Club 600


Well-Known Member
I've used various wattage lights and averaged around 0.5 g/w. Or a little less. I have done DWC and Flooded tubes with a vertical mounted light. This is all in a 2' x 3' closet.

My latest grow isn't going to figure into any averages... otherwise I'd get kicked out the club.


Well-Known Member
woowie doggie. 3-4 would suck ass. I'm hoping I can consistently get a lb doing a SOG with 8 plants. I hope that is the case. I think .5gram/watt is pretty normal, so that would be like, 300 grams, so whatever that is in ounces, something like 11 I guess? A lb would be around .75 grams/watt. I think SOG would be the only consistent way I could pull it off...
Haha dude 3-4 a plant and I do 6-8 plants so that's anywhere from 28-32 or 2lbs. I'd cry if I was getting only 3-4 each time doggie ha

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I'm growing perpetual in soil.

Yield is dependant on strain, veg time and environmental conditions. It's a learning curve we all go thru.



Well-Known Member
With venting there is always an insert tube and an outside insert. Sometimes you just need to buy a piece that you fit onto the fan and then the other end will fit into the ducting. It's not just China, Ruck fans are also like this. It all just depends on the configuration of the ducting. I hope you kept the hammer in the tool box. It always happens to bme, I always have the wrong fukkin insert that I need...

I hate China... Just sayin. The stupid fan end doesn't fit in the filter! Just a hair too large... Rubber mallet time I guess =\ I feel like it should go in there, but after 30 minutes of trying to make it fit, I realize I just look real stupid lol


Well-Known Member
That makes sense. It is like the "male/female" reference used for
computer cables...both the fan and the filter are male ends and a
piece of ducting would be female on both ends.



Well-Known Member
When I hooked my fan up monday I had a similar experience. I used pliers to make a small flange where it was ever so slightly small so it would kinda fit, than took a peice of wood and put it over the other end to tap it all the way with a mallet. A trick from a heating guy I know for duct. He said it happens on duct work and fans when chaging from equipment,makers,etc....GOOD LUCK!


Well-Known Member
back around.. my modem died. I got court in a couple weeks.. hope they don't lock me up.. I got plants to feed they cant do this! edit: and damn yall are some tough mf'rs going through all that shit.. Im going crazy almost, jjust dealing with a slight knee injury. I need to start takeing better care of myself.. I need to stop takeing my health for granted.


Well-Known Member
back around.. my modem died. I got court in a couple weeks.. hope they don't lock me up.. I got plants to feed they cant do this! edit: and damn yall are some tough mf'rs going through all that shit.. Im going crazy almost, jjust dealing with a slight knee injury. I need to start takeing better care of myself.. I need to stop takeing my health for granted.
I gotta serve a week here pretty soon. Pretty fucking lame. IDK, guess its my fault. Might tell them I'm suicidal so they put me in my own room. I don't really want to talk to wife beaters, and meth addicts the entire time, but also don't want to go nuts in a room by myself... Probably 1/2 of the people I was locked up with were fucking wife beaters.