Club 600


Well-Known Member
Nice pics of your vaca, D :-)

And since there was no warning at the beginning of the video "not to try this at home", I know what activity will be occupying my afternoon! ;-)

And super looking root system!

curious old fart

Well-Known Member

You've proved how large a plant you can healthly grow in a small container with proper food and water. Your gardens look good. Your bud tender did a good job.



Well-Known Member
If you guys don't mind, I'm going to say hello first and then go back a bit for a little read, and I'm sure some lovely pr0n!!! How is everybody? I hope you're all doing very well and I hope I don't read any bad news here. Things are getting better on my end and might get way better soon. The Mrs is finally getting job offers coming in but of course the first one's to call are the one's offering crappy wage and way too few hours but so far she's done a good job of juggling those dangling carrots while she waits for the dream job, which she's made the final cut and has an interview for next week. On my end? Opposing council would like to see some numbers and the first offer was sent. Not counting my chickens but this is good news. Who knows, I may be at CC 25 after all. Hey DST, how's the politics on that these days. Are tourists gonna be able to go?

Anyway, gonna stop rambling. Here's a few picks of what's going on.

Strawberry Sour Diesel
2012-08-28 17.07.03.jpg

Double Koosh
2012-08-28 17.07.12.jpg

Deep Psychosis
2012-08-28 17.07.20.jpg

Dog X Extrema
2012-08-28 17.07.30.jpg

Casey Jones
2012-08-28 17.07.38.jpg

And, a whole bunch of Extrema, some Hericlues, a couple more Deep Psychosis, a Calizahr X Caseyband and a BSB X Caseyband.
2012-08-28 17.07.51.jpg

Will have tent 1 set up in a few days so I can get some of these potted up and in.

Cheers all! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Been thinking about you a lot and wondering how you've been!
Best to the Mrs. on finding the job she deserves!
And fingers are crossed that the barristers quit f*ckin' around with you and get shit done (in your favor)!
Your garden is looking great, too!
Really nice line up of genetics!
Okay, I've just about used up my allotment of exclamation marks, but good to hear from you!


Well-Known Member
Ah, very cool Brother Doob, I've been thinking of you and all the others here as well. The genetics? All in great part to the 600! The barristers? I'm at the point now where I realize the I have absolutely no control in this negotiation. They come up with the numbers and do the dealing, just like realtors. In the end I just want them to cut the crap, and then my check, and let me get on with my life. First thing in order, because I know that they owe me so much so far any way you cut it, is a Canon 7D and tuition to a Photography program at the local college. It's only a part time certificate program (300 hrs) but I think enough to get me what I need to at least start freelancing and putting myself out there. And, if things work out half decent, I very may be heading over the pond. Anyway, how have you been man. You holding up? Question. How would you be for traveling abroad for a time?

OK next. Heads Up!!!! So very cool to see you posting. Not sure what's up but a real pleasant surprise!

DST. Nice pics of the garden, as always, and nice root ball. The veggies look great too. I've been pulling tons out of mine as well. Lot's of sauces lately. Oh, and Croatia. That's very cool. I bet the food was great.

2012-07-29 20.44.36.jpg

2012-07-29 20.48.23.jpg

2012-07-29 20.45.11.jpg

2012-07-29 20.47.00.jpg2012-08-19 09.54.06.jpg

As per the poll, I'm mid 40ish.


Well-Known Member
That 7D is a sweet piece of kit, for sure, and I hope your lawyer gets it sorted out pronto.
You've always shown a good eye in your photos, so a photography course will definitely help you up your game to pro-level work.
300 hrs is still a goodly course of study, too! :-)
I holding up. Some days are better than others, but I'll make it through. Could be much worse. ;-)
Not set up for travel for a while, as we're saving as much as possible to get back into a house sometime in the unseen future.
Have a ways to go before we can get there, so squeezing every penny that we can.
At least I can look at Cannabis Cup pics here in the 600, and read any accounts of the shenanigans you all might get into.
I'm more of a wallflower, bordering on a wet blanket anyways, and lately just don't have much energy to do much more than be a forum annoyance. ;-)


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Thanks Dez. Took everything I've learned from here and applied it out there and good things happened. Planted my tomatoes way too close thought and made it a real bitch to get in and harvest the ripe ones. Lesson for next year. I'm gonna go all out, as much as I can, depending on where I am this time next year.

