Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well yesterday just sucks. Sitting playing cards when my daughter tells me it is getting hot in the house. I look at the thermastat and it is 85....I get up and start checking things out. The ac is out for the house. Luckly it is overcast so not to warm yet. So far no harm to the ladies. They are still little ones at the moment. Everything has popped with the exception of the cheese suprise. Not sure what is going on there. If i can find my camera batteries today I will take a couple of pics. Not much to show really, but it is all I got for now. Had a friend come over last night and introduce me to butter. Man that was some good shit. Great flavor and hit hard. I didnt wake up till almost 10 am. I normally get up between 7:30 and 8:00am with out an alarm. I had some stuff that I set off to the side to make hash out of, but due to the lack of availibility I have been smoking it instead. Funny thing is I get a lot of compliments on it. So I guess even my worst plants are better than most of the swag out there right now. Man there are some really nice operations going on in here. Between the "regular" gardens to the good stuff. Keep up the good work all.


Active Member
yo DST, what room temp with lights on you usually go with .......+ humidity ......and if you dont mind, what kinda grow medium and nutes you use while flowering.

Picture 018.jpg


Well-Known Member
3 i plan on taking to the flower room this weekend 2 purple kush and a bb pyscho killer, i plan on keeping my dog in veg a while longer to get a few cuts off her to have a run with a couple as it is rated so highly

1st pic the the 3 for flower room
2nd and 3rd is the dog and 2 possible cuts so far


Well-Known Member
around 77 is my normal temp, in winter it can go down to below 70. Extreme heat I can hit 83f.
humidity is quite high but then I love in a country that is below sea level, lol. I am happy when it's 50, but its more likely to be higher....
my grow medium is just my own compost, recycled medium from previous runs, a calium/mg and myco's added to that. Then water, and occassionaly top up with bio nova supersoil mix.
yo DST, what room temp with lights on you usually go with .......+ humidity ......and if you dont mind, what kinda grow medium and nutes you use while flowering.

View attachment 2675915
I've been trying to send this message for 3 hrs now D lol
haha, dafty. there's room more 1 msg now;)


Well-Known Member
im scared of this one, i really have no idea how much weed is in my system. i'd think pretty high amounts.. 2 weeks no mj dont clean me out..

they got a lot of work to fulfill on that.
anddd. video surveillance seed to harvest.. wtf?? that sounds like a grip of money/work/bs honestly. how about just after shots? :p they gonna need night vision recordings as well?????? $$$$$

— DON'T SMOKE AND DRIVE: After years of debate, Colorado now has as blood-level limit for marijuana and drivers. The law says that juries can presume drivers are too stoned to drive if their blood contains more than 5 nanograms per milliliter of THC, marijuana's psychoactive ingredient. Washington state adopted the same driving standard on the ballot last year, but Colorado left the question to the state Legislature.



Well-Known Member
Yeah the whole blood testing thing is crazy... It stays in your system for so long :eyesmoke: even if your not stoned. That reminds me,,, go smoke somphin who... Yes im talking to myself now.


Well-Known Member
Jonny's jungle is getting out of control my friends....perhaps 6 clones in a 3x3x6 was too much? NAHHH!! :)

Seriously though, I had to go out and buy a fucking high velocity fan to position in the center of the base of my 6 pots within the tent blowing upwards through the rain forest like canopy to prevent any possibility of mold growth. It also looks like I'm going to have to extract the water from the basin of my tent after each watering so I can keep the humidity under control.

Buds are ripening quite nicely and there are so many bud sites, I'm lost in the madness. I think 4 clones would have been quite sufficient but I'm determined to make this shit alas, the pics:

Beginning of week 4 flower:



Well-Known Member
6? I am such a pig...I have 36 in a tent only a couple of feet wider.

You got to do some cool Veg and are using some nice
are going to get giants.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
6? I am such a pig...I have 36 in a tent only a couple of feet wider.

You got to do some cool Veg and are using some nice
are going to get giants.

Good luck,

Good god man...I'd love to see a picture of that! My girls are in 5 gallon buckets and they line my base of my tent from wall to wall without an inch to spare. I feel a lot more comfy now that I got my new fan under the canopy. It's all about the airflow!


Well-Known Member
Good god man...I'd love to see a picture of that! My girls are in 5 gallon buckets and they line my base of my tent from wall to wall without an inch to spare. I feel a lot more comfy now that I got my new fan under the canopy. It's all about the airflow!

I think the fan was a great move! Id always rather the room a bit too crowded than having some empty spots in the canopy... I can always remove excess growth... Great work jonny bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Well, week 2 can be seen in the link below. I actually have to
cram them in just a tad, but they only touch as over smallish areas.
(2 gallon smart pots BTW)

I am really interested in doing less plants and
experimenting with maybe RDWC or big hempys
that look like yours.

Carry on! :0)


P.S. I saw the fan too....reminded me of a vert grow.
More fresh air == better.