Was about to kibitz with D about the funky weather we've all been "enjoying" but decided to get up for a cool drink of water and ended up passing out.
This round of meds has hit me hard as, and lack of herbal medicino has made sleep & eating a distant memory.
I hadn't slept in almost 4 days (maybe an hour a day, or blacking out in the computer chair for a few minutes at a time), or eaten much of anything in 3 days, and the heat was the clincher.
It caught up with me and the next thing I know the wife is over me, freaking out, and I can barely hear her from the ringing in my ears and was out of it mentally.
Kept telling her "I'm okay. I'm fine.", but I didn't even recognize her for a bit.
Was taken to the hospital and was touch & go for a few days, sprained my wrist in the fall, banged my head a good one and bled all over.
Was on IV's for saline & nutes for a week and got out 2 days ago.
Still feel like crap, but I made it through.
Typing with my left hand only and couldn't get my password in correctly (pain meds and leukemia meds have me loopy as fuck), so I had to have it reset.
Let's see.... lost some of the clones I was working on, but the wife salvaged 4 of them (3 JDB Rom's and one MTF), and she kept the Extrema seedlings alive somehow through the heat (been in the 90's and up to 102f (39c), so without me being home 24/7 they had a tough time and are behind in development.
Before my "vacation" I did manage to get my closet sorted, and even bought a 6" centrifigul fan (Valu-Line 435cfm) to help extract air through the light hood.
And set up a dual-fan window fan with a 6" flex hose, plus the old 265cfm squirrel cage fan on it's own 6" flex hose to draw "cool" air from the window insert. (doesn't drop in temperature until after 10-pm, but drops 10-degrees an hour and gets down to 64f outside)
Ran heat tests on it before taking my unscheduled nap, and they all keep the closet temperatures at 77f at night, so it's good to go!
I transplanted the clones from party cups last night into 3.5-gal pots, which was really fun doing it one-handed.

But got the four yinglings under the HPS in the closet and will be vegging them for about a week before I turn them to 12/12.
Seedlings are still in partycups, as they are stunted, but healthy, but won't be needing to transplant for a while on those.
Sucked not having internet access while in the hospital.
Really missed you all while I was away, and missed all the bud pR0n we all have become used to here in the 600.
I swear it's like having an issue of High Times every other day here and, when your out, it's a ray of sunshine that keeps me hopeful.
Read all the posts, and and so happy that HU got a minor break in his persecution. I hope his luck gets better and he gets off free & clear, or at least with minimal hassle & BS.
And glad you "only" got a good(?) shock, bassman! Damn! Spooky shit, dude!
And fingers are crossed for Mrs. DST on getting hired for the job, too!
I know I'm not even close to remembering all the posts that deserve comments & kudos since my absence, other than to say the 600 keeps on amazing me, every time I log on!
I snapped a few pics last night of where my grow is at, please, try not to laugh too hard, as I have a LOT of catching up to do now that I'm home.
Some pics:
Extrema seedlings
My poor mothers:
New transplants:
(the white spots are from the anti-wilt spray)
Fans & ducting:
*the door has been sealed and is now light-tight, as has the flex ducting
The ol' 600HPS
Temperature stays constant at night when the light is on:
So there is where I'm at with my current grow.
Still in Limbo, but there is a distant light at the end of the tunnel now.
Posting is a bitch with the hand munged-up, but it's good to be back in the 600!