Hey, did you, or are you BB guys putting in an entry to CC 25? I'm getting hints in the chat I'm catching up on.


Well-Known Member
That 7D is a sweet piece of kit, for sure, and I hope your lawyer gets it sorted out pronto.
You've always shown a good eye in your photos, so a photography course will definitely help you up your game to pro-level work.
300 hrs is still a goodly course of study, too! :-)
I holding up. Some days are better than others, but I'll make it through. Could be mush worse. ;-)
Not set up for travel for a while, as we're saving as much as possible to get back into a house sometime in the unseen future.
Have a ways to go before we can get there, so squeezing every penny that we can.
At least I can look at Cannabis Cup pics here in the 600, and read any accounts of the shenanigans you all might get into.
I'm more of a wallflower, bordering on a wet blanket anyways, and lately just don't have much energy to do much more than be a forum annoyance. ;-)
Yes it is and I'm spoiling myself for having to sacrifice my last SLR. Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate it. With all new perspectives in life and what I want from it, or more particularly what I don't want, I just want to do the things that make me happy, not rich. Besides, I'm much more limited physically now and anything else that pays as well as what I made before is going to need a little more than just the simple retraining that's been offered to me.

While I'm mostly an introverted wall flower type, sometimes, in the right setting, I can be pretty polar to that. Here's wishing you good health and hope you get what you need to get into that house of yours. I'm sure it will have a big impact on your well being. And your far from any forum annoyance I've seen around here.

Speaking of introverts, you might like this, if you haven't seen it already. Oh, and I love the Claypool signature. haha!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link to that interview!
A great read!
While I've played bass for the last 30 years, my hands have been failing me more and more (fingers, actually), which sucks as I've made a lot of progress in the last 5 months about getting my skill level back up to where it was 20 years ago.
Not sure if I'll be able to get whatever is ailing my digits sorted out, so lately I've been thinking more and more about getting into my secret love: drumming.
Something like an Alesis DM10 and a pair of Roland Octapads, all running through Ableton Suite.
Had dabbled in the skins long before I picked up the bass as "my instrument" (thanks, Geddy!), but had always wistfully wished I'd stayed with drums.
But acoustic drums are too noisy unless one has a proper place to practice (no apartment neighbors), so I never indulged.
But electronic drums have come a long ways, and with a good set of headphones, I think I could make it work even in an apartment.
And have been finally writing lyrics that I shied away from for years.
Nothing magnanimous, just trying to get the words flowing without seeming too trite or contrived.
To me, writing is much more difficult (not to write, but to put it out for others to read), as it really puts me out there for scrutiny that I'm not sure I'm ready for.
And I know my prose is lacking, etc., and all the insecurities involved with something so personal.
But I always do things when it's time to do them, so who knows?


Well-Known Member
My friend has a set of those drum pads. Really really fun to play on. It's how he can play at his house and not drive the neighbors crazy. I love messing around on it, and it keeps him happy as well. And he is a serious drummer, always in a band or two and he's really good.


Well-Known Member
Okay, jiggy, now who's making it difficult to not deplete the ol' wallet? ;-)
Just keep me away from Guitar Center, and I should make it...
But if my fingers can't be fixed, all bets are off!


Well-Known Member
Haha, that's funny. Didn't want to get into this because I know I said quite some time ago that I would get some gear and I know it's just taking it's sweet old time but I don't want to sound like a dead record. Anyway, when talking about that the other day with my wife, I mentioned getting a small drum kit as well. I used to drive my folks crazy the way I'd always be tapping or pounding a beat out on something. My chest always made a great kick drum.

I know what you mean about the cramping in the hands Doob. Mine have really been nasty lately and I have no idea how that's going to be playing guitar again particularly since it's been so long now.

Hey Jig, how's things. You been doing any globetrotting lately? Last I heard you were in the UK, just before the Olympics.