


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
The first ones that I put into bloom are starting to show what they are and so far many males have bit the dust....and the ladies are still hiding their secrets. I replaced the males with more of the veg group, but I'm waiting for room in the bloom room for the rest of them.



Well-Known Member
My ?p crosses are so tiny it's frustrating. I wish these things would grow more quickly already. Starting to mess with my vacation plans in June. Grow you little fucks, lol


Well-Known Member
My ?p crosses are so tiny it's frustrating. I wish these things would grow more quickly already. Starting to mess with my vacation plans in June. Grow you little fucks, lol

Im having the same issue with some peppers right now... Havent grown a bit in what seems like a month!

So lots of males and slow growing plants, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk.


Well-Known Member
It's been so chilly here, too that the larger three seedlings (BMF) that I showed a couple of days ago where 29 days old.
Looked like 14 days.
They're slowly picking up speed now, but not much.

The wife & I don't bother with turning heat on unless the outside temps are near freezing, so when it drops down to upper-30's to low-40's at night, it gets a little nipply inside and my poor little ones are showing it.
And that's with a heat pad under them the entire time.
They're healthy looking, just slow growing.
It could also be that the roots are growing more than the leaves, too, I suppose.
With the soil relatively warm and the air keeping the leaves cool, the plants will devote more energy towards root production.
By the time it warms up, there should be a mini-explosion of growth.
Fingers crossed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for jogging my brain doob... I suspect low temps have something to do with my slow growth. The highest it gets in my closet at the moment is about 65. I don't think it's so much the plants as it is the environment. I got another strain in there and all the plants are the same size. Tiny.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
blue, jay and banana...had one of each in bloom-3 males, now residing in the compost pile. There is one more of each, either in veg (waiting for room) or early bloom-like yesterday.



Well-Known Member
I think cold is killer on growth, particularly in the roots, and I think that is what caused my rash of stunted plants. I think I had the same issue the winter before and probably blamed it on something else. Peat pellets I think. A few things I've done different that I think helped are raising my pots, particularly my felt pots, a couple of inches on these elevated trays. I've also started running flowering at night, and with the day temps warmer, it seems to balance out. What I've got going now is night and day and I'm relieved. I was just thinking today about prepping for next winter. Some sort of raised/insulated base.

Nice looking ED/Jakie Blues cof. Looking forward to hearing how she ends up.

Hey Doobie. Sorry you didn't meet your set goal, but that's ok, we all understand we shouldn't harvest our fruit before it's time and that's it's better to wait. Right? ;) I'd rather wait and have you hanging out anyway.

So the Mrs. came running in today to tell me that the neighbor's cock was loose and in our back yard. I have pictures and video! :hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
Man I just had a crazy thing happen!!
I had a friend come over and anyway I asked what he wanted to smoke and he chose the Grape Krush. We smoked a bowl from the bong...well he smoked most of it actually.
We were baked. Anyway cotton mouth kicked it. We got some water in the kitchen. He said he was gonna sit down. I went into the other room where he was about to sit, but he was holding the chair from the back and then slowly he fell backwards, I caught him and he laid on the floor motionless, then started to have a seizure. I was freaking out!! I was hella high and didnt know what to do...He stopped and came to. He was confused and got up and sat on the couch. He says he doesnt have seizures, so we dont know what happened.....??


Well-Known Member
How can that happen? He was fine then he said his vision got blurry then he said he thought he was sitting on the chair, then he came to on the floor and had no idea how long he was there.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
he filled his lungs with smoke (over and over) and depleted the oxygen, it sometimes takes a few minutes to good smoke helps.
