Club 600


Well-Known Member
I was surprised that Strawberry cough was a sat and good for anxiety. I tried the harlequin and didnt get anxiety, but didnt have it at the time either. BTW Harlequin is a sat as well. I was already smoking other stuff that day so cant give an accurate smoke report


Active Member
I didn't know sativas were supposed to be good for anxiety. I've smoked a few sativas that gave me anxiety in fact. I remember a friend left a little bit of a blue dream joint over at my place when I wasn't smoking much. I had that and was freaking out. I just did some searching and found mixed reviews on the subject, but most people said indicas were the way to go for anxiety.

I too am really curious about the Harliquan. Can't wait to hear what you think.
There are so many factors that contribute to the thc/cbd ratios. Even after that its going to depend on how that specific person responds to that ratio.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know sativas were supposed to be good for anxiety. I've smoked a few sativas that gave me anxiety in fact. I remember a friend left a little bit of a blue dream joint over at my place when I wasn't smoking much. I had that and was freaking out. I just did some searching and found mixed reviews on the subject, but most people said indicas were the way to go for anxiety.

I too am really curious about the Harliquan. Can't wait to hear what you think.
I like all weed. lol hash will get me all paranoid some times if it's really dank.


Well-Known Member
for reals lol. I'm not THAT far from cali and even have a patient with a cali card. Ever grown out a true train wreck cut? Might just get a pm from me in a few months :rolleyes:
:shock: Arcata Trainwreck? Hello new friend kiss-ass Only pot i ever had thet made me pull the car over and stop!!! Then I had to wash the inside of my windows because they were stuck closed. No Lie!!


Well-Known Member
Edibles are awesome for sure. Definitely something to try again. They rock from mild to wild. On the lower end it's like you smoked half a bowl for hours... nice and chill. On the upper end you can get way higher than you ever could smoking.


Well-Known Member
Mine tend to be on the upper end of the spectrum... I usually over do it.

TGSS it is super simple, if you want i can post a breakdown of how i make my butter on your thread...


Well-Known Member
I like edibles on occasion... One time I ate some canna fudge and had forgotten I ate it,, an hour later I was sooo confused as to why I was so damn high lol took me about another hour to remember I had eaten the fudge! I was laughing so hard at myself.