Club 600


Well-Known Member
Im sure I'll make it. The prices are insane just like anything ells fun these days, like 80 bucks for one day I think. They were like 10 bucks when I was a kid.... My buddy is giving me tickets anyway though,, so that rocks big time..

Heres the lineup!!!



Well-Known Member
Good morning 6ers. A little story to help you appreciate life. So my neighbor across the street has had a bad run. His step son OD'd a couple years back. Then last year, his wife died. Last night, his house went up in smoke and flames! I feel so bad for him. No breaks. But it slapped me in the face for bitching about stupid things like nutrients and temps. I am very fortunate in life to have a commited wife, and 3 rockin' kids. We're all lucky really. (If your reading this on life support, my bad!)


Well-Known Member
trust or not,but this is the reason i want to go
he is very badazz


Well-Known Member
sorry about your neighbor AF, sounds like he could use a friend :peace:
my brother just told me late last night that he has late stage esophageal cancer. don't think it's sunk in yet. his dr is treating him aggressively. so thats a good thing. gonna go fish and meditate. i told him i would start making him medibles :-) wish he didn't live 1000 miles away


Well-Known Member
sorry about your neighbor AF, sounds like he could use a friend :peace:
my brother just told me late last night that he has late stage esophageal cancer. don't think it's sunk in yet. his dr is treating him aggressively. so thats a good thing. gonna go fish and meditate. i told him i would start making him medibles :-) wish he didn't live 1000 miles away
I'm so sorry. When I lost my mother the ONLY thing that comforted me was the conversations we had while she was still here. Spend shit tons of time with him until he kicks you out like a drunk at 2am. :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Afrawfraw heres some good vibes for your neighbor and anyone else reading this that is having a hard time.

Who, I quit going to concerts a long time ago. I went to enough when I was young, and they were better then anyway.


Well-Known Member
Damn Sunny sorry to hear about yer bro. I hope the drs can help. There are alternative treatments out there too, and those medibles will def help the pain.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention there is a small chance the Cancerous cells react negatively to the Cannabis.
Yeah thats one of the methods I was talking about. The concentrated oil from cannabis is used by some at daily intervals given orally and has shown to help ALOT of ailments. No guarantees, but def worth a try.


Well-Known Member
Yeah this ^^^^^^^

What are the proper strains to make the proper oil anyway?
For pain, Afghans produce a lot of oils, and have a indica-ish feel to it. I've used bob Marley and DB (Both Sativas). I found myself washing dishes instead of relaxing. May I suggest an Afghan or Indica? :lol:


Well-Known Member
For pain, Afghans produce a lot of oils, and have a indica-ish feel to it. I've used bob Marley and DB (Both Sativas). I found myself washing dishes instead of relaxing. May I suggest an Afghan or Indica? :lol:
I mean for treating cancer etc, what strains are the ones that are best when made into oil.


Well-Known Member
I am trying to like sativas more for daytime. Cant tell you how many times I smoke in the day and fall asleep and waste time I need to get shit done. BBK was my gateway till I killed the mom by accident during a re-veg.

My white rhino seems to provide strong pain relief, and the re-vegged mom is WAY more vigorous than she was 1st time around for some reason. The buds from her are very greasy to the touch


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the support pals, it means alot
he has had lyme's disease since he was 18 and has been sick his whole life unfortunately. he's 43 and lives in ohio. he's my best friend. our parents were not the best to say the least and it made us very close even tho we are geographically apart.
we're not too down about it, have learned long long ago depression is good for nothing so we try to be optimistic. realistic but optimistic as well. he and i believe there's much relief after this life. is good not to be afraid and feel that the best is yet to come, Jah will take care of it :peace: