Club 600

$20 at WallyWorld for a 1.5-gallon wet/dry.

$30 at Lowe's for a 2.5-gallon wet/dry


Those are the two I'm thinking of for my restricted needs & space, and budget.
But they only have 4-ft long hoses.
$55 at Wally's will get you a prettier version of the 2.5-gallon wet/dry, but with extra nozzles, wheels, and a 7-ft long hose.
$20 at WallyWorld for a 1.5-gallon wet/dry.

$30 at Lowe's for a 2.5-gallon wet/dry


Those are the two I'm thinking of for my restricted needs & space, and budget.
But they only have 4-ft long hoses.
$55 at Wally's will get you a prettier version of the 2.5-gallon wet/dry, but with extra nozzles, wheels, and a 7-ft long hose.

Thanx, I need it as well for my flowering tent since I use a 4x4 flood for runoff, and now its time for flushing!!
Some pic of the garden for the pleasure of the 600






Have a great monday everybody.
Got some breeding going on as well
thinking of trying Vortex x Sensi Star
what do ya'll think?
Dank x dank sould = dank, i guess lol.

Checked the beans this morning and they are a crackin :-) I just need to get some soil together to start them in, all I have on hand is supersoil. No progress on the cabs yet, but i did order one of these 8x6x6 ducting conectors....

Going with two cabs alternating light scheduls, one 600 in each 4x4x5 cab.
ok ok, so i didn't get back in time to post up some pictures. so here they are. let me know what you guys think..

kish day 32 F.jpgIMG_8901.jpgIMG_8890.jpgIMG_8885.jpgIMG_8879.jpg


I think they are pretty. Little early for the yellowing, is that normal for you?

I'm stoked cuz I looked in the closet today real close and some of the buds are beginning their second growth spirt... got some new growth coming out the buds. I'm excited for the next couple weeks.
hey jig, as per the yellowing. I had a ph issue about a week ago. fixed it and flushed em out. added more N to the mix as well to get them back to life. they seem to be liking what i have been giving them. going to slow down with the N soon and continue with my regular nute schedule. buds looks delicious and smell oh so sweet!! lol

I don't have first hand experience, but my searching found these. I think it's the exact same product. Might want to read up on it a bit before buying. Looks like the ticket though. And thinking about it, unless the thing is worth $1,000 it won't PERFECTLY change over the power, seamless like. I'm sure this would be as close as you could get though. I don't know how hard those folks look for 12 hour patterns.
I was going to try and sync two timers but your idea sounds better... can you point me in the right direction?...?.?>
I think I know what he means and I could probably do this too, just for that extra step. I have one digital timer and one analogue. The digital I can set day by day and to the minute, so if I had a second one and took the time, you can set them up to power up and down at various times and gaps.
That second one with the digital timer looks good. I'm curious about the day and night outlets. Are they switched by the timer? If so, that would be very cool.

Edit. I just reread that and it does! Jig, I think you just saved me a lot of hassle and totally cleaned up my set up. Thanks for that link. I just have to find it where I am. Fingers crossed.

Edit 2. lol, Just saw it's a Canuck site and 3 stores close by. Too funny.
I've got a mechanical clock version of one of those, and even that one works great.
Digital would be sweet.
Would be nice if there was a single-unit timer than controlled multiple outlets so that they could be set individually or together, or to assign outlets to switch on & off simultaneously to minimize noticeable power spikes.
I thought I had it figured out then doobs last post confused the shit out of me lol. That socond one looks like what I need.
Flip flops are more for running two lights on one ballast, I think... Say you have two flower rooms, one will shut down and the other will turn on using the same ballasts room 1 was using. So your running 10 lights on 5 ballasts but only five lights on at one time.
So, I dragged the Black Widow plant in my last post that I photoed under HPS from it's habitat. I say habitat because it's a monster.

My intention with this run was to keep plants small and to just run some testers basically. So much for that. Yay hybrid vigor.


And a close up:


Another closeup:


Similarly frosty. Most of them are about as frosty as the above, the one I linked earlier is the frostiest of all of them at this point. We will see how it develops.

Also I should include an interesting picture of some root development. When I pulled it up I didn't expect to see this:


And one last phenotype, similarly frosty, a little squatter. There seem to be two main expressions, one bushier and squatter and the other taller and a bit less bushy (except for the one I posted above which is quite remarkably bushy and tall).

have to disagree cof.. whilst they are high maintenance border collies are regarded as the most intelligent dogs in the world.
a quick google search "most intelligent dogs" will confirm.

was fortunate enough to have a collie and an Alsatian and a south african boerboel.. all of which are incredible breeds.

I agree with you about Border Collies-the word border didn't compute and I was reading it as collie-without the border. Different strain....and not too bright.
