Club 600

I have seen some like that at the place where I bought mine. They have 3-4 sizes of them there and they're not expensive.

How many come in a pallet?

If it's some crazy amount, I'd be willing to pick up however many you want and send them to you instead. Just let me know and I'll take care of it for you and you can just reimburse me once you get them.
It really wouldn't be a big deal I don't think. I'll have to see what it would cost to send them to you of course but let em know. I can swing by there this weekend when I run to my brother's place.
What up 600w crew hope your weekend is awesome!Just siting here with my pound of weed, smoking like: in old gas freight train.Blowing smoke
very interested to see how these develop. cheers for sharing mate.
Southern Charm
First test grow of five had four ladies and the structure was straight with little side branching, except for one which was Christmas tree like. This group of 12 has 7 that look as if they have been fimmed or topped and I haven't done that.

the heri mom had the trait and seems to have passed it along.

I have seen some like that at the place where I bought mine. They have 3-4 sizes of them there and they're not expensive.

How many come in a pallet?

If it's some crazy amount, I'd be willing to pick up however many you want and send them to you instead. Just let me know and I'll take care of it for you and you can just reimburse me once you get them.
It really wouldn't be a big deal I don't think. I'll have to see what it would cost to send them to you of course but let em know. I can swing by there this weekend when I run to my brother's place.

A pallet of containers has to be in the 100's if not 1000's!

edit 5gal pots= 288 to a pallet

Yeah, I figured one gallon would be about 500. Thanks for the offer Dez, I really appreciate it, but experience tells me that shipping will make it not worth it. I'm sure I can find somewhere around here I can get some.

Ok guys, I have some news and you're the first I want to share with. I just got off the phone with my lawyer, who called me on a Friday night, and it's a Done Fucking Deal!!! Insurance company made their final offer, after he urged me not to take the last one, and he got me that little extra. I don't know how to explain how I feel right now. I don't want to say for sure yet, but Cannabis Cup is a reality now and needs some serious consideration.

Thanks Jig. I just went a fixed up a real nice bowl of that Kush I bought. Wish it was mine, but oh well.

This is what my wife and I were looking at when the call came in.

Mom and dad are real nice too. Just one of the things we'd like to get back in our lives. We know we want mastiff but we wanted smaller than English this time, so we though Bull Mastiff. Just easier to take around with you, particularly getting in and out of a car. These French Mastiffs are right along the same lines so maybe...I'm not one for making dogs aggressive, or anything like that, but just the sound of a large dog behind the door, and people knowing it's behind the door, will give me some peace of mind again.
damn got fuck with today by the cops!Just stop me and a friend.For nothing!and mean nothing??Said'' he was just doing his job''?After I gave him my id, and I asked why he stopped us ''3 times'' I asked punk ass cop ''why'', but when I did the first time: it went south for me!Cop was calling me a drunk, said he was going to give me breathalyzer test?But after he said that two times, something told me to just stop talking, plus I was high as fuck!So if I did do the bs breath test it would of been 0.0.Then he would be like== WHAT YOU On.

All I was doing was getting my son home from school.This was his first time walking half way home.
So I was a little up set, with this punk ass shit.From the two cops.They keep asking what's wrong with me and I told them why I was getting upset--but they weren't hearing that though.

Cop called me a dumb ass drunk for going the wrong way to get my son''he said!!''I just looked at him and walk the way I needed to get my son, as I knew where he would be, lol cop looked all dumb when he seen me with my kid right there.Bitch didn't look at me and just turned the other way and walked off.

Well that was part of my day.Time to smoke.

Glad he didn't see my med card ![video=youtube;WiX7GTelTPM][/video]
Haha, used to bump that song!

@ Duchie - I know what you mean about people being intimidated just by the sound of big dogs. My brother's dog is a big baby but looks and sounds like he'd do some damage if you decided to try something. He likes to watch everyone in the room from the side too so people usually keep their eye on him like they think he might jump up at any second or something. He's a good boy though and loves kids, smaller the better for him too. Kind of like a 170lb teddy bear.
We were just having that conversation about our younger Mastiff. He would bark and sound all aggressive like, but if people only knew how scared, or how far back from the door he really was when they were knocking.
SeedleSs gave me a nug he got from a buddy of his of some Banana Wonder and I have to say it is probably the most dense nug I've ever had. I pulled a couple of pieces off from the bottom and when I dropped it back into the little jar it made a thud sound, LOL.

Nice taste and high so I'm looking forward to growing out the seeds I have of it.

I'll try to remember to get a pic of it when I hit it up next time. Killer looking stuff
]Haha, used to bump that song![/B]

@ Duchie - I know what you mean about people being intimidated just by the sound of big dogs. My brother's dog is a big baby but looks and sounds like he'd do some damage if you decided to try something. He likes to watch everyone in the room from the side too so people usually keep their eye on him like they think he might jump up at any second or something. He's a good boy though and loves kids, smaller the better for him too. Kind of like a 170lb teddy bear.
yup!Sorry for the long bs, but glad I got the 600w crew to vent too.Love how we can just talk on here with out no bs, and where all just one here
Hey guys... just sayin' hey for a min here. Been super busy, buy don't worry... I'm still lurking.

No baby yet... sublexed my shoulder today like an idiot, though. That feels great.

Love you guys.


No worries. Most of us here have had our share (some have had more than their share) of run ins with the popo. I had one I posted about on here a while ago. I had my daughter in the car and they didn't realize it for a few minutes but I made sure they knew before it was all over by saying something like, "and you wonder why kids these days have a negative opinion of law enforcement" or something like that anyway.

I got looks from both idiots and they let me go on my way. I have since made sure my kids don't view them negatively though because I don't want them to think they can't ask one for help if they ever need it, you know?