Club 600


Well-Known Member
well its my fucking birthaday..... Soo i go out and get drunk as fuck. I get to my house and breake over 500 dollars in bongs. pretty upset right now.. Just broke my brand new zob bubbler..... 280 dollars.. then i proceeded to break my 320 dollar govermint. GREAT!!! STAY HIGH!!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
morning sexy sixers, seems this is the place to post pics of flowers. Well i been stalking the flowers on the princesses courgettes and I got a few this morning lol.

they are only open like this for like 20 mins then the start to fold up and shrivel up and then fall off lol. Shmoking some dippy ellsy this morning got me in a fine arse mood lol



Well-Known Member
well its my fucking birthaday..... Soo i go out and get drunk as fuck. I get to my house and breake over 500 dollars in bongs. pretty upset right now.. Just broke my brand new zob bubbler..... 280 dollars.. then i proceeded to break my 320 dollar govermint. GREAT!!! STAY HIGH!!!

Right then back to bed with you Mate and pull the covers over ya head


Well-Known Member
come on whodat,let me see it.............

let me see your"melons"
Nice that makes me wanna go take pics of my girls outside. I have 2 Tomato plants 1 Banana Pepper Plant, and 1 Spicy Bell Pepper plant i cant remember the name of. Im trying to think of other shit to grow but dont know what else i wanna grow...........


New Member
It has nothing to do with the in-crowd?but has to do with quality nutes at a great price.
Yes the same claims they all make, all I saying is the mj crowd is the ultimate "oh wow what does it do.." mindless sheep customers. I see it all the time at the shops.. Sheep asking for this new nutrient that claims this, or they said this...

They all work just as well applying them to your grow is te key, as we know what works for one doesn't for all. I'm not saying they are bad, just saying its marketing hype, misinformation, erroneous information etc.. Sheep don't care they just want to follow, belong or think they are progressing in their growing skill set. Nah..

Sad how evil this industry has gotten over such a peaceful plant it started out.


Well-Known Member
I think my grows come out pretty well for a newbie. All I use is GH powders Liquid Karma and Pro silicate. I flush with plain water etc...


New Member
I think my grows come out pretty well for a newbie. All I use is GH powders Liquid Karma and Pro silicate. I flush with plain water etc...
Exactly. Like any industry it relies on "the whats new" crowd to keep it moving.

I have been using DynaGro Line myself after numerous "oh wow Me Too" buys, I went from few hundred in nutrients/additives to under 60, with better yields, better plants period.
All without a "peep" from Dyna claiming anything, I read someones journal and seen his plants. It was cheap so I tried it, I got similar results I was floored.

How can something so simple, inexpensive work better then the hundreds of dollars mega yielding, easier ratio mix big companies told me?!

Why are the hydro shops not pushing it?

You know why, it works its cheap and they don't make money on it. Now I am sure they are other brands GH being one that rocks as well, and they are in the same boat. A boat only the smart ones care to ride, there is plenty of room.

I wasn't knocking "Blue Planet" nutes, I was knocking the lack of forethought on the name as Green Planet has been established with all it's claims, AN drama and such. I encourage people to post their nutrient line, it will help someone out there for sure. I am just knocking the people/manufacturers who are going to jump on their line because of hope it magically will just grow good medicine/know they will buy just because.

All the nutrient lines will all work if you can read directions, adapt and adjust for sure, but many growers cannot do that so they follow trends hoping their stupidity is magically healed with a nutrient line. Thus people start up new nutrient lines, on that "stupidity" premise and you know what it works. Sad, but ultimately true.

That was my point, not to disrespect his choice of nutrients, I respect that no matter what his reasoning. I care not to troll him back.