Club 600


Well-Known Member
2 more weeks till I chop the AK,Ordered some Sugar black rose for its medical benefits I'm looking for a good pain strain,Made a 3x2 flood table out of a cement mixing pan confused on how Im going to run that and other plants in my room with them all having an even canopy seeing how the flood tables gotta sit on a 10gal res,Might put other plants on blocks who knows...Id really rather not. After Snaking my kitchen sink drain for 45min and getting some old water and draino in my mouth and face believe it or not it still wont drain.Yippie! So im off to shovel the 8 inches we got. Happy sunday!

~C That Cat?:dunce:

it's annoying me but i have the itch to buy some new seeds. i spent hours yesterday wandering through the vast wasteland of seed "breeders". i already have more crosses than i'll live to grow and i just got some new stuff but i have the itch man! it's bad. :)

i'm looking at sannie's stuff. i found him by seeing at how much sensi was charging for its jack herer. WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT? . i want sensi's but i refuse to pay that much. $23 freaking dollars a seed?

maybe i'll go in halfsies with somebody for the herer. i've thought of buying it off and on since it came out but never got around to it.

i need a good pain med too. i'll read up on the sugar black rose.


Well-Known Member
is jack herer all it's cracked up to be? i've smoked hundreds of strains but not many of the 'classics'.
i've never heard anything bad about the original. i love a euphoric high and the jack has it. those who complain are complaing about knock offs. and of course the odd ball who thinks everything that costs over $40 is shit. lol

it's popularity comes and goes over the years. a lot of people seem to be busy buying F2 knock offs of everything these days.

black domina is another one that has been on my buy list several times but never made the final cut. so many genetics, so little room.


Well-Known Member
i thought i was the only one that havn't tried the 'classics'. but i got jack crossess and c99 crosses going.
they sound like they will be good. i was on a vacation from the boards when cindy 99 came out. i bought their cindy 88 and the F2s i made are a favorite (the F1s were too speedy). by the time i came back, bros grimm were out and i couldn't find anything but F2s. a friend gave me 6 seeds and they were all females. alas, it was not meant to be.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye, it just seemed to me that whenever i saw someone get excited over jack h or northern lights etc they had to run a full pack and more to find a decent keeper. could be shitty luck though.

black domina
super silver haze
black widow

i think most of the real gems are diluted versions now sadly. though you can still get pretty excellent panama red and Acapulco gold apparently. not that i was about in their hay day.


Well-Known Member
they sound like they will be good. i was on a vacation from the boards when cindy 99 came out. i bought their cindy 88 and the F2s i made are a favorite (the F1s were too speedy). by the time i came back, bros grimm were out and i couldn't find anything but F2s. a friend gave me 6 seeds and they were all females. alas, it was not meant to be.
Mine are from bros grimm ut are f5's of the pineapple pheno. but i don't have any of thos running. just crosses


Well-Known Member
hey fatboy, how did your supercropping turn out?

I was looking in my tent this morning, saw this n thought about yours.

View attachment 2460063

those knuckles look nice.

mine are still pointed at about 150 degrees down. the area of the bend is necrotic but the plant material beyond it looks perfectly fine. it's been 5 days. i've seen a couple have rips in the branch so i used some tape.

my first intent was to top them all but then i decided to pinch them, so if i lose them, i won't be too bummed. just another day on the farm. :)


Well-Known Member
if you'd gone too far the end would be screwed by now. no biggie!

i think you're right but the bend is severe and it looks to be dead at the bend. pot is some hardy stuff though so i guess the nutes find their way through that tight squeeze. i'll be amazed if they do survive.

they spent millions trying to eradicate hemp in this country. it's like trying to kill roaches. :lol:

curious old fart

Well-Known Member

sannies has extrema and herijuana which are excellant for pain....they are all that I have kept from his gear. Never grew jack.

Breeders Boutique has the DOG coming back into inventory and the Blue Pit has some excellant qualities for pain relief.



Well-Known Member

sannies has extrema and herijuana which are excellant for pain....they are all that I have kept from his gear. Never grew jack.

Breeders Boutique has the DOG coming back into inventory and the Blue Pit has some excellant qualities for pain relief.

thanks. that helps me to choose.


Well-Known Member
i just want to buy everything! damn it.

somebody needs to come up with a poster for our lament:

"so many strains, so little room".


Well-Known Member

sannies has extrema and herijuana which are excellant for pain....they are all that I have kept from his gear. Never grew jack.

Breeders Boutique has the DOG coming back into inventory and the Blue Pit has some excellant qualities for pain relief.

ack! sannie's is out of both.

i've bought a few genetics that were for pain. none came up to expectations and hype. then again, i'm kind of saturated with thc. :)