Club 600


Well-Known Member
Little diffrent here if there in the house there is a strict kill policy due to the wife and kid do not like them dnt c to many in house rarely but it happens outside that's there world do what u please

Is it a danger to have around or should this orbweaver be moved off the side of the house


Well-Known Member
Hahaha... wonder how you knew that bro. Is that what's in your avi? I love me some spiders. We have a strict no kill policy on spiders around here. The cats make sure things dont get out of hand. But in my view, if there are spiders around, they are feeding on something, and that something is not something I want around me.
Once Hannah is crawling I'd imagine you'll have a kill policy on black widows! Everything else I let go, funny you mention spiders cuz 2 days ago there was a tarantula outside my back door and I havent seen one in years. It scared the shit out of me cuz I almost stepped on it. My son had a tarantula that I got to keep alive for about 2 years till I said F this and gave it back to the pet store.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha... wonder how you knew that bro. Is that what's in your avi? I love me some spiders. We have a strict no kill policy on spiders around here. The cats make sure things dont get out of hand. But in my view, if there are spiders around, they are feeding on something, and that something is not something I want around me.
I like the spidiy a lot,and yes that is whats in the is just something how prey falls victim to the web,and the struggle to get loose,is like music to the legs of spidiy.


Well-Known Member
I'm scared shitless of blackwidows, I usually don't squish them... I light them on fire. They got no place in the jig household.

Congrats on having the house back to yourself chaka. You going to enjoy it or be lonely?

And DST... Christmas in London is lovely. Was a blast taking a christmas tree home on the bus. Gotta lol at UK christmas trees. Safe to say we do them a bit bigger over here. Hey Jimmer... seriously one of the best days we had in london was christmas day walking around the financial district. What normally is the downtown of london was empty... only us and ghosts. Not suggesting you spend christmas in the financial district, but you might want to use christmas as a free day to explore usually crowded spaces unhindered.

One of my best friends over here goes to disneyland every christmas... apparently there aren't any lines.


Well-Known Member
You know I might actually be able to start smoking weed again! Among other reasons, I dont get high around my kids, or "be high" in their presence. When school was out they had no bedtime and by the time they finally crashed I didnt even wanna smoke anymore!


Well-Known Member
omfg spiders and the girl. She goes crazy if she spots a spider its ridiculous. Lost a bong once cause she had it in her hands and saw a spider on the side. She just freaks and throws whatever is in her hands and run. Freak.
Bugs seem to have settled. Only removing a few leaves every other day. They have made some signs of them being on the snowcap but no dead leaves or anything. And i think she is just beauty in a plant. Hope she fattens up.
F****** nice doobie!!
Snowcap day 26.


Well-Known Member
FWIW, Hair Spray, if the wifey has any, is very useful for Black Widows.

It clogs their spiracles and gums them up in general.

I take care of the spiders in my yard. I have taken a new attitude to
certain butterflys though...



Well-Known Member
Yeah butterflies and moth like creatures that will lay eggs on your weed and turn into little terminator caterpillars!


Well-Known Member
There is this one species, the Cabbage Butterfly, that knows quickly that
I am after it. It is kinda hilarious, and sad, to be raging across the yard
to kill a butterfly. (this one is an invader and is not going anywhere, no
matter what I do)

I watched them at first:


then I realized that this was actually:


Rather than kill everything, I walk around and pick off the eggs.

(this is all vegatables...cannot outdoor grow where I am)

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Just got done with the furnace technician inspecting the furnace in the house and it passed inspection but he said it was original to the house (1979) and was definitely on it's last leg.
Will make it through the winter, but after that, only FSM knows for sure.
Asked him costs for replacement, and it's half of what I thought it would be at a little more than $2000 for a 90% efficient furnace (current one is rated at 80%). I'm used to Alaskan prices on many things still, and heating devices are considerably more expensive up there than here in Oregon. ;-)
And let him know the wife wants central A/C too, and if we get both installed at the same time we can save about $1200 total.
So we'll worry about that next spring, and are going to try negotiating with the sellers of the house about either reducing the price, or writing in a kickback on the sales contract after closing so we won't have to come up with the entire cost of a new furnace when it's time to replace it.
The wife is meeting with our agent tonight to discuss things.
So, still moving forward, and don't anticipate the deal falling through regardless of the furnace situation. It could still get buggered up, but the odds of that are quickly vaporizing.
So, I'll be on here less than usual as I need to get my ass in gear and start packing stuff up so it's not a last minute headache in 30-ish days.
So much fun, but worth the prize at the end of it all.
We should be closing escrow by mid-September and, after a wall is removed and flooring is done, and other small repairs, we're anticipating being in the home before my b-day at the end of September (ironically, when we bought our first house here in Salem 10 years ago, we singed the sales contract on my b-day. What a great "present"!)

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Forgot to add this:

"Cops dealing Doritos at post-legalization Hempfest"
SEATTLE -- A few things will be different at this year's Hempfest, the 22-year-old summer "protestival" on Seattle's waterfront where tens of thousands of revelers gather to use dope openly, listen to music and gaze at the Olympic Mountains in the distance.

The haze of pot smoke might smell a little more like victory, after Washington and Colorado became the first states to legalize marijuana use by adults over 21. Having won at the state level, speakers will concentrate on the reform of federal marijuana laws.

