Club 600


Well-Known Member
You know, the funny thing is, I have to call BS on the photo.

These things just do NOT tumble right out of the jar like that!

I would have to suggest that perhaps my trim might be a bit natty,
but I get buds sticking to just the jar...I mean ones that need
a serious knocking about of the jar to get out. Hilarious.

BTW: I agree on selecting the best for oneself. We search for the best after all.
I am really enjoying my Somango, and will definitely keep a grip on it. :0)

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Hey Ambs, good news that he beat the dam Casino!!! Let me know when he's over.

LOL!!Hi DST!Your plants look spectacular ! how are things today in Damsterdam? Did i ever tell you my nephew has been battleing Testicular Ca (20 years old)? he had 6 mnths chemo and a couple major ops. He has been medicating heavily with the herb for is nausea , pain, ect. refused to take any of the prescription meds...After the last surgery and pathology he is clear! As a celebration he s going to Amsterdam in the fall with his bro to visit family. Have a wonderful day!

I also heard Baby powder around plants keeps ant away from yer p(l)ants!
or in my plants pants for that sake! hah
Have you tried some diatomaceaous earth yet to fight the ants?
Sprinkle on the soil and all around the pot (if growing outside, sprinkle it down and put the pot on top of it so any ants & bugs trying to come in from below are targeted, too).
Just a thought.
Here's a good little article covering the use of DE to fight ants:

"Have they invaded you yet? Those million-line-soldiers that cover your floor, counters and cat food? I haven't met anyone yet who enjoys even a small ant invasion in their house. If you find that ants are holding an ant convention in your home, it's actually the outside that you need to concentrate on if you want the little buggers gone for good.
Diatomaceous earth (DE) is not only inexpensive and effective; it's non-toxic to kids, birds, and pets. And yet it destroys ants, earwigs, slugs, beetles, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, and bed bugs. As these pests move across the powder, it sticks to their feet and legs only to get into their joints and exoskeleton.

DE is made up of crushed fossilized skeletons of diatoms and algae. Some people claim that the DE jagged and sharp so it works like little pieces of broken glass and scratches up the insects' bodies then dries up their fluids. But I've also heard it said that instead of scratching up their bodies, the DE is absorbed into the bug's breathing tubes as well as their joints, eyes, etc. I'm not sure I care about exactly how it works - just that the bugs quit eating and death isn't far behind.

To humans and pets, DE feels like powder and is completely harmless. That said, you don't necessarily want diatomaceous earth in your lungs, so wear a dusk mask when you're applying it. One thing you need to know is that there are different grades of diatomaceous earth. You don't want the stuff used for swimming pools.
Purchase horticultural grade DE.

This is cheap pest control, so feel free to apply it liberally around the perimeters of your house, in the garden or shrubs, and right on the ants' nest if you can find it. It's also safe to use in the back of cupboards or what-have-you. DE isn't an instant kill; it could take days or weeks to be rid of ants completely. But you will be rid of them without sacrificing anything else.

It would be remiss of me not to state that if ants aren't pestering you; don't pester them. Ants can be useful as pollinators and soil aerators, just as they can be protectors and defenders of the plant-sucking aphid. That said, if they attempt a hostile take-over into my home, it's every species for itself."
Nice, DE is the biz.

Waddup! LOL who knew i would ever type this.. Male p0rn! lol
Since i found out my Blueberry Headband was a male, i just put him outside. But now he has changed colors :) Im new to this male thingie and just want to collect some pollen. When will it be ready for pollen harvest? Thx
View attachment 2645290View attachment 2645296
As Gen said, next couple of weeks. Males always start to release reasonably early to catch the first stigmas produced by the females.

Good to see you posting F.M. Hope things are cool.

Morgen allemaal.


Nice looking girls there supchaka!! What strain? did i see one that was supercropped? Im on day 23 of flower with my 8 girls under my 600W, my 3 Chill OM and 2 Arjans Haze #3 i vegged 30 days and my 4 bagseed i vegged alittle longer. My girls look really similar too yours as far as bud development goes, i've done a bit of LST too a few of mine tho. How many plants total you got there? That lazy susan thing you got going is pretty dang neat! I'll be following for sure.


Well-Known Member
whats up fellow 600ers! I couldn't help myself .. getting closer to harvest time thought I'd share some of my lady buds! 8 weeks into flowerness!

White widow


Blue OG

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Nice looking pRon Peeps!

This is why I use the bongo and never roll, but I thought I might roll the 1st jay for the yr lol
Purple AK-47 to start off the day


Well-Known Member
I think I am more high from the jay then the bong....?

Just got the mouse that was terrorizing my girl this morn at 4 am


Well-Known Member
A quick update on the seedlings:

Appears I will have a minor issue to correct when I get back to Oregon (looks like a bit of nitrogen burn, though it's just FFOF and she's been only feeding them water, so must've been a hot batch of soil from Fox Farms)



Well-Known Member
I transplanted 2 of my clones to 32 gal trashcans.
I want to grow in the dirt, but I am paranoid, and this way they are still mobile.
I think Ill dig holes and drop the cans in so they dont show over the fence hopefully


Well-Known Member
A life time ago I used to play this song on clarinet...
*all of the kats in Louie's band were heavy tokers, too (including Louie)



Well-Known Member
botanicare pro bloom and sweet citrus
ph 6.8
roots organic
about the start of week 5

