Club 600


Well-Known Member
haha, good night bru!
Maybe it died because you cooked it too long on the barbecue? lol j/k - Bummer man, you would have fewer overwatering/underwatering issues if you started your seedlings in a more appropriate sized container. Better luck next time, good day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Oh by the way I came on here to tell u guys, my daughter took her first proper steps tonight. She walked all the way across the room un aided. My life as I know it is over, so if u notice im missing more than usual u know why lol.
I know exactly what u mean .....mine is 3 and into everything she can be


Well-Known Member
i dont know how your going to tell me. when i just told you its from over watering.. its not a guess its what happend.

its dry on top but the soil holds alot of water. iv lost plenty like that the stem just shrivels up at the base from too much moisture and will fall over.. even though the top half will look very healthy and still alive it dies within a day. .
I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm going to have to tell you that you're wrong then. Unless the plant in that pic isn't as it appears to be, or you're planting in pure poison. There is 100% no way you could overwater that plant to DEATH that QUICKLY. I'm not sure why I replied again, you're gonna believe what you want as its already apparent. Good luck though.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Upper level of veg under a 6 bulb 4' T-5

BX1, Bolo Kush and three Engineer Dreams in 16 oz cups

Cheese Chunk by dr green dre at 3 1/2 weeks

heri/rom at 4 weeks



Well-Known Member
Pathogens in soil can cause stem rot, I have seen young seedlings stems rot rapidly, perhaps it was something like that (which can be a by product of overwatering due to the disease thriving in wet conditions, air flow is also going to be a major element in this.....just my 2 cents.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm going to have to tell you that you're wrong then. Unless the plant in that pic isn't as it appears to be, or you're planting in pure poison. There is 100% no way you could overwater that plant to DEATH that QUICKLY. I'm not sure why I replied again, you're gonna believe what you want as its already apparent. Good luck though.
Nice stuff COF, looks like you got a nice selection as usual!


Well-Known Member
Pathogens in soil can cause stem rot, I have seen young seedlings stems rot rapidly, perhaps it was something like that (which can be a by product of overwatering due to the disease thriving in wet conditions, air flow is also going to be a major element in this.....just my 2 cents.

Nice stuff COF, looks like you got a nice selection as usual!
I was going to go on to say that without getting into the why of why he's using 2g pots for seedlings. If you soak the soil in a fresh potting of a plant, seedling, whatever. That is what most people would do when the container is the right size for the plant in the first place. Soak a big pot with a seedling and 99% of the water isn't going to get used at all and hopefully evaporate quickly enough to not turn into funky moss mud in the bottom of the pot. You pick up the pot, it still weighs 15lbs and you don't water it. Well that new sprouts got a root that's only a half inch to start with so if that top layer of soil dries only an inch or so down and bam, your plants dead.

To say seedlings are so easy to overwater simply means some corrective criticism was required. Seedlings are quite the opposite and damn near impossible to drown with typical over watering in a short amount of time. Growing ball funk in your soil cuz it's in a pot too large is another story too. The bottom line is the plants aren't dying directly from over watering.

If you must grow in such a large container from the start, don't soak the whole pot. The plants not gonna use it and you're just asking for problems. I start seedlings in 16 oz party cups and they get soaked to runoff everyday about the first two weeks, its not necessary but its easy and I know I'm not going to overwater them that soon. Take that same plant in the big pot and water it about a half cup straight to the stem 1-2 times a day. The large quantity of soil will wick away and evaporate the water you are adding so you won't end up with the heavy bucket of mush. Anyways, I won't say anymore on the subject. I first grew in soil over 20 years ago so I have seen a sprout or 2 in my day. What's that saying, you can lead a horse to water.


Active Member
i too have had stems rot on a couple seedlings in the early stages and could only put it down too being to wet! they rot right at the contact point with the soil and just flop over and die.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything you are saying on large pots supchaka, especially with seedlings, you start small and build up. But I have also seen stem rot in starter pots, so it does or can happen. Then it's probably something in the medium that is causing that, or the environment. Saying that, in most plant failures the gardener is the one at blame as he sets the environment up.


Well-Known Member
Alright folks, just another quicky on the phone, should be back on full time soon, got a couple dogs, cheese, SLH, c.b x Lem q and two Cindy 99's in week 4-5. Hope to get shots of them up asap, but no got the best track rec. For keeping up.Hope all's s good troopsCinders

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Watup 600 crew. Sitting here in Cal, cen valley hearing the rain drop down.Smoking on 6 strains

Outdoor was a good.Still got Tangerine dream and Sweet kush to chop. Tangerine is going to be last. Maybe by December??

Also got some smaller ones I did in September about to be copped to; cherry pie and tangerine kush,


Well-Known Member
Have you grown the tangerine dream before? I've always wanted to smoke some. It's nice having a little rain huh? I mean I guess it's not great for the outdoor plants, but just for the ground and stuff it's great. It stopped raining here, just foggy.

Congrats on wrapping up at least part of the outdoor. Almost done for the year. or maybe not, fucking December ? damn

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Watup 600 crew. Sitting here in Cal, cen valley hearing the rain drop down.Smoking on 6 strains

Outdoor was a good.Still got Tangerine dream and Sweet kush to chop. Tangerine is going to be last. Maybe by December??

Also got some smaller ones I did in September about to be copped to; cherry pie and tangerine kush

Would like to say for the record too. I got nothing against good cops, just punk ass cops that like to just fuck with you for no reason.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
hp and mh is kicking ass! buds are super frosty. I know I've had some frosty buds already but this is just insane [video=youtube;RijB8wnJCN0] CE77&feature=results_main[/video]


Well-Known Member
I like Mac Dre, shame, RIP.

Bloody pishing it down here today and I have got to cycle somewhere....think I'll be tramming, tramming, tramming like the tram is full.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
The medium plays a major role in root developement. They seem to prefer a light, airy mix....this might be one reason that hydro has quicker growth. I add 25% perlite to all mixes to lighten the soil density....and be gentle with the nutes...if you're using a good bag soil there is no need to feed.