Oh, and the Seattle police - who have long turned a lenient eye on Hempfest tokers - don't plan to be writing tickets or making arrests. They'll be busy handing out Doritos.


A participant holds up a bag of marijuana during the first day of Hempfest in 2011.

"I think it's going to be a lot of fun," said Sgt. Sean Whitcomb, department spokesman and junk-food-dispenser-in-chief. "It's meant to be ironic. The idea of police passing out Doritos at a festival that celebrates pot, we're sure, is going to generate some buzz."

The idea isn't just to satisfy some munchies. The department has affixed labels to 1,000 bags of Doritos urging people to check out a question-and-answer post on its website, titled "Marijwhatnow? A Guide to Legal Marijuana Use In Seattle." It explains some of the nuances of Washington's law: that adults can possess up to an ounce but can't sell it or give it away, that driving under the influence of pot is illegal, and that - festivals aside - public use is illegal.

Organizers are expecting as many as 85,000 people each day of the three-day event, which begins Friday and is the first Hempfest since voters passed Initiative 502 last fall.

The vote legalized possession of marijuana and set up a system of state-licensed marijuana growers, processors and stores to sell taxed and regulated weed. Officials are still writing rules for the new pot industry, with sales scheduled to begin next year.

Hempfest executive director Vivian McPeak said that despite the state-level legalization, work remains as long as pot is illegal under federal law. The event is free, but McPeak is asking attendees to contribute $10 to offset the $800,000 cost of Hempfest so it can continue next year.

"It's going to be the most interesting Hempfest we've ever had because it's going to be part victory celebration," McPeak said. "That said, we feel it's very important to remind everyone that as long as it's still a Schedule 1 drug under the Controlled Substances Act, it's not legal anywhere. The job's not done yet."

The event will feature 117 musical acts on six stages and more than 100 speakers, not to mention 400 vendors offering informational pamphlets, colorful glass bongs, food and art.

McPeak said that to encourage the responsible use of pot, Hempfest this year will be handing out cards with marijuana "gut checks" prepared by Roger Roffman, a University of Washington School of Social Work professor and marijuana dependence expert. The cards note that while marijuana is used safely by many people, it can cause short-term memory loss, affect your ability to drive and cause dependence.

"We hope people will take it more seriously coming from us than from a traditional messenger," McPeak said.

And although police won't be ticketing people for smoking in public, officers will be ensuring public safety and keeping a close eye out for intoxicated drivers leaving the event, Whitcomb said.

Brett Laoruangroch is hoping to use Hempfest to promote his fledgling business, Prohibition Brands, by rolling a joint of at least 2 pounds - an effort Hempfest's organizers have frowned upon as not compliant with Initiative 502. Prohibition Brands hopes to obtain a marijuana processing license under the state's new law.

"This is a big moment for me," he said. As a pot smoker, "You kind of get an image that's cast upon you in a negative way. For a lot of people, this is a you-don't-have-to-hide-in-the-shadows-any-more kind of thing. You can be out in the open."

I had a copy waiting



Well-Known Member
I cant handle more baby news lol its all just too much fun.

DocD you know Im loving the looks of that vert scrog,,, that girl all spread out in every direction like!

Jimma those are some beautiful trees :-) I noticed they are close to some trees, how much direct sunlight to they get?

Looksa dank chaka.
They are in the tree lines due to overhead aircrafts. They actually get a bunch of direct sun because the tree's are on the north side or south side of all my plants. This lets them be covered overhead but yet get the most out of the daylight sun east to west. I spent some time smoking and evaluating the situation ahead of time. To the best of my knowledge. If you look close at most of the pics I post you will see the plant is leaning forward just a little to get the full light. I'm very willing to take some advice on a better way next year. I know one thing for sure it's going to be 100% organic once I start back up in Jan. I spent $100 dollars just to feed all my girls this week. I know I'll be rewarded in the end but the tea's look great. Tuesday I'm taking my liberty haze down and putting my little clones on my deck to finish the last couple of weeks and flowering my BB gear.Peace!


Well-Known Member
Talked with the wife who's in conference with our agent, and we'd both forgot that the sellers are including a 1-year Home Warranty that will cover not only many of the small problems the house has that we were going to pay for and I was going to do the labor on, but it also covers the furnace if it fails.
If it does go kaputski, the warranty will cover the parts & labor to fix it, or the entire replacement of the furnace if it's not repairable.
And the warranty can be extended indefinitely for $445 a year after the first year of coverage.
Huge relief!!
So she's signed the paperwork, and has already contacted our investment broker and told her to liquidate our holdings (will take 3 days to sell it off, and will net us about $42k) for down payments, closing costs, flooring, appliances, etc..
So as of now, we "own" the house (after escrow closes on September 9th)!
Saturday we go to a flooring company I visited a few hours ago so we can choose carpet and/or laminate flooring to be installed, and start packing stuff up here in the apartment.
We'll be moved in on September 16th, 2 days before I start back on chemo, and 8 days before my b-day.
Will be contacting my buddy to see about acquiring some more herb, 'cause it's going to be a doozy of a time for the next month.
But will be resting in our home soon enough.


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;5cXGtneAmps][/video] SMOKE OUT and Drink up