Club 600


Well-Known Member
DE is similar to Boric acid I guess in that on contact it dried out the exoskeleton. DE is also quite good for plants since it contains load of trace elements like Zinc for example.

I put mine in an old salt dispeneser and sprinkle on top of the soil. You could also add it to your soil mix to prevent eggs and critters from developing in there. I have never done this but you can also mix it with water and spray.

Good moring everyone. Last day of my visitor today, then Mamma DST goes home.
When the mites act up I spray what ever I am using on walls floors etc... I am now experimenting with Diatomaceous Earth. I dont know how to use ity yet, but it is organic and safe for consumption even.


Well-Known Member
DE is similar to Boric acid I guess in that on contact it dried out the exoskeleton. DE is also quite good for plants since it contains load of trace elements like Zinc for example.

I put mine in an old salt dispeneser and sprinkle on top of the soil. You could also add it to your soil mix to prevent eggs and critters from developing in there. I have never done this but you can also mix it with water and spray.

Good moring everyone. Last day of my visitor today, then Mamma DST goes home.
Also, if you amend it with soil, not only do you get trace elements, but DE has AWESOME water holding properties. Can we say, "Organic moisture crystals"?


Well-Known Member
DE is similar to Boric acid I guess in that on contact it dried out the exoskeleton. DE is also quite good for plants since it contains load of trace elements like Zinc for example.

I put mine in an old salt dispeneser and sprinkle on top of the soil. You could also add it to your soil mix to prevent eggs and critters from developing in there. I have never done this but you can also mix it with water and spray.

Good moring everyone. Last day of my visitor today, then Mamma DST goes home.
has anyone evr tried an IGR for mites, i am unsure but they work on all sorts of bugs. It stops them from molting so they cant gropw and breed.


Well-Known Member
DST, I was thinking about both those methods!
When doing a foliar spray do you ph at 6.5 or the ph of your soil/res?

Tryna, I dont know what IGR is...?


Well-Known Member
i guess if you are in the habit of ph'ing things i would ph it, but to 6.5 and not the lower hydro ph. Im not sure if it'll even make a difference though.


Well-Known Member
Hello 600!
Still alive here, but not feeling so great, so have been lurking.
Here's a quick video update of my 3 BMF plants in flower.
I hope everyone is well out there!



Well-Known Member
Hi Shwag!
Yeah, the BMF is one vigorous strain.
Not so much a stretchy plant as one that just explodes with growth and gets bigger and bigger.
The 6-gallons of soil in the faux-smartpots is working awesome.
And for nutes, all I have been using is "Jobe's Organic Vegetable & Tomato" ammended into the soil before planting and then I do Water/Water/Feed (fish emulsion 5-1-1).
I'm going to experiment with this run by not using anything else, to get a baseline of what might be needed on future grows.
Next Grow, I'll add Sweet during flowering.
And the next I'll add Liquid Karma.
But right now the plants are so far ahead of the curve that I am not seeing any need to add anything beyond water and fish emulsion.
Time will tell, and I do have about 40 days to see how they do with the bare minimum.
So nice not to have to deal with so many multi-step nute regimens this time around.
I'm going to do a compilation when it is all finished so other's can see for themselves if the results are worth it.
So far, I'm super impressed.
I'd upload a quick pic, but riu is having problems (or still upgrading) and the attachment uploader isn't working for me right now.


Well-Known Member
@ doobibrother when ever i see your display pic i run downstairs make some hot choc and grab some munchies, your a bad influence!! lol

curious old fart

Well-Known Member

I found the need to add a tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water to feed the the added nitrogen like you supplimented...I used blood meal 12-0-0 in the mix, but other than that it's...just add water.



Well-Known Member
Hi Shwag!
Yeah, the BMF is one vigorous strain.
Not so much a stretchy plant as one that just explodes with growth and gets bigger and bigger.
The 6-gallons of soil in the faux-smartpots is working awesome.
And for nutes, all I have been using is "Jobe's Organic Vegetable & Tomato" ammended into the soil before planting and then I do Water/Water/Feed (fish emulsion 5-1-1).
I'm going to experiment with this run by not using anything else, to get a baseline of what might be needed on future grows.
Next Grow, I'll add Sweet during flowering.
And the next I'll add Liquid Karma.
But right now the plants are so far ahead of the curve that I am not seeing any need to add anything beyond water and fish emulsion.
Time will tell, and I do have about 40 days to see how they do with the bare minimum.
So nice not to have to deal with so many multi-step nute regimens this time around.
I'm going to do a compilation when it is all finished so other's can see for themselves if the results are worth it.
So far, I'm super impressed.
I'd upload a quick pic, but riu is having problems (or still upgrading) and the attachment uploader isn't working for me right now.
Yoyoyo brother doob. I totally relate, I love organic soil mixes too because mixing nutes is almost entirely unnecessary. I will give them a nudge late in flower from time to time, maybe a light dose of cal mag, this or that, but essentially its just filling my water tubs for pouring it to them. I like your thought process, see how they do with your mix, then see if adding a little of this or that makes a difference. Dial it in DB, they're are liking your love so far.

@ doobibrother when ever i see your display pic i run downstairs make some hot choc and grab some munchies, your a bad influence!! lol
lol, that damn chocolate milk flips the switch in the head for munchies, doesn't it? Please don't share what my avatar makes you wanna do tho, LOL.


Well-Known Member

I found the need to add a tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water to feed the the added nitrogen like you supplimented...I used blood meal 12-0-0 in the mix, but other than that it's...just add water.

I was meaning to ask you about stuff like that! Thanks! :-)
I think for my next grow, I'm going to look for something other than the fish emulsion.
Duchie was mentioning a high N alfa alfa-based feed.
Will be going to the garden store in the next few days and will look into either blood meal or alfa alfa.
Oh, and tonight is watering night for the girls, so will add some Sweet. Got to keep the tiny little guys happy.

