Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I'm alive!
I had my first medibles last night and can attest to cof's statements of it being devastating! In a great way!
I ate a 1/4 of one, and then ate another 1/4 cookie an hour later.
2 hours later I fell asleep in the computer chair (10:48pm).
An hour later I woke up in the computer chair (11:32pm).
Another hour later I woke up in the computer chair (12:38am), took my official meds, and finally made my way to an actual bed where I slept until 8-am.
The wife even tried a small piece, and she was asleep by 10-pm (she doesn't partake at all).
So, yeah, cof's method is as delicious as it is devastating!


Well-Known Member
Quick bongo then off to bed soon for moi. Take it easy Doobs and catch you in a bit....DST


Well-Known Member
I was looking for that o ne a while back!

Getting ready to up can three seedlings into 2-gallon pots. (one Deep Blue F2, one MTF, and one JDBR).
Also have a project in mind for modifying my existing pots in two ways: cutting a grid of open squares in the pots, trim two pots so they can be zip-tied together to form one larger pot, and line the whole thing with lanndscaper's fabric for the smart pot effect.
Will post a how to with pics & vid when it's finished, but lots to do to make it all come together.

*behold, the Franken Pot™ ! ! !
**square slots not drawn in yet.



Well-Known Member
Does anyone have experience with permafrost or Kryptonite? Any info is welcome growth type, taste, smell. high type etc.....


Well-Known Member
The last batch of butter I made was 5 grams into 1 stick. It was pure bud no shake. I would call it a toned down dose, good for newbies. Unsalted sweet cream butter is what I used. Bout a cup or less water added. Only simmer for like an hour lowest heat. I use cheesecloth to strain it out then take 2 2x4s and wrap their ends with a sheet of wax paper and tape it. Then use a big C clamp to press the cloth and squeeze every damn bit out of it. Stick it in the fridge and it will separate the water from butter in a few hours. I use a plastic bowl cuz it makes it easier to get the butter out by squeezing the bowl. You can also put it in the freezer about 20 min before your going to take it out, makes it much easier to deal with.

Uhh that's it for me I think


Well-Known Member
Lol I smoked before I started typing that and as it was kicking in my mental capacity was dwindling. I was like Ahh hurry and get the words out while you can!


Well-Known Member
Very nice buds Big Buddah and Hotsauce. Excellent frost. Hotsauce did you make the Bubba Danko cross yourself?

phishtank that room is top notch, cant wait to see it in action doing work. Please keep me posted if you start a journal when ready, I want to follow.

No Bubba Danko was made by a friend from here named EyeCandi he post in the Colorado forums mostly. I must say the guy knows his shit So far ive ran 2 of his breeding projects and both came out very good but this Bubba is beyond my expectations. The buds are like Giant Rocks. I tried squeezing them with my fingers and it took alot of force to squeeze them. I cant wait to run my first DOG I KNOW DST IVE BEEN SLACKING AND IM SORRY but im getting back to my 600w bros DONT WORRY


Well-Known Member
sorry i have a 1000w but have a beastly ballest and can switch it to 600 or 400.. but quick question.. should i invest in a light mover or another light?


Well-Known Member
illl get pics up as soon as i can!!! my phone broke tho.. i gotta get a new batch a pics up before i start to flower


Well-Known Member
Morning folks, well everyday I come onto RIU something different has happened to my Profile. So I went through 48 hours of being able to negative Rep people (I have the pic to provie it, lol) And now my magical powers have gone, not only have they took my pM's (remember, they have a silent P in em) But they also took my Neg Rep shucks that's just not fair! I love RIU, it's such fun.....into week 7 in the Stinky Cab. Might even do an update at some point if I can be biscuited..

Peace and plus Rep to all.....
