Club 600


Well-Known Member
ahh d you have similar taste's as i do...question how do you feel about herring preferably smoked? Yeah i must have finnish blood in meh lol. Ya know after this move into my new bigger loft i am seriously considering (well that and perfecting this tea recipe whodat gave meh super excited i am) having one or 2 of my 4 tents be used to help one of my fav breeders if they should so desire. Sheeet mang i just went and bought another kooltube(christmas gift)600 hps, im not sold on sunagro 40%mh60%hps like some swear by......ive been fine with 6k blue t-5's then the ole kooltube till they look like diamonds! I dont explain to everyone here that ive turned this into my life it isnt a hobby anymore, I'm trying to use all freetime by surrounding myself with a plethora of good info from good farmers. I tried going on youtube but there's more damn confusion there (and nosy agencies im sure lmao) than there is helpful info. Bought gardening indoors with george van patten with soil and hydroponics. halfway thru lots of good info there for sure sure. saw a damn 6 foot long kooltube in there whoa the possibilities! Anyone wanting to take this on like i am i would love a partner sorta speak to bounce questions off of now and then, then again i got you guys. IMG_0249.jpgIMG_0250.jpg Anyway's thats where im at and where we's going in the future!


Well-Known Member
i'm stoked. i'm meeting with another legal grower and we are going to exchange some of our clones and seeds. christmas genetics! :)

i've been legal for awhile, but this is arizona and i'm still keeping my head down. many of our politicians are wack job assholes who keep taking it to court so i haven't gotten out into community to see what's up.


Well-Known Member
i'm stoked. i'm meeting with another legal grower and we are going to exchange some of our clones and seeds. christmas genetics! :)

i've been legal for awhile, but this is arizona and i'm still keeping my head down. many of our politicians are wack job assholes who keep taking it to court so i haven't gotten out into community to see what's up.
yeah i read the arizona patients thread and saw the topic of going to reservations for treatment. Man if you guys ever get sick and tired down there my home state could use some folks who KNOW THERE SHIT. This state is in its infancy in mmj and any positive farmers helping it to learn from other states mistakes in my book is a good thing. My state should be called liberalville.


Well-Known Member
Too funny, getting baked at the exact same time lol.
If anyone wants to join me for some transcendental smoke sesh Ill be here everyday @ 4:20 on the dot :lol:

i've been retired for a few years. the number of times i look at the clock and it's 4:20 a.m. and 4:20 P.m. is remarkable. i dive for a joint of course. i wake up around 3 am so smoking at 4:20 a.m. isn't too bad. :lol:

i have an internal pot clock.


Well-Known Member
yeah i read the arizona patients thread and saw the topic of going to reservations for treatment. Man if you guys ever get sick and tired down there my home state could use some folks who KNOW THERE SHIT. This state is in its infancy in mmj and any positive farmers helping it to learn from other states mistakes in my book is a good thing. My state should be called liberalville.
when i retired, i was very close to moving to northern california. i lived up in marysville for a few years and it's pretty nice a bit farther north. but AZ was working on medical use so i stayed. as soon as washington and colorado legalized, i was looking for home rentals but moving is expensive.

if the current court case is thrown out, we should be good here. if not, i'll have to save up for a few months and see what i can do. it would be nice to see a bunch of trees again. i miss trees.


Well-Known Member
i've been retired for a few years. the number of times i look at the clock and it's 4:20 a.m. and 4:20 P.m. is remarkable. i dive for a joint of course. i wake up around 3 am so smoking at 4:20 a.m. isn't too bad. :lol:

i have an internal pot clock.
do you serously wake up at 3am every mornin? cause i do to.....kinda weird dude.


Well-Known Member
We must all be on the same clocks, 'cause that's about when I wake up, too.
Sometimes 2-am, sometimes as late as 5-am.

My first scrogging.
And first hempy bucket (well, a "dirty hempy", since it has 3/4-gallon of soil around the main rootball. Next grow will be a pure hempy starting from first transplant out of party cups.)
Started it way late in it's grow cycle, otherwise the branches would be really flat & snug up against the netting.
Going to be doing two of them like that side by side for the next grow.
Getting about time to get it going, too.

*edit: and she's drinking about 1-quart of nutes a day now.


Well-Known Member
Here's my next "Ebb no flow". Strain is Chaka party mix of course! These will be going into 12/12 soon. I dont have alot of hydro nutes and I want them both to make it through before I decide to buy more. The plates are 1" deep, I measured today for reference.

My perlite is so fine if I rinsed it Id lose half of it, so it goes in dry and thats it. It got a rinse, but in the cloth, then a final flush with nutes.

Here's the other girl. Just finished that first gallon of nutes. I mixed it up one more notch for her next, 20ml grow/gal instead of 15. Same 1/4tsp h202 and 1/8tsp humic. PH 5.9 PPM 685

LED Corner. 100 watts

Flower tent 600 HPS

Bye for now!
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Well-Known Member
Livers Clone and Male Kush2 clone

Peace, DST
Cali 209, got your email. Above on the right is a clone of the Kush2 male. The original came from a seed from an OG Kush, it was the 2nd male I got so I simply named is kush2. It fukking stinks!! T

Nice pics people!
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Well-Known Member
Cali 209, got your email. Above on the right is a clone of the Kush2 male. The original came from a seed from an OG Kush, it was the 2nd male I got so I simply named is kush2. It fukking stinks!! T

Nice pics people!
look at how dark them leaves are i wanna know! damn it i know something is makin em super deep green lol! drives me crazy ONLY because i have yet to see it here!