@ doobibrother when ever i see your display pic i run downstairs make some hot choc and grab some munchies, your a bad influence!! lol
Sorry about that!
I'll change it up.
I hate being a bad influence. :-)

Yoyoyo brother doob. I totally relate, I love organic soil mixes too because mixing nutes is almost entirely unnecessary. I will give them a nudge late in flower from time to time, maybe a light dose of cal mag, this or that, but essentially its just filling my water tubs for pouring it to them. I like your thought process, see how they do with your mix, then see if adding a little of this or that makes a difference. Dial it in DB, they're are liking your love so far.

lol, that damn chocolate milk flips the switch in the head for munchies, doesn't it? Please don't share what my avatar makes you wanna do tho, LOL.

Think I might go pour myself a glass right now. :-)


Well-Known Member
My girls in my shed are struggling, but are turning around. I was really sick for several days and am getting better too. Anyway here are a few big girls in early flower in my shed...
DSC05237.jpgDSC05236.jpgView attachment 2158768
I trimmed them back quite a bit today and filled the trash. I wanted to make room for them to grow.
1st pic White Rhino AKA Medicine MAn
2nd pic Gods Gift
3rd pic Querkle
The other girls are still doingf bad and dont get pics yet till I get them better.
The R$hino has hardly any flowers or anything, the Querkle smells like Lemonade with perfume in the baCKGROUND. I think she is gonna be great!

Seems we cannot put up large pics anymore. I had to stop being lazy and shrink these b4 uploading


Well-Known Member
My girls in my shed are struggling, but are turning around. I was really sick for several days and am getting better too. Anyway here are a few big girls in early flower in my shed...
View attachment 2158766View attachment 2158767View attachment 2158768
I trimmed them back quite a bit today and filled the trash. I wanted to make room for them to grow.
1st pic White Rhino AKA Medicine MAn
2nd pic Gods Gift
3rd pic Querkle
The other girls are still doingf bad and dont get pics yet till I get them better.
The R$hino has hardly any flowers or anything, the Querkle smells like Lemonade with perfume in the baCKGROUND. I think she is gonna be great!

Seems we cannot put up large pics anymore. I had to stop being lazy and shrink these b4 uploading
I can't post my own, but I can get yours full-sized for you.



Well-Known Member
Hey Doobie, good to see ya. Sorry you're feeling down. First off, I love my fish emulsion, not that I use it that much. My jug is getting low and I'm going to replace it with a fish hydrolysate.

Liquid fish fertilizers come in different forms and qualities. Most are fish emulsion fertilizer products, which means that the important oils, amino acids, vitamins, hormones, and enzymes have been been either separated for use in different products or killed in the high temperature manufacturing process. The result is generally a lower quality product with a lower nutrient content than a hydrolysate.
A fish hydrolysate fertilizer (which is what this product is - it's not a fish emulsion) means that fish are enzymatically cold pressed, keeping the oils, amino acids, vitamins, hormones, and enzymes in the product. The result is a nutrient-rich product that has many trace minerals and other benefits.

Kelp is cheap and effective too. I also agree with cof about the molasses. I've just incorporated that into my teas as well as these alfalfa pellets I got. I'm not sure that's what I got will work for you though. What they are simply, is cut, whole alfalfa feed that is compressed into pellets the shape and size of a large ice cube. They come in a huge 50lb bag and they smell like a fresh cut hayfield. The first way I used them was to soak a bunch in water and amended my recycled soil mix with it, and adding that warm water just intensified the smell so bad it smelled like I mowed the lawn in my house. Once it was in the soil it wasn't so bad. That mix is what my Romulans are in now. Now I'm just throwing a cube per gallon in the bag for veg tea. Which again I'm not doing much. I think you'd be better with some sort of finer, more concentrated alfalfa meal or something. I don't know if blood meal is like bone meal but if it is I think I'd stay away from that. It's real touch and go risky from what I've read. Here's an article you might like on it.

About the DE, I forgot about that stuff. I don't use it but I've considered it. The stuff I found was more course I thought. Like a finer beach pebble.


Well-Known Member
Funny you should mention RIU also Doobie. I've been having a bitch of a time getting on these days. This site seems to be going down more than a hooker at the end of the month. Starting to piss me off a bit. lol

OK, one more thing. Any of you Netflix people out there. If you're not watching Lilyhammer with Steven VanZandt, WTF not????? No really, this is an awesome show with eight episodes in the first season. A second has been announced but he's got commitments with the Bruce Springsteen gig so not sure when they'll film yet. Anyway, can't say enough about it.


Well-Known Member
A good read.
Some blood meal is made from cow blood, while others is from pig blood.
One thing I'll say about the fish emulsion I'm using is that even at 5-1-1 my plants are nice and green, even with the current growth spurt.
But it makes a gooey residue inside the water jugs.
Not sure if mine is enzyme-derived, or pressed & emuslified. Will have to find the maker's website and see what they say.
Since I'm well into flowering mode now, I'm more concerned about the relatively "low" P of the Jobe's for flowering (2-7-4).
Or is that in line with a good organic ratio for the P?
Oh, on the ingredients for it, it is: bone meal, feather meal, and composted poultry poo, and potash (sulfate of).
For now, I'm not seeing any deficiencies, though they're only now starting to form kolas, so will have to keep a close eye on their health before deciding to add anything else.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I was thinking that was the case. Is it as touchy, do you know?
Not that I'm aware of. It is the area of the spine (bone) that contains the mad cow bacteria.

riu is going thru some modifications and hopes to be finished by the 8th, hence the problems. I did a cut and paste on this earlier-possibly Sunday.
