I have a total of 1-1000w light mover,2-600wlumatec & DigitalGreenHouse,1-400w lumatec,1-kessil 150 magenta,1- 4ft.4bulb T5 H.O. Yield Master 2 surpreme 6" 110 liter per min comm.. Air pump (for my dwc but doin coco for noise control were im "stayin" till its gone so i can move agian

butUSE A 600w ushio opti red super hps lol .. A my pride 600 lumatec with the 12v plug in optional lumatec made cooling fan.( i have to say that is awesome add on other luma fans agree too im sure) but vegged under two good size cfl for a while cause stealth issues(a move:[ ) then in the 2x4x5 tent with two 4" inlines stacked on my canfilter flowing out at the moment . I must say im pretty good at what i do i really optimized the space ive have super cropped/tied down opened them gals up and tricked the lil branches into thinkin there big dawgs lol ive got a sea of colas lol i took cuts 3 weeks in and omg these babys will be pounders if given one 600w each May i say hey to all and happy growin pals

im a couple years into this i must say i have learned ALOT!! i amaze myself n others with the knack and passion i have for this. I think its caused my divorce or added to it. I dont agree wit that but thats another topic. Im just a 28 yrs old az dude with a lot of bad choices over the years but have found my "peace" that some call work/job and it a good feeling.. But you must be dedicated to the core or dont even do it please, these wonderful creations dont deserve disrespect. Treat your plants as you would a queen(ur wife or gf) like gold