Club 600


Well-Known Member
Yeah, he's a gentleman and a weed scholar, for sure :-)
As soon as there's more leaf growth I'll be up-canning to keep the roots happy.

Was looking up who played that lady cop with the bulging eyes from the original "Total Recall" movie and came across this:



Well-Known Member
I saw a talk show in the 80's maybe early 90's, sally jesse raphael i think. Anyways they had people on that could push their eyes out like that. For some reason black people can do it with much more frequency than others. They asked how they discovered it, one lady says she coughed one time and her eyes were stuck out her head. Another guy said he laughed really hard one time and boom. There was also someone on the show who would, get this, drink milk through a straw into their nose... then shoot the milk out their tearduct. It would spray a few inches.



Well-Known Member
It is pretty amazing how little it takes to start a plant again.

I'm in the process of reVerting a whole mess of flowering girls, in party cups. They are all the plants from the recent sexing I did but since then things have changed a bit and I'm not going to be around to see flowering through, and I can't leave all of that to the Assistant Superintendent to deal with so, I'm putting them all back under the T5's to reveg, but before I leave they're going to be narrowed down a bit with a few not making the cut, potted up and topped. By the time I get back they should be nice and bushy and ready to flower again.


Well-Known Member
I saw a talk show in the 80's maybe early 90's, sally jesse raphael i think. Anyways they had people on that could push their eyes out like that. For some reason black people can do it with much more frequency than others. They asked how they discovered it, one lady says she coughed one time and her eyes were stuck out her head. Another guy said he laughed really hard one time and boom. There was also someone on the show who would, get this, drink milk through a straw into their nose... then shoot the milk out their tearduct. It would spray a few inches.

I'm pretty sure I'd seen this episode.


Well-Known Member
When I think about seeing that milk shooting out of the tear duct, all I can think is:



Well-Known Member
Your mega trip is probably one of the few times it doesn't hurt inside to do that to the plants.
Well worth it, to see Europa, your families home land, and some of the 600 guys, and the freakin' CC25!


Well-Known Member
Well, sleepyfuntime is calling me to take a nap-a-roony.
Couldn't get to sleep last night, and it finally caught up with me.
Hopefully I'll just snooze for a few instead of all day.
You guys have a good day/night, depending on your particular global coordinates.



Well-Known Member
Well not as much anyway, but I also know that I'll be harvesting a few when I get home as well so I can afford the delay, I think. Ok, I promise not to whine when I'm out in January. lol

Have a good one Doob.


Well-Known Member
Oh I do love cycling to a party, locking my bike up with my wifes bike, only to be told when we are leaving the party that mrs D left her keys for her lock at home.....taxiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!

At least this time we were not in another city!! lol.


Well-Known Member
fukkin right, why got a problem with that? (normal riu thread reply)

600 Club: Why yes sir, I am doing that very same thing old chum of mine, lol. what do you want to enquire over?
Anybody doing 12/12 from seed ?


Well-Known Member
right, I may be back, I may not, depends on this lovely crystal whisky glass and the fat fuk off joint I have to smoke.


Well-Known Member
What us your average yield per plant ? I'm thinking about doing a perpetual 12/12 from seed grow since I'm limited on space


Well-Known Member
depends on the size of pot, how you grow, and the type of plant.

But to give you an example, I got around 18 grams per plant on my deep blue grow which took me 10 weeks (tops, I could of quite easily chopped at 9 weeks). 10 plants, 3.5 litre pots (not even 1gallon).


Well-Known Member
you need numbers imo, unless you are growing a real commercial strain that yields oz's per plant. there is a 12/12 thread on riu somewhere.


Well-Known Member
I ran 12/12 last round. I think I averaged like 2 oz a plant, in my hydro setup. It was Candy Drop X NYPD.

lol D. I liked the typical riu response.

EDIT: I guess doobie passed out for a while then?


Well-Known Member
doobie is in doobieland, dreaming of sugary tasting heaven like milkshakes and fluffy cream buns with delicous icing and lots of exotic jam sauces and other such yummy treats just floating around ready to be drawn in by his insatiable need for all things munchable.....

em, yes, he must have had a long nap........:sleep:


Well-Known Member
That joint really did a number on ya. Sounds like your having fun over there. :)

There is a fire burning in the wood stove here, and it's about time for dinner. And definitely time for a bowl. I'm nearing the end of all my jars, so every smoke is something special.

I may just piss myself when I have a bong in the dam. I won't have smoked a quite a few days by the time I arrive. I'll add adult diapers to the packing list.