Club 600


Well-Known Member
yep loveland colorado it was -20 degrees up here at the top last night!!!! cold as fuck
Damn bro don't think I have ever experienced that cold. I think in the teens is the coldest I have ever been in. Not for me. My perfect weather is in the 70 to low 80's.


Well-Known Member
ive been in -40 before. it is no way to live life. lol i dont mind the cold too much, but thats odd considering im south african and lived in florida for 9 years


Well-Known Member
nice giggle loveland is pretty cool. im up higher
lol i have a few guesses. Im in the stinky town of Greeley YAWN i cant wait to move but my plants seem to like it out here so its not a bad thing. im craving a hot chocolate now with all this talk of cold weather.....


Well-Known Member
dang u guys are lucky. its mud city in the middle of jan in michigan right now. wtf? i geuss its better for the heat bill and the car and all.
not to mention michigan kinda sucks right now. ugh.

got to admit tho... i live in a perfect place to grow. this county is flooded with dispensaries, grow shops, etc. plus a little drive south and your in the metro detroit area. lotta greenage goin on around here. wish our cup woulda went better in detroit tho. lowest thc out of the big 3... at least according to my HT mag.


Well-Known Member
ive been through there a few years back when my band toured. we played in detroit on 7 mile road across from a deli, cant remember the clubs name though


Well-Known Member
my new system
undercurrent with 1 1/2" pipes and 3 600wattsssssss holler
I'm only like 2 days in and started getting some brown gunk build up.
anybody have any advice on this???
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Tryna and jig gave some good advice. Just incase your getting slime you should take some preventative measures.
Like jig was getting at, air is very important.

Anybody Know What this may be on my roots, its not part of my soil mixture. It is only in this plant and it is causing it to yellow and noticeably slowing growth. I decided to check here first see if any of yall have seen this shit before i go off researching. they are the orangish brown color bits.

Some kind of virus or disease? idk but thats sucks. May introduce some beenies through tea and see what they do...

WTF? its like 55 F here in mid/southeast-michigan. its just funny that someone would happen to post that when its so unseasonably warm here. ha!
I think its called mountains lol

When I lived in chicago I experienced some -40s with windchill.... even the oil in your car will thicken up making it difficult to start,,, frozen steering wheel had to drive with gloves on to get to work lol

Alright Iv wasted entirely too much time on riu today... I'll be around :peace:


Well-Known Member
they need to step it up the ravens are comin hard. watchin this shit at work with a patient in the office. i love my job. baltimore is sucking on oxygen masks. lol if i went down to 6000 ft id drink a keg and smoke a pound. lol


Well-Known Member
they need to step it up the ravens are comin hard. watchin this shit at work with a patient in the office. i love my job. baltimore is sucking on oxygen masks. lol if i went down to 6000 ft id drink a keg and smoke a pound. lol

Yeah so imagen how we do it below sea level ;-) bongsmilie :lol:


Well-Known Member
ugh screw mountains... it gets cold enough here as it is. last year we hit -21 F i even saw some poor soul walking down the road away from his broke down truck, bald with no hat on, turning freakin purple. but because of the area you half likely to get killed picking up someone, other wise i woulda stopped and helped the guy. i felt so bad for all the homeless that night. people and pets.
and yeah i have a hard enough time breathing at sea level.


Well-Known Member
we are very lucky to have a program at a church that houses the homeless and feeds them through the winter. it is unsurvivable without a full belly and a warm shelter. i love the mountains, when i moved here i passed out in my garden standing up too fast. same for my room mate, he actually hit his head on the bathroom sink passing out after standing up from the toilet. lol kinda funny when he came out after i heard a loud thump. hes a tough kid and a good sport though.