Club 600


Well-Known Member
i just recalculated my last 4 grow weights and i'm not averaging 14 oz per grow. i'm averaging 12. i have pulled 17 OZ out of it with my bigger yeilding genetics, but with average yeilders, it's more like 12 per grow. i'm very lazy and toke way too much, so i keep my grows very simple these days. if i can cut out some effort, i do so.

what are you guys averaging with 1- 600 watt?

you're all under oath, so dry weight only. :)


Well-Known Member
i just recalculated my last 4 grow weights and i'm not averaging 14 oz per grow. i'm averaging 12. i have pulled 17 OZ out of it with my bigger yeilding genetics, but with average yeilders, it's more like 12 per grow. i'm very lazy and toke way too much, so i keep my grows very simple these days. if i can cut out some effort, i do so.

what are you guys averaging with 1- 600 watt?

you're all under oath, so dry weight only. :)
13-16 strain depending...


Well-Known Member
Here's the whole album:

*I have no idea how many hundreds of times this album was played, driving around with my buddy in his 1972 Pontiac Firebird. All us troublemakers would pile into his car and just drive. Alaska is a big place, and we'd just head down the highway, music blasting out on the amped & eq'd Audiovox pumping out a few hundred watts of groovy tunes, joints blazing, pedal to the metal: Fuck The Law...
Had this cassette in my tow truck in the 80's and played it all the time. Seen these guys 4 or 5 times, can't remember precisely. Talk about light shows! I will never forget The Blinding Light Show. Rik Emmett still plays around the area these days in smaller venues. I'm trying to find a clip of Wheel of Fortune where Mike Levine was a contestant.

Well-Known Member
Average about 8, if I ever get my ass into gear and lst my plants consistently, utilise my space etc my average would improve.


Well-Known Member
Being, for the most part, perpetual, I could never get a grasp on what I'm yielding but I know I'm averaging about 1 to 1.5 oz per plant in @3 gallon pots X 12. So even averaging it out at 1.25 your sitting @16


Well-Known Member
Morning/afternoon/evening, gents!

Regarding yields: I average between 10-oz and 14-oz per batch, depending on how good , or bad, things go.
I've done as low as 8-oz when I've had to cull from rampant hermies who knocked up half the grow.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA.... I tried soil one time. 2 plants, 3 gallon pots, 3 weeks veg, 8 weeks flower...

4 grams!!! (both plants together gave me that)

Massive Epic Interplanetary Fail.

That's why I've stuck with hydro this long. I will conquer the soil though... one day.


Well-Known Member
i keep looking at all my roach pot and just weighed it. with papers still attached, 9 Oz. lol

i think i'm going to toss 1/2 of it. i never smoke it but i hate to waste it. it's not like you can't get a nice high off of it.

roach pot 001.jpg

there was a time when i would have been delighted to have so much. now it's just taking up space. :)


Well-Known Member
Morning/afternoon/evening, gents!

Regarding yields: I average between 10-oz and 14-oz per batch, depending on how good , or bad, things go.
I've done as low as 8-oz when I've had to cull from rampant hermies who knocked up half the grow.
^^^ this was my last grow. 8 plants went down to 5 plus 1 runt that yielded little. I pulled 7oz


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAHA.... I tried soil one time. 2 plants, 3 gallon pots, 3 weeks veg, 8 weeks flower...

4 grams!!! (both plants together gave me that)

Massive Epic Interplanetary Fail.

That's why I've stuck with hydro this long. I will conquer the soil though... one day.
i did one hydro grow. i fed them in the morning, they were dead by night. the leaves were crispy brown, like someone burned them with fire. i think i over ferted them. :)


Well-Known Member
That's alright, jig.
I'd be lucky to get any plants through a grow of hydro.
Too scientific for me.
I'm loving the organic poop fertilizer amended into the soil, with the occasional tea booster.
Nothing could be simpler.
The thought of going back to liquid ferts, and managing a hydro setup on top of all that, combating algae & such, is very daunting, so mad props for you guys who figured it out.
I'm just a simple dirt farmer, and a simple dirt farmer I shall remain.


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried hydro either, not even cloning, and I think that I should try it for the experience and then I think, what's the point, because I'm pretty sure even then I wouldn't switch. I like working with the poops and such too. I've got my red wigglers working the composter as we speak. They've been eating and breeding all summer and I harvested my first batch of casting a couple of weeks ago. Was cool watching the pepper and tomatoe seedlings sprouting up in mostly dark. You know something good is going on in there when you see that. I think the slow pace of organics suits mine just fine.


Well-Known Member
Heh, just used "cucaracha" in a +rep message and the spellcheck for it came up as "Scaramouch".
Maybe "fandango" was a tie-in word?


Well-Known Member
I won't go back to soil inside, but I am going toying with trying something new next time.
Maybe add some worm castings in my coco, then add some bacteria and bottom feed.
My hope being that the worm castings would help the weed have a more soil like taste.

i just recalculated my last 4 grow weights and i'm not averaging 14 oz per grow. i'm averaging 12. i have pulled 17 OZ out of it with my bigger yeilding genetics, but with average yeilders, it's more like 12 per grow. i'm very lazy and toke way too much, so i keep my grows very simple these days. if i can cut out some effort, i do so.

what are you guys averaging with 1- 600 watt?

you're all under oath, so dry weight only. :)

12-15 oz average

I think I'll beat that this time.


Well-Known Member
Well, since I've lived a mostly bohemian life, and "Scaramouch" came up, I guess it's time for a video:
(*time to hook up my bass and play along)



Well-Known Member
Being, for the most part, perpetual, I could never get a grasp on what I'm yielding but I know I'm averaging about 1 to 1.5 oz per plant in @3 gallon pots X 12. So even averaging it out at 1.25 your sitting @16

that made me smile a lil bit, i keep feeling like im robbing myself, im avg. about the same 1-1.5 0z in a 3g pot and 2.5g pots but feel like i should be gettin more.. what do you think, im happy with my yeild but feel i have lots of room for improvment